ÒÒR00-À / Geological Faculty
Magister's work topic: "Development of a shell for liquidation sticking in a prospecting chink"
Instructor: Karakozov Artur Arkadyevich
I was born at 8:00 AM in January 10 in Kuybishevski district of Donetsk, but by unintelligible for me circumstances my birthplace was refer to Khartsisk, maybe because of my parents lives there .It was 1983.I was tiny, lovely green-eyed creature, which I stay by now. But you can’t call me tiny now. From the first day of my life I began to explore the world around me. It was successful, and I was accepted to kinder garden “Rainbow” in Khartsisk. I was movable and sociable child, who can’t endure playing dolls, because of what used the boy’s attention. From 6th year of my life I began go in for dances. After my passing preschool courses, parents decided take me to school. On my first and second years I studied in school 2, where I met wonderful pedagogue and educator, which I get in touch till now. For the next six years till my ninth form I was a pupil of school 24 and constant visitor of school and municipal Olympiads. Besides of my main lessons I went in for cutting and sewing courses, “Make by yourself”, sports sections of eastern combat arts and many similar measures in school and outside it.
My education continued in school 5. That circle of my life assigned with my joining to school KVN-team. If our team became best in city, we were going to capital our country- Kyiv. This journeys passed in very friendly and funny atmosphere – new meets, mass of impressions. That’s why this period is well-remembered.
In 2000 I finished school with a gold medal. Since that time a new circle of my life, that lasts till now, has began. I joined Donetsk National Technical University by Technology and Techniques of revealing deposits of raw materials. That’s Mining- Geological Faculty. Because of that I went to Donetsk. In spite of this, I continued playing KVN, but for the team of town called “Silur” this time.
Once I’ve read a notice about taking girls to show-band. It was very interesting for me, because I’m interested in dances for all my life. Casting lasts for a month and I was finally accepted to this show-ballet. In our group, contained four girls, was warm and friendly relations. In this collective I was working for more than one year .Now I am continue studying in DonNTU by program of magisters of mining. Topic of my magisterial is “Exploitation of unit for liquidation sticking in reveal boreholes”. " Instructor of my magisterial- head of cathedra- Karakozov Artur Arkadievich. It’s wonderful educator and scientist, who probably may found a decision of any, even hardest problem. Base of my magisterial is elaboration of hydraulic yass, which use in dry or partial fill by liquid boreholes and it’s working by liquid pressure in bore tubes. Exclusivity of my work is that unit’s ability to work in conditions of total or catastrophic absorptions of bore liquid. There is no analogues of that unit yet.
I planning to finish university with excellence ,but it will be no easy, because now I’m working advertisement manager, that’s why for study remains a less time.
I don’t want to planning my future ,because it’s hurts to realize that nothing goes right. But my dreams not differ from others… Every girl wants to get marry ,found interesting and stabile work .It will be interesting to travel around the world ,to learn a couple of foreign languages. I don’t aspire for make a career by my specialization ,don’t planning to be in science. Probably, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…
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