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IAS Process Manual

0                  Content


IAS Process Manual 1

0      Content 1

1      Objective and Application of IAS Process Model 2

1.1       The V-Model 2

1.2       Objectives of the IAS Process Model 3

1.3       Fulfilling QA Rules. 3

2      Introduction to the Process Model 3

2.1       The Organizational Structure. 5

2.2       Structure and Content of the Process Model 5

2.2.1        Activities and Products. 5

2.2.2        Product States. 7

2.3       Overview of the IAS Process Model 8

2.4       Responsibilities. 10

3      Literature. 11

Part I: Introduction to the IAS Process Model


1                  Objective and Application of IAS Process Model

The IAS Process Model (IAS-PM) defines a uniform and mandatory procedure of activities and results for student projects and theses. In this second version 5 process model classes have been defined that describe separate rules for different thesis subject areas. These five process model classes are as follows:


·        Model for software development

·        Model for hardware development

·        Model for system development

·        Model for conceptional projects

·        Open model


In addition the IAS Process Model defines different time requirements for voluntary projects, Advanced Undergraduate Projects (AUP) and Master Theses (MT), by requiring different amounts of published documents.


While the first three process model classes mentioned have a common goal of developing a system with product characteristics, the fourth model focuses on creating a theoretical concept. The fifth process model class is generally open and only defines a general working procedure. It is intended for theses that cannot be categorized in one of the other four process model classes.


The actual creation of theses is accompanied by activities that deal with Quality Assurance (QA), Configuration Management (CM) and technical Project Management (PM).


1.1           The V-Model

The development of the IAS-PM was based on the V model [3]. The V model is a generic process model that does not prescribe a specific organizational structure or time sequence. Yet all necessary activities and products, as well as their interdependencies, for project execution have been defined. First the V model was tailored, which means the activities and products were adapted to the special needs of small single-person projects, while at the same time the organizational structure of the IAS was taken into consideration (organizational tailoring). In order to define the time sequence of project execution for theses the V model was combined with a simple phase model.



1.2           Objectives of the IAS Process Model

The standardized process model offers support in reaching the following goals:


    Educating students in the areas:

    Software technology

    Project management and project execution




    Improving and guaranteeing quality:

    A standardized procedure is the best guarantee for complete results.

    Pre-defined intermediate reports allow for early test measures.

    Uniform product contents simplify the readability of products and the execution of test measures.



    Standardized procedures allow universal solution approaches to be recognized which may be re-used.

    (Intermediate) results are standardized in such a way that, if necessary, other people can understand them within a reasonable amount of time.

1.3           Fulfilling QA Rules

The process model contains detailed rules for the total project including the areas of project management, quality assurance and configuration management. If the process model is used correctly then the requirements made by ISO 9001 are automatically fulfilled.

2                  Introduction to the Process Model

The process model defines all aspects of


-          Activities and products

as well as

-          Product states and logical dependencies between activities and products


during project execution.


The process model consists of four submodels (Figure 2-1). Besides the submodel Project Execution (PE), there are the submodels Quality Assurance (QA), Configuration Management (CM) and Project Management (PM). The quality assurance tasks encompass the definition of requirements like test methods and test criteria and all product testing. Results are reported to project management. The goal of configuration management is to create a product, e.g., a document, that is uniquely identifiable in its functional and exterior characteristics. This identification provides for a systematic control of changes and secures integrity. Project management plans, checks and controls the project’s internal activities. It is also the interface to project external units like other projects. The process model controls the interaction between individual submodels. This allows for an allocation of various tasks to different persons or teams and also guarantees a smooth procedure.



Figure 2-1: The four submodels PE, QA, CM and PM


The submodels Project Management (PM), Configuration Management (CM) and Quality Assurance (QA), which describe accompanying activities in a development project, are the same for all process model classes. Therefore they are described in the following. In contrast, the submodel Project Execution (PE) is gravely different for each process model class. For this reason the submodel PE is described separately for each process model class in the second part of this process manual.


For better differentiation the submodel PE has been given separate names for the individual process model classes. They are:


·      Software Development (SWD) for the model for software development projects

·      Hardware Development (HWD) for the model for hardware development projects

·      System Development (SD) for the model for system development projects


·      Concept Development (CD) for the model for conceptional projects.


For the process model class Open Model no separate name was given to the submodel PE.



2.1           The Organizational Structure

Figure 2-2 shows the organizational structure of the IAS-PM. A software project (software development model) has been used here as an example.


Figure 2-2: Organizational structure of the IAS-PM


A thesis or any other type of student work is executed as a project. The four submodels of the process model are embedded in the organizational structure of the IAS. For the purpose of education in the area of software technology the student will fulfill exercises in all four submodels. The IAS will support the student in the submodels Project Management (PM), Configuration Management (CM) and Quality Assurance (QA). In the submodel software development (SWD) the student is solely responsible for the complete execution of his task. The student’s project might be integrated in a larger project. In the framework of the student’s project a intermediate task of the major project will also be fulfilled.

2.2           Structure and Content of the Process Model

The basic elements of the process model are the activities and products that are executed and processed during the project execution process.

2.2.1        Activities and Products

An activity is an action which can be exactly described in reference to its results and execution. Activities can consist of a row of defined “intermediate activities”, if each of these intermediate activities has its own defined intermediate results.


A product is either the processed object or the result of an activity. Analog to the subdivision of activities in intermediate activities, products may also be subdivided into “intermediate results” (e.g., individual chapters of a document).

An activity can be


- the creation of a product,

- a change in the state of a product or

- the change of product contents.



These basic elements "activity" and "product" are represented by special symbols (see Figure 2-3).


Figure 2-3: Symbols for products and activities

For each activity there must be an activity description in the form of an operation manual, which is to be adhered to during the execution of the activity. If an activity is subdivided into intermediate activities and logical dependencies between intermediate activities and products must be illustrated then the activity schematics must contain an activity subdivision.


Each product must have a product description which defines the contents of the product. The product description occurs according to a fixed pattern, the product scheme. For documents theses schemes are provided in the form of document templates (Word).

2.2.2        Product States

When processing (intermediate) products in the process model, please note that certain products go through different states during the development process. Products may assume the following states:



"in progress"

The product is being worked on. Either it is in the “private” development area of the developer or it is under the control of the developer within the project library.



From the perspective of the creator the product is finished and has been stored under Configuration Management. A Quality Assurance test is performed on the product. If the product is denied by QA then it will return to the “in progress” state, otherwise it will move forward to the “accepted” state. After the “submitted” state the creator can only perform modifications to the product using sequential version numbers.



The product has been tested and released by QA and may only be changed within a new version.


The states and their legal state transitions are shown in Figure 2-4.


Figure 2-4: States and state transitions of products

2.3           Overview of the IAS Process Model


In the following an overview of the activities and products as well as the responsible persons involved is illustrated. A software project, that was regulated by the software development model, will be used as an example.



The activities are assigned to persons with the following abbreviations:


ID:              Institute Director

SM:            Scientific Staff Members (advisor or co-advisor)

S:                Student

DBM:         Data Backup Manager


Activities and products that are indicated with these parentheses [] are optional.                     


Software Development (SWD)


SWD 1       Definition Phase (S)

SWD 1.1       Determine and define requirements                             à     System requirements

SWD 1.2       Analyze requirements

                       Define user interface                                                      à     Software system model


-> Definitions review (SM, S, ID only for MT)



SWD 2       Design Phase (S)

SWD 2.1       Design software system architecture                          à     Software system architecture

SWD 2.2       Design and specify software components                 à     Specification of the                                                                                                                                     software components


                     -> Design review (ID, SM, S)



SWD 3       Implementation Phase (S)                                                                   à     Source programs with                                                                                                                                                     integrated documentation

-> Implementation review (SM, S)



SWD 4       Integration and Acceptance Phase (S)

SWD 4.1       Integrate and install system                                         à     Installed system

SWD 4.2       Create user manual                                                         à     User manual


-> Acceptance review (SM, S)






Quality Assurance (QA)


QA 1           Process Test (ID,SM,S)

QA 1.1          Planning review (ID, SM)                                             

QA 1.2          Definitions review (ID, SM, S)                                     à     Definitions review protocol

QA 1.3          Design review (ID, SM, S)                                            à     Design review protocol

QA 1.4          Implementation review (SM, S)                                    à     Implementation review                                                                                                                               protocol

QA 1.5          Acceptance review (SM, S)                                          à     Acceptance protocol


QA 2           Component and System Test (S)

QA 2.1          Create test specification                                                à     Test specification

QA 2.2          Test system components                                              à     Test protocol (components)

QA 2.3          Test total installed system                                            à     Test protocol (system)




Configuration Management (CM)


CM 1           Configuration Management (S)                                           à     CID (Configuration                                                                                                                                                          Identification Document)


CM 2           Data Backup (S, DBM)                                                                        à     Reels, disks, CD media




Project Management (PM)


PM 1           Planning Phase (SM)                                                                          à     User requirements specification

                     -> Planning review (ID, SM)


PM 2           Project Planning (S)                                                         à    Project plan


PM 3           Project Advisory (SM, S)                                                   à     Review protocols (from QA 1)


PM 4           Project Finish (S)                                                             à     Final project report





General Documents

                                                                                                                                      à     Literature

                                                                                                                                      à     Terminology

                                                                                                                                      à     Abbreviations





2.4           Responsibilities

Figure 2-5 shows the responsibilities for the creation of the individual projects during the development process on the example of a software project.



Figure 2-5: Responsibilities for individual products


3                  Literature


Bitsch, F. et al.: IAS-DE - Description of the Development Environment, Version 3.8, IAS, 2002.


Booch, G.; Rumbaugh, J. and Jacobson, I.: The Unified Modeling Language, Addison Wesley, 1999.


Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung: Development Standard for IT System of the Federal Republic of Germany, Lifecycle Process Model, June97.


Cockburn, A.: Structuring Use Cases with Goals,, 1999.


Göhner, P.: Lecture Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems, IAS, Stuttgart, 2000.


Göhner, P.: Lecture Softwaretechnik II, IAS, Stuttgart, 2000.


Pressman R.-S.: Software-Engineering - A Practitioner's Approach, Third Edition, European Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, England, 1994.



IAS Process Model was developed in IAS.


The information, provided on this page, is only a short description. The most actual and full information on his subject may be found at