Piskun Irina
Faculty of Computer Information Tecnologes and Avtomatization
group CSD-00(b)
Theme of masters work: "Development of a computer subsystem of diagnostics of electrical activity of heart on presence of blockade legs of Gises bunch"
The instructor: Candidates of Technical Science Shatokhin P.A.
I was born on 29 th of May in 1983 years in city Donetsk. In the age of three years has gone to a children's garden near of our house.The childhood was appeared cheerful and carefree for my nice parents: Mother - Piskun Olga and father - Piskun Vladimir. One more that I have a younger brother whose name is Piskun Dmitriy. He was born, when I was seven years.
In 1989 year in the age of six years I became a schoolgirl "1-A" classes primary school n11, however I completed there only up to the seventh class. I have gone to school already prepared: could read, write and calculate some calculations.
In 1995 year transferred me to another comprehensive school №8 . The warmest memoirs years are connected with this school.
The study was always for me easily, any material I can acquire not spending the special efforts. I always showed propensity to exact sciences, but it is impossible to tell that I did not like humanitarian or natural sciences. Probably, therefore during study at school I was regular take competition of regional Olympiads on mathematics, physics, geography, Russian and Ukrainian languages.
Choice of University
After eleventh class, I began to think on a choice of University and future specialty. The choice of University was affected by two factors. Firstly, "late" DPI (now DonNTU) where my parents also completed and secondly, my attention was attracted one more system of rating allowing admitting before to leaving school. Therefore University was chosen unequivocally - Donetsk National Technical University.
The choosing of faculty was more difficultly for me. Firstly I wanted to take admission on economic faculty, but I heard from my friends about a new and perspective specialty "The specialized computer systems of diagnostics in medicine and engineering". The specialty has interested for me and the decision was accepted by me. Faculty - "Computer Information Technologies and Automatics", specialty - "The Specialized computer systems of diagnostics in medicine and engineering".
Study in DonNTU
In 2000 year by results of rating tests I became a student of the best technical University of Ukraine - Donetsk State Technical University (now Donetsk National Technical University).
On the third years, I completed my summer practice at the enterprise, which is engaged including and manufacturing portable electronic cardiographs, there was a formation of a theme by my master's works: "Development of a computer subsystem of diagnostics of electrical activity of heart on presence of blockade legs of Gises bunch". My scientific leader and ideological instructor is the candidate of engineering science of faculty "System of automatic management" and simply good man is Shatokhin P.A.
In 2004 year I got bachelor's degree on specialty "Computer Engineer" and considering process of Bolons, has decided to continue study in masters.
Sight in the future
My specialty is concerning new and it is increasing every day. So I want to believe that in the beginning of 2006 I shall have the diploma masters of computer science. It means that I will be the qualified expert that will help me further to work on my selected specialized five years back direction.
I hope that my feature will connected with computer systems of diagnostics.