Специальность: "Маркшейдерское дело"

               Тема диссертации: "Пространственное геологическое моделирование"

               Руководитель: д.т.н. Грищенков Николай Николаевич



Ссылки в Internet

    Интернет-библиотека литературы по геоинформатике.
    Статья, посвященная разработке геоинформационной системы поддержки принятия решений при отработке удароопасных месторождений

  1. Электронная библиотека фонда "КОАП".
    Различные издания электронной литературы

  2. Электронный научно-информационный журнал "ВЕСТНИК ОГГГГН РАН"
    Предлагаемый пользователям INTERNET электронный научно-информационный журнал "Вестник ОГГГГН РАН" представляет собой попытку предложить современный способ доступа к информации научных учреждений Отделения геологии, геофизики, геохимии и горных наук Российской Академии наук. Этот журнал является первым зарегистрированным в России электронным академическим журналом. Журнал выпускается на русском языке и имеет свободный, в режиме онлайн, доступ без каких-либо ограничений.

  3. Журнал "Уголь"
    Тематический сайт журнала "Уголь". Сайт располагает солидным архивом статей заданой тематики.

  4. Журнал "Уголь Украины"
    «Уголь Украины» - ежемесячный научно-технический, производственный и экономический журнал

  5. Известия Донецкого Горного института
    «Известия Донецкого Горного института» - всеукраинский научно-технический журнал горного профиля основан в 1995 году

  6. GEONEWS - Лента геологических новостей
    Тематический сайт GEONEWS - Новости геологии с разных концов . . . Сайт располагает архивом статей геологической тематики.

  7. Кафедра маркшейдерского дела ДонНТУ
    Страница знакомит с деятельностью нашей кафедры и ее ведущими специалистами.

  8. Кафедра маркшейдерского дела КГТУ
    Раздел посвящен горному факультету - одному из старейших и самых крупных факультетов кузбасского государственного технического университета.

  9. Кафедра геологии и геохимии полезных ископаемых МГУ.
    Кафедра геологии и геохимии полезных ископаемых, созданная в 1952 г. выдающимся ученым академиком В. И. Смирновым, осуществляет широкую программу подготовки специалистов в области исследования, поисков и разведки месторождений полезных ископаемых, преимущественно рудных . . .

  10. Факультет геотехнологий и управления производством ДНТУ
    Содержится очень полезный и интересный материал, посвященный вопросам определения параметров и оконтуривания зон повышенного горного давления.

  11. ВНИМИ
    Официальный сайт государственного научно - исследовательского института горной геомеханики и маркшейдерского дела. Институт организован в 1929 году и является ведущим центром в России по решению проблем маркшейдерии, геомеханики, горной геологии и геофизики.

  12. Государственный научно-исследовательский институт горной геомеханики и маркшейдерского дела.
    На сайте в разделе библиотека находятся полезные статьи, рефераты диссертаций и другие издания.

  13. Институт геофизики СО РАН.
    Сотрудники института работают по следующим приоритетным направлениям:
    - Проблемы нефти и газа
    - Геодинамика, напряженное состояние земных недр

  14. Геологический институт Российской Академии Наук
    Новости, конференции, научные направления института: тектоника . . .

  15. Объединенный институт Геологии, Геофизики и Минералогии СО РАН
    Структура и история института геологии, геофизики и минералогии СО РАН. Библиографические БД . .

  16. РосИнформУголь
    ЗАО "Региональные отраслевые системы информационного обеспечения угольной промышленности". Основные направления деятельности: информационное обеспечение в угольной промышленности, сбор и обработка информации; подготовка аналитической и статистической информации; издание журнала "Уголь", ведение вертикального портала "Российский уголь", веб-серверов "Соцуголь", "Уголь-фонд", "ИНКРУ" и др.; графические и дизайнерские услуги, подготовка и выпуск изданий, копирование; разработка и сопровождение прикладных программных систем; системная интеграция информационно-вычислительных задач.

  17. Государственное учереждение СОЦУГОЛЬ
    Сайт организации по координированию программ местного развития и решению социальных проблем, вызванных реструктуризацией предприятий угольной промышленности.

  18. Геофизическая обсерватория " Борок"
    Геофизическая обсерватория "Борок" по статусу государственного учереждения является научно-исследовательским Институтом РАН, входящим в состав Объединенного института физики Земли РАН. На сайте подробно рассказывается о результатах исследований подразделений, входящих в состав обсерватории: . . .

  19. Геофизическая обсерватория " Борок"
    Геофизическая обсерватория "Борок" по статусу государственного учереждения является научно-исследовательским Институтом РАН, входящим в состав Объединенного института физики Земли РАН. На сайте подробно рассказывается о результатах исследований подразделений, входящих в состав обсерватории: . . .

  20. GEMINI
    Integrated Information Management and Analysis for Reservoir Characterization and Geo-Engineering Modeling.

    GEMINI (Geo-Engineering Modeling through Internet Informatics) is an interactive, integrated Website designed to construct real-time geo-engineering reservoir models.

  21. The Exploration Consultants Group
    The Exploration Consultants Group of Companies (ECL) provides a complete geoscience consultancy for the resource industries. ECL has now been rejuvenated to cover the entire spectrum of exploration and production activities, from the planning of complex geophysical surveys, through to geological and geophysical interpretation and data integration, and reservoir engineering & simulation

  22. M & M Geological Services
    M & M Geological Services was founded   in 1999. M & M provides mud logging services without equal, customer support, and the latest mud logging instrumentation available.
    New for 2002!   We have an extended format log for horizontal holes.  This format includes the surveys in a separate column, a flare height column, and an above below center line column.  We also import the Gamma Ray and Temperature Log from the steering or MWD tools.

    We're in the process of adding the ability to provide digital pictures of your samples either on the log or via email so you can see your pay zone if you can't make it to the well. Or if some of your partners would like to look at the main pay.

    Imaging petroleum geology and geophysics last update: 1999 Apr

    Practical Software Solutions for the Geoscientist

    Cambrian are the main re-seller and support mechanism to the upstream and downstream oil industry for Bentley's MicroStation and associated products.


    Market leader in log drawing software for the production of high quality COMPOSITE and LITHOLOGY logs. Log drawing software for Composite Logs, Wellsite Lithology Logs, Core Logs, Engineering Plots, Geological logs of all


    An E-Report is the electronic equivalent of your frequently produced reports. For example Final Well Reports, Weekly Reports, Well Programs etc. It is HTML based and is viewed using a Web Browser which is now familiar to most people.

  25. Dynamic Graphics
    Dynamic Graphics, Inc. partners with our clients to solve spatial analysis problems in the petroleum, environmental, and earth-related sciences. Over the past three decades, we have been the premier provider of geospatial solutions with our innovative, easy-to-use software and outstanding support services.



    The Dynamic Graphics EarthVision product family provides new insights into complex data relationships, eliminates inconsistent analysis results, and generates mapping products in a fraction of the time previously required. With EarthVision, geoscientists can analyze data, surfaces, geologic structures, and property volumes (including porosity, temperature, and contaminant concentration) in their true three-dimensional spatial context. This disparate data can then be combined in an integrated three-dimensional model that provides new insights into the complex relationships in the data and eliminates the inconsistent results that have plagued scientists in the past when analyzing a series of independent models. In addition to producing shaded or full color, three-dimensional graphics, EarthVision can also generates highly accurate traditional mapping products, including base and contour maps, cross sections, and fence diagrams, in a tenth of the time previously required.

  26. Geo&Soft International
    Geo&soft Internationa l, with more than ten years' experience in the software market, specialises in Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, and supplies user-friendly products with a high level of performance.

    Geo&soft International strives to bring its proprietary software to the highest standards from the point of view of both numerical algorithms and computer implementation.

    This enables us to present highly innovative products that follow the continuous evolution of the scientific sector and computer science.

    Close collaboration with university research groups ensures the realisation of calculation modules in line with the most recent theoretical developments.

    We are pleased to present you with the new updated developments that have been made over the last year: if you are already one of our clients, you can install the software free of charge....      

    Looking for geoengineering software?

    Here you will find software for Rock & Soil Mechanics, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Engineering, Geology and much more!


    It is possible to have the program free of charge for fifteen days, using the new automatic activation procedure via Internet. It is necessary to be conneted to the Internet both during the activation prcedure and during the following work sessions.

  27. GeoMEM

  28. GeoMEM (previously GeoMEM Software) was originally established in 1985 by Dr. James Tweedie, a professional geologist, to develop and supply software to the geological and mining industries. In 1988 GeoMEM took on third party software to complement its own products and this has broadened in time to include a wide range of software as shown on this web site.

    GeoMEM works in the following areas:

    1.Provides customers in the UK, Europe and Worldwide with an excellent choice of the more specialised computer software with emphasis on the geoscience, earth science, GIS/mapping and technical graphics areas. This software is brought in from leading developers around the world - mainly the US, Canada, Australia and the UK.

    2.Develops industry specific software both under contract and independently.

    3.Provides training for some of our more popular software products and software we have written as well.

    As part of our contract programming services GeoMEM develops and maintains borehole surveying software for FLEXIT and Reflex Instruments, both of Sweden.

    GeoMEM designed the software for the borehole survey tool that was used to survey the link hole between the English and French sections of the Channel Tunnel. This survey tool is now in use on high profile engineering and mining projects around the world and has been used on the Hong Kong airport and the London Underground Jubilee Line extension.

    Because we have a practical background in the geosciences and have developed software ourselves we are able to provide independent and knowledgeable advice on the products that we supply and ensure that what you buy from us is what you need.

    GeoMEM is a well-established, prime reseller for Golden Software and Rockware (both of Golden, Colorado in the US) amongst many others. It is also the preferred UK reseller for Synergy (Kaleidagraph) and Research Software Development (Papyrus).

    Click here to see a full list of software developers which we represent.

    Comment. Useful graphical tools and famous Surferamoung others (Gridding, contouring, 3D surfaces, mapping [Win 95, 98, 2000, XP])

  29. Earth Resource Mapping

  30. Earth Resource Mapping (ER Mapper) is proud to be the leading desktop image processing software developer. The ER Mapper product family provides your imaging solution for any application. ER Mapper is used by professionals in a wide range of industries, including airphoto data, state and local government, environmental science, telecommunications, defense, agriculture, forestry, oil and gas, and mining. Anyone who manages the earth’s natural resources or the urban infrastructure has an application.

    Comment.Downloads are available

  31. The Fault Analysis Group (FAG) is a semi-autonomous research group within the Department of Geology at University College Dublin.

    The group was founded in 1985 within the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Liverpool and relocated to Dublin in June 2000. The function of the FAG is to carry out basic scientific research on all aspects of faults and other types of fracture and to apply the results to practical problems, principally in the field of hydrocarbon reservoir characterisation and modelling. Results are disseminated in the form of published papers and reports, workshops and lectures and by incorporation into in-house and commercial software. FAG facilities include a Landmark seismic interpretation workstation and software systems for mapping (ZMAP, E R Mapper), fault analysis (FAPS), reservoir modelling (TransGen, RMS/STORM) and flow modelling (ECLIPSE, MORE and HOMPER) in addition to a range of in-house analytical and modelling software systems.

  32. GEOPOISK Software(Russia, Rus. language)

  33. GeoPoisk – integrated software tool for interpretation of geological, geophysical, petrophysical seismic data.

    Comment. prospect is given in details

  34. KIMSU OIL Co.

  35. Subsurface mapping and 3-d seismic evaluation of older oil & gas fields in South Louisiana

  36. Geovariances

  37. Geovariances is setup in France and in the USA. Geovariances has been providing clients with high technology software and related services. Today over 200 companies and institutions sites are installed with our software package Isatis.

    Geovariances' main objective is to allow those sectors where data (spatial or derived from time series) processing is vital, a full access to the complex science of geostatistics

    Isatis places all these sophisticated techniques at the disposal of geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers. Moreover, Isatis is at present the only geostatistical software with the capacity to take into account the presence of 2D or 3D faults, a generally widespread feature of oil reservoirs.

    - Integration of soft data (seismic) with hard data (wells)

    - Solution of time to depth conversion problems

    - Correlation between physical properties and seismic attributes

    - Powerful simulation tools for a quantitative assessment of reservoir uncertainty

    The taking into account of existing 2D or 3D fault

    mso-ansi-language: EN-GB; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">ISATIS is used for Geostatistical simulation and kriging when generating 3D images of lithological and hydraulic properties conditioned on sampled data