The work is devoted to research of the three-phase electric generator at which the magnetic stream of excitation is created by the source of three-phase voltage and moves concerning a rotor. The urgency of research is caused by an opportunity asynchronized machines to provide stable value and frequencies of the generated voltage at a stable source of mechanical energy. The purpose of work - to present simple model the asynchronized synchronous generator (structure and characteristics) for research of the opportunity of reception stable pressure (voltage) and frequencies from a stable source of mechanical energy. THE REVIEW OF EXISTING RESEARCHES AND DEVELOPMENTThe theory and practice asynchronized machines starts the development with V.Zejtsa's researches, D.Osanna, L.Drejfusa, M.P.Kostenko, V.G.Kas'janova. M.M.Botvinnik has brought in the big contribution to development of this direction, to creation of the modern theory asynchronized machines and bases of its use. Now the wide and important scope asynchronized machines is determined in electro power systems and circuits of electric drives of various mechanisms. For example, asynchronized generators and equalizers may be applied in electro power systems which contain high-voltage transmission lines [1]. Advantages ASG allow using it as independent generators, for example, in wind power. L.S.Kozlitina's work is devoted to questions of management independent by wind power installation with ASG [2]. The article is known by Shakarjan J.G. In this article variants of the independent generator under the circuit of the machine of the double power are examined. The block diagram independent ASG is submitted in his article. He has offered variant of the decision of a problem of maintenance of balance of jet capacity with the help of additional sources [3]. V.A.Dievskij's article is devoted to transformation of the equations of the double power electric machine. The mathematical equations of the double power machines are submitted in view of influence of the angle of loading [4]. In modeling the asynchronized generator were engaged also Lohanin E.K., Lohmatov A.P., Mamikonjants L.G., Skripnik A.I. It is considered the model of the asynchronized turbo generator complex in which it is possible to analyze transitive modes of electric power systems, containing ASG. Comparative calculations of transitive modes are given at presence synchronous and asynchronized turbo generators. Calculations have shown advantages asynchronized turbo generators for increase of stability of systems [5]. Due to advantages ASG today find wide application in the industry [6]. OWN RESEARCHESCreation of virtual model Technique: the model of system was made of library Simulink elements. Virtual devices were connected to it for measurement of controllable parameters. Electric parameters of the circuit elements (voltage, frequency of sources, resistance and inductance of windings) were entered, relatives to parameters of the real synchronous turbo generator. Results of measurements for each set of parameters were entered into table Excel, diagrams of dependences were under construction. The model of the device is submitted in figure. ![]() Figure. Model ASG from library elements Simulink. The stand definition of the generator characteristics contains asynchronized synchronous generator ASG, a voltage source excitation, loading. In quality ASG it is accepted the model of the three-phase asynchronous machine with the phase rotor from library Simulink. As a source of excitation it is accepted a library three-phase voltage source, loading is executed as resistors. The model works as the following. The moment received as the difference between the given moment and the moment, proportional to frequency of rotation, is put to the rotor. The voltage is put to three-phase rotor winding from a three-phase source. The magnetic stream rotating concerning the rotor is created in the rotor. This stream induces in the stator EMF. Value and frequency EMF are proportional to the algebraic sum of frequencies of rotation of the rotor and rotation of a magnetic stream concerning the rotor. Under action EMF through stator windings and resistance of loading passes a current to which energy is transferred from the generator in loading. The magnetic stream created by a current of loading in a stator winding, algebraically develops with a magnetic stream of the rotor so EMF in stator is created by a stream total. The prototype for the parameters setting accepts a synchronous turbo generator by capacity 6 mW, rated voltage 6,3 kV. During research the voltage and frequency of excitation, frequency of rotation, resistors resistance was varied. The current of excitation, the rotating moment, voltage and current of loading were supervised. Definition of ASG characteristics. Characteristics of idling. It was determined at resistors resistance of loading on two order the greater, than nominal resistance so the current of loading had insignificant values. Frequency of rotation varied in a range 20 - 80 Hz, frequency of excitation varied in a range ±30 Hz. The excitation voltage was established such that at frequency of rotation of rotor 50 Hz and at the frequency of excitation equal 0, in a stator winding it was induced EMF 6,3 kV by frequency 50 Hz. During research rotation frequency changed at zero excitation frequency, then excitation frequency changed at rotation frequency 50 Hz. Experience has shown, that desirable frequency of the generator voltage may be received by regulation of rotation frequency of the rotor, regulation of rotation frequency of a magnetic field of excitation concerning a rotor or their joint regulation. External characteristics. It was determined for frequency of the generated voltage 50 Hz. Frequency of rotation changed in angle 20-80 Hz, frequency of excitation was established in a angle ±30 Hz so that frequency of generated voltage was 50 Hz. The excitation voltage was established such that at rated current of loading and the generated voltage frequency 50 Hz value of a generated voltage was 6 kV. Loading changed by changing of loading resistance of resistors. As a result of experience it is determined, that in the asynchronized mode the characteristic much more rigid, than in the mode of the synchronous generator. At the agreeable direction of rotation of the excitation field and the rotor the generated voltage decreases with increase of the loading current, and at a counter direction of rotation of a field and a rotor the voltage is increased with growth of a current. The above frequency, the more rigidly the characteristic, is less dependence of the voltage on loading. Power characteristics. They are certain as the capacity transferred to loading, and efficiency at various excitation frequencies. As a result of experience it is determined, that at a current of loading up to one and a half nominal the generator with constant excitation has failure (a sharp voltage reduction) generation, and at a variable excitation voltage it does not occur. Dependence of efficiency on frequency of excitation. It is revealed, that at frequency of excitation 0 and at higher than efficiency close to 1. In modes when rotation of the excitation field is directed against a rotor, efficiency is reduced with increase of frequency of a field. It says that the part of mechanical energy of the turbine is transferred a source of excitation, instead of loading [7]. CONCLUSIONSTHE LIST OF REFERENCES |