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![]() Marunevich Alexey Faculty: Electrotechnical Speciality: Electrical systems and networks Theme of master's work: Designation of the new induction motor diagnostic method Leader of work: proff.ass. Dmitry Polkovnichenko Email: alexm206@rambler.ru |
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Resume: Alexey Marunevich Personal Data: 1984/07/06, single |
Short biography:ChildhoodI was born on 06 July, 1984. My father, Igor Marunevich, was born in 1960 in Krasnodon Lugansk region. Before and after military service he worked in Mine Mounting Organization of Krasnodon. Then he entered Donetsk polytechnical institute access course and after that he successfully entered the electrotechnical faculty. The whole time he studied he was captain of his group and a captain hoste N1. In 1989 he started to work in Donbass Department of DonORGRES in Gorlovka. He participated in building up the electrical part of the power stations in Greece, Bangladesh and Vietnam. He is dead on 14 May, 2006 in Vietnam. My mother, Ludmila Marunevich, was born in 1964 in Dimitrov Donetsk region. She graduated from Donetsk polytechnical institute too. She aquired a chemical manufacture M.E. profession. But then she fundamentaly learned a book-keeping and started to work at privately owned enterprise. After a time she went on to the “Lia” store as a book-keeper. I was transport to Molodogvardeysk to my grandparents because of my parents studied on the 1-st course at that time. In 1986 I went to kindergarten there. But I have obscure remembrances about this period of my life. In opinion of my teachers I was dutiful and quiet child. And I got on with the childrens wery well. I learned how to read very early and I like it very much. I read all the books, which we have. But I wasn’t have a lot of friends at that time and I spent a lot of time at home. Unfortunately I didn’t have any achievements at htat time. I run over to my parents to Gorlovka in 1990. SchoolI went to secondary school N1 in 1991 there. I remembered good my junior school thanks only to my first teacher. She was very strict but very kind to us. She said that I was very clever schoolboy but with a restless character. I considered that the school was a good timespending for me. I studied not bad but I spent a lot of time with my new friends. I liked to draw an to make a photoes as my father. Unfortunately I have no time to do it now. I started to learn English by strong program in the 5-th form. I studied very intensive (6-7 lessons per a week). My form-master was Natalia Svidrik. She was a teacher of English. And now I appreciate to her for my knowleges. Unfortunately I didn’t have no possibility to visit England but there were many possibilities to communicate with english delegations in our school. I didn’t participate at school amateur performances because of my character type. Besides English I was carry away with World and Ukrainian History. I took part in town competitions. I wrote a good essay about Bogdan Khmelnitsky life in the 9-th form. Whole school life I played soccer in our school team. We participated in town competitions where we took 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd places. Among other my passions were: art dancing (7 years in “Vesnyanka” band); kickboxing (for 2 years). Now I want to resuscitate all these passions. universityI started to think about my future about 10 form. And in 11-th form I decided to participate in DonNTU entrance exams. I chose DonNTU because my parents studied there. In spite of the fact that I have humanitarian character I chose electrotechnical faculty as well as my father. I decided to take part in mathematical tests. And by the results of these tests I started to study at the budget place. I studied after “Electrical stations” speciality in the 1-st course. And I didnt pass 1-st examinations. Only owing to V. Pavlukov I repeated examinations. From the 2-nd course I started to study after “Electrical systems and networks” speciality because I entered the english group. I studied ther for 3 years. In that time I became aware of the fact that it’s very important for my future to enter the magistracy. And after 4-th course I entered magistracy. After 5 years of my studying I can say that I like to study in DonNTU so much and I’ll remember it whole my life. In spite of this, there are several things which are clouding my impressions. But it’s not for printing. Among my instructors I don’t want to mark smb as good or bad. I learned how to think and how to study thank’s to DonNTU. Dmitry Polkovnichenko, professor assistant of our chair bacame my instructor in master’s work. My theme is “Designation of the new induction motor diagnostic method”. As for my future plans I want finished my education at first. I want to start working in DonORGRES as an engineer because it is a perspective job. I hope that I’ll build a successesfull |
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Designed by Alexey Marunevich
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