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Teljatnikov Sergej Alecksandrovich
моя фотка Teljatnikov Sergej Alecksandrovich
29 марта 1703
Тема: "Создание илюзии: борода - основа удовлетворения всех желаний"
Группа: бутылочныые джины - 27322, специальность: прикладная магия


I was born in 29 March, 1983 in the city of miners and metallurgists Kharcizsk, it is not far from provincial center of Donbass, in the family of engineers . My childhood was careless; i have very light and vivid recollection from it. In 1986 my parents took me away to preschool institution «Kolobok», there I studied read and count and exactly there I was inoculated love to studies. This ensured when I have come in 1990 at first class of general education school № 22 of Kharcizsk city , nothing hardship dependence to studies I don`t candidate, it was easily and interestingly for me. The lessons of mathematics teaching remarkable person and gifted nature Khasanovich Tatyana , which accustom to me interest to exact sciences. In 1997-1999, I took part in region competitions on mathematics and physics subjects, and in 2000 I took part on history subjects competitions, where I took one of first places.

In 2000, I successfully graduated the school. Like many others graduate I had to make my choice about my future profession. The choice of university and specialty was no accidental. By advice of my father, which dreamed me to follow by his steps I become student of Donetsk National Technical University on speciality “Mine and underground building”.

The years of education in the University have passed very fast. I studied with a big interest. In 2001 I took participation in seminar on subject “Perfection of technology construction vertical pit shaft” organized by “Mines and underground constructions building” chair. In April 2003 I had a speech in international technological conference with since paper “Building method of two-level simply connected station of sunk to a great depth in conditions of the Donetsk sity”.

Graduate four year of education in university and to take diplom with decoration about base higher education on direction “Mining”, I want to extend one's knowledge and continue research effort on subject ”Implosion protection belt heading”, started on third course, under leadership outstanding educational specialist, possessor academic status of honorary professor, head of the chair of “Building of mine and underground constructions” Donetsk national technical university, Shecov Nicholas, therefore I bound to continue education in the magistrates.

Given subject is one of the most promising in section mineral resource industry. Since industrial safety functions of the worker is fundamental determinant factor the job of adventure. As a result of extension of the depth conduct coal production, abruptly deteriorate mining and geological conditions, that to carry out to more intense excretion methane and other gases, increase of the explosiveness breeze, consequence that maybe more powerful explosion gas-dust blend, which result is material and physical negative profit. The most dangerously places is belt heading and coupling with him, and so being systems implosion protection be in need fundamentally modernization, augmentation sensitivity and effectiveness.

After on graduating at the magistrates, I hope to use knowledge on the practice. So, in the near future I want to stand first-class leading expert in direction adventure and to hold a high post in this sphere. Therefore, findings snd attainments always was foundation professional and personal maturity, in particular this to place into position decisive role in the formation of my future career.