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Nikolaev Nikolay NikolaevichName: Nikolaev Nikolay Nikolaevich
Group: SP-00m
Theme of scientific work: Program for the record of optical data mediums. Research of the modes of record and files systems ISO9660 and UDF.
Leader: Teplinskij S. V.

        I, Nikolaev Nikolay Nikolaevich, borned on March, 2, 1983. In town Donetsk, Ukraine, then this was one of republics of USSR, and more precisely UKRAINE.
        From little up, I was an active child pretty. Since nursery school, participated in different mass measures, morning performances and etc How it seems to me, educators did not even want to release me, but was.
        In school went off with seven years. First my school is this middling educational school ¹75 Donetsk. It was broken of the habit of there from the first for a fifth class, finishing them with a difference and deeds, it was necessary to pass to school ¹61. Here first my making showed up to exact sciences, such as mathematics, physics and certainly informatics. Exactly at this school I first saw and became acquainted with a computer. Whereupon went for all additional employments mugs. Not a single hour sat in a computer class. For more deep study of exact sciences I decided to pass to school ¹70, famous by the level of education. Included in a mathematical class. Where continued and deepened in the study of mathematics and informatics. Participated and won on district and regional olympiads on mathematics and informatics, participated in international competition of "Kangaroo". As all I gave the time and predilections to exact sciences was, to endow by humanitarian objects because of what finished school with a middle ball 4,8.
        After ending of school I knew already exactly, where I would go. How amateur of exact sciences, I was without a mind from robototekhnyky and aircraft building, but as parents counted up, that I not am ready yet to ride in other city, choice there was one is programmer.
        2000 year — acted on speciality the System programming of faculty of the computing engineering and informatics of the Donetsk national technical university. In times of teaching mastered and not once applied programming languages in practice, such as: With, Ñ++, Pascal, Assembler and other languages founded or alike on a syntax on these languages. Came to conclusions, that main to know not programming languages, and method and principles of construction of algorithms. That proved, on your own, mastering the language of VBA only for a week or that less. Because of what did the program of automation of time-table for the teachers of our department. It is similarly needed to mark the study of Web-technologies and programming languages for a world spider web — this HTML, JavaScript, Flash, Java, J2ME. In earnest was not engaged in web-technologies, on your own did (for example, some projects During studies passed production practice in a corporation "ÀÌÈ", where worked above postrelyatsyonnymy databases, and more precisely DB of Cache. In times of studies in an university for me still remained basic exact sciences. Became interested by principle and methods of storage of information. From what chose itself the theme of master's degree work is "Program of record of optical disks."Íà my look, this very actual theme requiring more detailed consideration, and can be applied both in practice and in educational aims.
        Parallel with basic speciality, decided to get and economic education. And in 2004 acted on speciality are Finances, in the Donetsk branch of the International university of finances. Noticed in itself propensity to economic sciences, no drop I regret that acted, though and it is necessary to study without a weekend, every day from 8.00 to 14.00, and even longer. How it seems to me in an aggregate, two specialities is economic and technical, this very good foundation for further life and work. The nearest plans are well to finish both universities. To get experience on speciality. For example, since a summer 2005 years, I will begin to pass practice in a corporation "ÀÌÈ", in plans and to do some work there. It was similarly desirable to make attempt itself on designer business and creation of sites in a world spider web. From the last experiments is participation in creation of site of Donetsk DJ ( As one of further to razvytyy life is departure for a border, opening of private affair,. and on what speciality is it will show life.
        In the end I want to add, that youth this not only studies and thoughts about the future. Honestly speaking, conducted this very merry time which I not after books, but as and any man - sometimes weakened and resting. Participated in the holidays of university, with the command of ÊÂÍ invited us and on other appearances, in particular for the first municipal channel. My hobbies are collecting of films (my collection you can find on a site, an address is given higher), game in American football and ordinary rest with friends...

http:// Biography / Abstract of final work / Library / Works / Articles / Links / Search on a theme / Masters animations