![]() Bershadsky Alexander Anatolievich group SP-00m e-mail: dex_13@hotbox.ru Masters degree workTheme: Development and research of distributed modelling environment based on Java2. Supervisor: associate professor, c.t.s. Anoprienko A.Y. BiographyI was born on 24 of October, 1983 in town Druzhkovka of the Donetsk region. Till one and a half years I differed by nothing special from other children, but in one and a half years horns or tail did not grow also at me, simply in this age I learned to read, being herein ahead of my colleagues in kindergarten. My achievements are not closed thereon, for example in 5 years I knew by heart a fairy-tale in verses «Horse-humpy» (I trained memory like this). At one time I was carried away with a photography, thus not simply by clicking on a camera, but by all process the display of tape, and also pictures is included in which (unfortunately 15 years ago there were no digital cameras, it was therefore necessary to be so tormented :-)). I went to school in age of 7 years, and there was useful for me that I early learned to read and my trainings of memory – in a 3th grade I got a deed for excellent studies. In higher grades English and informatics were my favourite subjects. I was even engaged in English additionally, but not about I did not have my level of knowledges for school, but because I simply liked it. Besides school I carried away with sport, in particular by football and music, in particular by a guitar. I’ve even studied in musical school, but made off only 3 grades of 5, because my teacher changed his job and left somewhere, and the new teacher didn’t have enough time for me, because he was similarly the leader of some band. Nearer there was a question to ending of school: where to act after school? Taking into account my interest to the computers, my parents advised me the Donetsk national technical university, there was new speciality just opened called the «System programming». Finishing school on estimations «fine» and «well» I acted to this speciality. Acted as though recently, and 4 years passed already, and more faithful they not passed, but flew. A lot of good was for these 4 years, and I do not spare that conducted these years exactly here, for this time I’ve got some experience and knowledges, and also became acquainted with many good people. In this period except for basic speciality getting the second higher education on speciality «Finances». After ending of 4th course I became a bachelor and entered magistery. The theme of my research work sounds like: «Research-and-development of mobile portal of DonNTU». The purpose of this work is research of the state in sphere of mobile portals and creation on the basis of results in research of mobile portal for DonNTU. On a mobile portal of DonNTU midlets of DonNTU students are collected, and also information which may be useful to the developers of software for the mobile devices. In connection with swift development of mobile devices, facilities of software development for them also develops and so this work is very actual, because it gives possibility to the students to extend the picture of mobile technologies. An associate professor, candidate of engineering sciences, Anoprienko Alexander Yakovlevich, is the supervisor of work. |