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DonNTU | ![]() |
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I was born on the 1st April 1983 in Marjinka of Donetsk region Ukraine. I liked to draw in early childhood (in kindergarten it was my hobby). Since seven years I studied in school ¹1 Marjinka. I played volleyball since 2nd form and after some time began to show good results. In structure of city volleyball team I took part in region competitions and once in Ukrainian open volleyball competitions. At the end of school I received the first volleyball level.
I had no problems with study in school. I gave greater preference to exact subjects: to mathematics, physics and also I liked English very much. Since 7th form I liked to read art books. My favourite genre - a fantasy is still the best for spending free time with book. I finished school in year 2000 with the gold medal.
During the last school year I choosed the high school and speciality for future study. At this time I began to interesting with computer science. This direction was enough new, interesting and perspective. The choice made for the benefit of Donetsk national technical university faculty of computer engineering and computer science. But at school I received not even base knowledge in this area, besides I decided to pass rating tests for speciality computer engineering. That’s why within half year I visited preparatory courses on mathematics and computer science in DonNTU. And by results of rating tests I was enlist in group CE-00b (Computer Engineering) on the target contract. I choosed As I liked speciality computer engineering as I also liked hardware side of this studying direction.
By results of the first course I transferred in group SP-00g (system programming German group), in which except for the basic disciplines also learned German language. The idea of creation of similar groups assumed revealing the best students from group and their further employment in Germany. Very big contribution in scientific cooperation of our university (in particular faculty Computer Engineering and Computer Science) with Germany made the manager of faculty professor Svjatnyj V.A.
After four years of study I received the younger expert’s diploma. With the tendency of transition of Ukraine on the European system of studying I decided to study in a magistracy and enlisted in group SP-00m. Now I study on the tenth semester.
The theme of my magister work not a long time ago I changed on: “Development and research of multiplatform system of optimum code generation for microcontrollers”. Main instructor – professor Svjatnyj V.A., the adviser – aspirant Masjuk A.L.
As I like hardware I choose this theme. And realization of this work assumes with analyzing structures of microcontrollers of various types and architectures. Besides modern microcontrollers are economic resources of realization of not very complexity algorithms, that makes their widely applicable. Alongside with the hardware side of work (it basically the research part) I develop program realization, which will make with use of multiplatform C++ library QT. That’s why this work is also interesting in the plan of development of platform independence program code.
As to the nearest plans for the future I want to find good workplace where I can work with creative bias. It would for me not very good make a routine work, I want to be involved in process of creation. About far future I thought not very much, so my plans in this direction not very original: get the house, family and to bring up children …
ukr | ger | rus |