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Part "Biography"

Stepanov Victor Leonidovich


ICQ: 47533300

DSTU, Computer Science Faculty, PMI, group PO-00 (SoftWare)

Site constructing system

Chief: Zori S.А.

The past...

     I was born on March 7, 1983 in Donetsk
On moment of my born my family consist from:
father Stepanov Leonid Evgenevich - teacher DPI,
mother Stepanova Lyudmila Victorovna - hosewife,
brother Stepanov Sergey Leonidovich - schoolboy.
     My childhood I spent in Voroshilovskiy district of Donetsk. Being the child I was interested in boxing, math, native sciences. For so original enthusiasm is obliged to the brother Sergey. He also taught me chemistry, mathematics.
     Separately it is necessary to note my enthusiasm for computers. My firsh computer was Amstrad. All its power I used on assignment - played in games. Later, when Amstrad have taken away (naturally it there was not mine personal, in that time the personal computer was expensive for home use) I began to go on work to the daddy (in DPI). With the help of the employees of institute and students I quickly have learned to carry out the elementary actions on personal computers. Always loved to study simply observing for work others.
     Childhood ended, reality came. In the higher forms of school I suddenly began to study on excellent. Participated in Olympiads, but anything outstanding has not reached. Was released from a lesson of computer science. In general studies delivered no troubles and I spared to it not enough time. It was mainly engaged in that was it is interestingly to me, and at that time this were: rollers, break-dancing, computers.
     In 9 class has decided to earn the money and has found work. On the future speciality. Work consisted of introduction of the software product X-Door. I liked work very much, therefore, as soon as I came home from school - hurried on work and stuck out there till night. During work got mass of skills in programming, accounts department, dialogue with the people, work in collective.

The present...

     There were no vibrations in the choice of university. DSTU was familiar to me from childhood, besides it is the best technical university of Donetsk.
A choice of speciality was not long, as for a long time was interested in programming, has arrived on the Software. From time of receipt in university all life began to divide on "before" and "after" university, therefore I has related this part of the biography to the present. For years of study has got many skills, has found real friends, has married.      Let`s pass to creative successes for years studies in DonNTU DSTU. Has received the order to create the program for automation of agency on rent. The program was created and till now works in agency. After the second course got married, it is needed to be seriously thoughtful about profitable work. Long thinking was not necessary because work found me. Has worked as the manager of the large Russian entertaining Internet projects (,, and other). On beginning only renewed sites, under an end was engaged in all, that it is related to the Internet projects - creation of new, support of old, advertising and other. Got a lot of experience. With recent time went off to work as a system administrator. Mainly for the economy of time. Got experience in it region.
     In times of my work in the Internet understood that creation of difficult sites occupied mass of time, if to create them without the proper tools. Conducting the review of tools for creation of difficult sites found none fully satisfying to my necessities. That`s why decided to create own system of constructing of sites, oriented to the programmer.
     Fascinations during studies was also changed. By unique fascination, there is the enough which time, there is Street Racing. Street races on cars. Presently I am co-creator of autoclub Forsage which conducts mainly races on 402 meters At the beginning of my infatuation for races I created a site for the autoclub Forsage ( For 2 years of the existence a site evolved from simple html-site to the site with an administrator interface and set of difficult scripts.


     I until now was not finally decided that I would be to do in future. Simply I will do the business related to informative or the Internet by technologies. On beginning it will be necessary to work and combine with my planning. Offers on work much already now, most perspective I consider work on DMZ or ISTIL.

I can say in conclusion, that always adhered to principle is everybody gets that deserves. Until now this principle did not trick me.

University. Andrew Zubov photo
"University". Andrew Zubov photo
Copyright Stepanov Victor