DonNTU | Masters | Links | Work | Pycckuu | Ykpaincka | Faculty TTR IDM |
The story of my life began in Dnepropetrovsk on 30 January 1983. This birth became a long-awaited and joyful event for my parents – students of engineering-building institute in Dnepropetrovsk. So, at will of destiny from first days I have found oneself in circulation of a rough student's life.
In 1984 our family moved to Dimitrov of Donetsk region. In 1986 my "free" life has ended, because my parents have decided to attach me to collective preschool education. So, I have appeared in kindergarden "CHAIKA" of Dimitrov.
The next years of my getting older passed under the slogans "reorganization", "reform", "a new sight", that had an influence on me in the form of a school innovation – to the first class – from six years. However, the first class I learned in familiar kindergarden.
In 1990 for the first time I have crossed a threshold of general education school N10 in Dimitrov, but in the second class. Here the destiny has reduced me with the remarkable talented person, my first teacher, – Fedorenkovoj Nadegzdoy Iosifovnoj, who has waken up in me interest to knowledge, has learned patience and persistence to achievement of the purposes.
The further study at school passed easily, especially I was infatuated with the exact sciences. Therefore after the termination of nine classes I have passed in a class with the profound studying mathematics and physics.
In 2000 I passed final examinations successfully and I received the certificate about full secondary education. When I was finishing the eleventh class I have handed over rating tests in Donetsk state technical university (DonSTU) on a speciality "Technology and tools of investigation of deposits of minerals" (TTR IDM) by results of which I have been enlisted on the first rate of university.
The choice of high school and trade was not accidental. Firstly, in our family the alternative to the higher technical education was not discussed. Secondly, despite of all diligence of mother to impart me love to the literature, I was more involved radio electronics and mechanics.
Years of study at university have proved my choice, having enriched me additional knowledge in various disciplines. Thanks that, from the first rate I have started to participate in Olympiads on engineering the schedule and descriptive geometry. Later I took part in interuniversity Olympiad on resistance of materials.
During 2002 – 2004 I served on military faculty on which termination I have passed final examinations successfully and I have received a rank of the lieutenant.
Since the fourth rate, under direction of managing faculty – Karakozova Arthura Arkadievicha, I in earnest have started to be engaged in research work of the student (NIRS) by results of which the pressed sampler for sampling weak-cohenent soils was designed. Subsequently it received the positive decision on the author's certificates (the application N200501803). During NIRS I acted on IV Ukranian student's scientific technical conference with the report on a theme "Pressed samplers".
In 2004, having received the bachelor's degree, I have decided to not stop on reached and I have continued training in a magistracy. A theme of my work – "Development of the complex erliften projectile for use in exploratory and technical bore holes".
The chosen theme is one of the most perspective in the field of technical progress of transport as it gives additional jump to development of trumpet transport at which streams of water, air or mixes of water with air bear with themselves loose materials on pipes. The main advantage of such type of transport is the continuity and little-operationality technological processes that creates conditions for application of automatic control by transport system.
After the termination of a magistracy, I hope, to put the knowledge into practice. I am firmly convinced, that such time will come, when in our country professionals of the business will be appreciated. And as the economic potential of the state in a greater degree depends on its mineral resources and their level of learning. So, knowledge, experience and desires to work, undoubtedly, will play impotant role in becoming my future career.
Despite of a today's crisis condition of prospecting branch, yes in other as well as many other branches, I am sure, that at the expense of the young experts and their new ideas, our branches will receive a new qualitative coil of development, which will result to rise of an industry and state.
DonNTU | Masters | Links | Work | Pycckuu | Ykrainska | Faculty TTR IDM |