Personal page of Hljakina M.
Faculty: Mining-geological
Department: "Mineral deposits and ecological geology"
Speciality: Ecological geology
Theme of master's thesis: "Mercury in the coal layer of Donbass and her ecological meaning"
Scientific supervisor: professor, PhD of geology-mineralogical sciences Panov B.
I was born on September 30, 1983 in Donetsk.
My family: mother, Hljakina Ivetta, was born on November 20, 1958 in Donetsk. She graduated Donetsk national university on speciality Managment. She is a manager.
Father, Hljakin Georgiy, was born on January 16, 1963 in Donetsk. He graduated Industrial college on spaciality Repair and service of auto. He is a manager-consultant.
I have a younger brother, Hljakin Yuriy, was born on July 8,1987 in Donetsk. He is a student.
I like domestic animals. I have a cat Oliver and rat Anma.
My hobby is a soccer. I am a fan FC "Shakhtar".
In the age of 3 years I was joined to nursery "Golden Fish". I liked walking, went to the circus, saw a cartoons.
In 1990 I was joined to school #44 of Donetsk. I have learned three years in this school. I have changed 6 dance group and 2 gymnastic group.
I have passed examinations in the musical school #3. I understand it's not for me after two lessons.
In 1993 I have passed in school # 13 of Donetsk. During study at school I participated in regional Olympiads in chemistry, Russian. I took part in cultured measure and was rewarded worthy letter. In 2000 I ended school.
In 2000 I became the student of Donetsk national technical university. I choose ecological geology as my future speciality. I choose this speciality because the ecological situation has worsed and this problem isn't indifferent me.
First impressions of student's life was very good: new acquaintances, interesting subjects. I took part in student's scientific conferences (XI Ukrainian scientific conference of post-graduate students and students "Environment protection and rational use of natural resources ", Donetsk, 2001; VII International ecological student's conference "Ecology of Russia. Ecological katalis", Novosibirsk, 2002; II International scientific conference of post-graduate students and students "Environment protection and rational use of natural resources ", Donetsk, 2003; III International conference of students "Creation of Vernadskiy V. and contemporary", Donetsk, 2003; International conference of post-graduate students, students and younger scientists "Lomonosov-2004", Moscow, 2004), published of scientific article in the scientific collections (Files of XI Ukrainian scientific conference of post-graduate students and students "Environment protection and rational use of natural resources ", Donetsk, 2001, part 2; Files VII International ecological student's conference "Ecology of Russia. Ecological katalis", Novosibirsk, 2002; FilesII International scientific conference of post-graduate students and students "Environment protection and rational use of natural resources ", Donetsk, 2003, part 2; Files International conference of post-graduate students, students and younger scientists "Lomonosov-2004", Moscow, 2004, part 1). Topic of my report is a mercury's problem in coal of Donbass, because this problem is very actual in our region.
This problem is a topic of my graduation master's work: "Mercury in the coal layer of Donbass and her ecological meaning". My scientific supervisor is Panov Boris, head of department of mineral deposits and ecological geology, professor, PhD of geology-mineralogical sciences.
He had published more than 400 scientific articles, 9 textbook. In 1993 he was elected member of an Academy Sciences of the Ukrainian's higher school, in 1996 rank of merited worker Ukrainian's science and technic was conferred. In 2002 Panov B. was elected member of an International Academy Science of Ecology and Safety of life-activity.
Unfavourable ecological situation in Donbass require in environment protection. The occupation "Ecological geology" is a necessary and important direction in the change of ecological situation in our region and country.
In the future I have imagined skilled specialist of myself.