D.I.Mendelcycv have noted several times that Periodical systems is not only a method of chemical elements systematizing, it describes much more serious regularities and more probably of genetic nature. However, till now no strict criteria for its genetic interpretation there were suggested. Just recently such possibility has appeared on base of the established linear dependence of binding energy for each electrons in the atoms of all chemical elements [1,2].
This regularity allows one to foretell the process of evolution of high temperature protosubstance (plasma) at the atom formation stage and depicting the order of their electron environment complection, proceeding from the heavy elements to lighter ones. The atom numbers describe not only a charge of nucleus, hut an order of formation of the electron configuration. The descending by atomic number order of the chemical elements in Periodic system clearly shows its genetic sense, allows one to end the discussion on the lower boundary of the System, on the place of hydrogen in Periodical system and other problems. Kind of System with natural order of atom formation beginning from heaviest elements of VII period and finishing by hydrogen, is shown there.
© 1997 Gorokh Aleksey Vasilievich
E-mail: gor@konstant.ac.donetsk.ua