Lead titanate PbTiO3 is a source component of Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 solid solution which is the basis of the most effective and widely used in electronics PZT piezoceramics.
In the present work the results of the study of peculiarities of PbTiO3 synthesis are presented, being connected with the use of source components of different modifications and history of obtaining, i.e. PbO of especial purity in the form of a and b-modifications and TiO2 in the form of anataze and rutile nanocrystal powders and rutile of especially pure 5-2 industrial type.
PbTiO3 synthesis was carried out according to the following scheme: the mixing of the components, the briquetting of the mixture, thermal treatment within the temperature range of 300-10000C. Differential thermal analysis (DTA), dilatometric analysis, X-ray phase analysis (XRPA), BET method (the evaluation of the specific surface of a powder), the method of transmitting electron microscopy (TEM) were used in the course of studies.
The investigations have shown that the nature of the titan-containing component (TiO2) influences the process of interaction within reaction mixture of oxides to the largest extent. The nanocrystal TiO2 anataze powders appeared to be the most chemically active.
The crystallite size of the synthesised PbTiO3 phase is determined by TiO2 crystallite size in all the cases.
Preliminary results have been obtained concerning higher reaction ability of -PbO (yellow) comparatively to
-PbO (red) and different influence of the chemical history of TiO2 obtaining on the process of the synthesis.
© 2004 Gusakova L.G., Pogibko V.M., Prilipko Yu.S., Spiridonov N.A., Saley V.S.,
Konstantinova T.E., Volkova G.K., Gorokh A.V.,
Ischuk V.M., Vovk E.G.
E-mail: gor@konstant.ac.donetsk.ua