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Theme of master's thesis:
"Research of genetic optimization algorithms in parallel simulation environment"
Project chairman: prof. Svyatnyy V.A.
I was born on 27th of May 1983 in the village Celina of the Rostov region of Russia. My father is a Ukrainian, and mother is Russian. At first, my family lived in Russia and then has moved to Ukraine (to Makeyevka where parents of my father lived). Later we moved to Donetsk and live here until now. In the childhood I liked to listen very much when my parents read to me various books (verses, fairy tales, stories and other). I remembered some stories and verses by heart and then took the book and started to "read" it from memory. Due to the diligence of my parents I have early learned to read and did it frequently and with pleasure.
I learnt in the school 19 (with the profound studying of German language). I attended to school when I was six years old so I did not miss the fourth class and fairly studied all 11 years. From the first to the seventh class inclusive, I attended to musical school 1 too. I was studying to play the piano there. After leaving musical school, the additional free time has appeared, and in the eighth class I have passed to a class with the profound studying of German language (before I was in the general class).
Our school participated in the program of an exchange of students with one of the twin cities of Donetsk (Bochum). Due to this in the tenth class I had the chance to go to Germany and I have taken this occasion. Each of our students was hosted there a family of one of the students of German school that participated in the program of an exchange. Then these students came to us for some weeks and lived in our families. Both they and we had a strong impression because of the different people's living and cultural standards.
From hobbies I preferred reading (more often it was a science fiction and a fantasy), also I liked to play various educational and economic board games. At the end of the school parents bought me the computer and I began to play computer games. After some time an interest for programming has also appeared, therefore I was engaged in self-education in this direction (our school program provided very scanty information in the given field of knowledge). I took part in many district and regional competitions, mainly in mathematics, physics, biology and German language (the best place was the second in region in German language).
I left the school in 2000 with a gold medal. After school I have decided to engage seriously in programming, therefore in 2000 I was matriculated in the best nearby technical university - National Technical University of Donetsk (DNTU) - on the speciality "System programming". This university has well recommended itself (and not only in our country), and the speciality was for that moment one of the new, and I hoped that along with the base knowledge the new and actual information will be given. Besides, it is the most wide-section speciality in a necessary direction, in my opinion.
The majority of hobbies have remained former, maybe just in other proportions. Simultaneously with studying at the university I am engaged in self-education in the field of programming. I have received the bachelor's degree with distinction.
I have passed the competition for a contract to magistracy. As a theme of magistracy I have chosen "Research of genetic optimization algorithms in parallel simulation environment". My choice is based on, at first, that problems of optimization are presently very actual, and second, that applying evolutionary computation to this problems' solving it is possible to achieve quite good results. That is because not for each problem it is possible to find specific algorithm, and using genetic algorithm (which is one of the realizations of evolutionary computation) it is possible to apply it to problems of any complexity when it is necessary to find not the best, but acceptable result. As for the parallelism, the genetic algorithm is based on principles of evolution of a population in the real world, so it has initially parallel structure (each individual on the certain step is calculated independently of the others).
My future profession is a profession with good job opportunities in our computerized century, otherwise I would not be interested in it. Now every respected firm press towards to introduce new equipment (this can be office PC, dedicated system etc.) and they need experts not only to use and operate them, but also to adapt it to company's needs (including writing software environment and tools). It includes also development of the new ideas embodied in the programs, that, I think, my education allows me. Thus, my profession will remain actual, at least in the near future. It will allow me to make a successful career as the specialist in the investigated area.
I do not know my farther future yet, while it depends not only on me, but also on rates of development of our country. If all will be in order then the foreign companies will not be afraid to invest in Ukraine and that will allow me either to take an executive position in a branch of any large company specialized in software development, or to open an own small firm of similar purpose.
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