Dmitry Petrenko

Рус Eng
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Search results

Search Results

The main idea of this search experiment: to compare search results received from different systems (Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Meta) by geographical(language) criteria. Then, according to number of searched pages, we can assume the average distribution level of ERP technologies in different areas: all over the world, in Russia, in Ukraine.

What is more, comparing the search results of different technologies and concepts, we can recognize it nowadays state and future perspectives.

The most interesting resources are presented in Links part. >>

May 2005

So, ERP II is too young. And appear in internet more than in 100 times rarely than ERP. But MRP II, which is official standard and more older than ERP, gain surprisingly low results. It means that this old technology has no future.

What about region criteria , unfortunately, Ru net and Ukr net has so few resources (connecting with ERP) in comparison to it industrial potential and commonwealth, that it can reveal big spaces in this area of IT. Nevertheless, also it means that Ukraine has the great potential and broad way to grow.

© Dmitry Petrenko. 2005