Лысаковский Сергей Викторович
• Факультет: ВТИ • Кафедра: ПМИ • Специальность: ПО • Тема магистрской работы: Создание интерфейсной оболочки для программы по созданию ЭС Руководитель: Григорьев А.В. |
![]() I was born on July, 13th, 1983 in Donetsk, about at 16-00. My parents - Lysakovsky Victor Trofimovich and Lysakovskaja Nadezhds Aleksandrovna are engineers. They have ended Omsk polytechnic institute and move to Donetsk in 70th. I was an active child in the childhood and sat at home seldom. I spent with friends the most part of time, especially in the summer. As the most children of those times, I went to the kindergarten. I learned reading and writing, and started to show interest in English. First time I saw computer at my father's work. My father worked in a technical department of "The Center of Reproductive Function of Women". Later the computer was at my home. This "miracle-device" was on based on Intel 8086 and have hard disk 20 MB! I've learned basic DOS commands and some applications up to school. In 1990 I went at school №115, because there was a profound studying English from the first grade. In the first years of school all subjects were to me subjects were equally easily given all, but interest to the exact sciences later has started to be shown. In 6-th class I went to musical school to learn to play on a clarinet. I can't tell, why I have chosen it. Perhaps, simply because I liked its sound, and it was not such popular as, for example, piano or a guitar. But my hobby for computers was stronger. In 8-th class I went on a computer science facultative at the school and learned bases of programming. In 1997 I fined out about Donetsk liceum " Intelligence " and came there in 9-th class with the profound studying of programming, but in a year have returned to school again. I fined out, that at Donetsk National Technical University there was a rating system of entrance examinations, and preparatory courses. In 11-th grade I joined the math and computer science preparatory courses. After 3 rounds of examinations my result was 56 points on the math and 43 points on computer science. So in summer, 2000 I have been enlisted in number of students of the University. Studying at University did not become for me absolutely new because I visited preparatory courses at the University. At the first course I learnt language C and started to learn independently language C++ and object-oriented programming in Borland C ++ Builder environment. On the third rate I decided to learn second foreign language and join German courses at Donetsk National University. In the end of the 3-rd course I went for a work in department TMT DonNTU. This work required some experience in computer video graphics. Such work was interested to me, because I wanted to try my skills in real projects. For the period of work in TNT I have taken part in creation of set of films of a various orientation, for different faculties, and also have considerably improved skills of work with such software products as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Discreet 3ds max, etc. After the fourth course there was a question on continuation to study at university as the specialist or the master. After short reflections, I have decided to go to magistracy as it gives deeper and fundamental knowledge and gives more chances to find prestigious work abroad.
In 2004 I was interested in web-programming and a web-design and I have started to study HTML, JavaScript and PHP + mySQL. I have made an internal portal for users of a local network "METRO" (at present to it are connected more than 400 users). |