![]() REVENKO AnnaFaculty: ElectrotechnicalSpeciality: Power plantsTheme of master's work:Modeling of modes of operation asynchronized generator.Leader of work: prof. Sivokobylenko Vitaly FyodorovichMaterials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library ResumeShort biography:I was born on April, 12, 1984 in the city of Avdeevka in Donetsk region. April, 12 became the history for all countries of the postsoviet space as the day of astronautics. Avdeevka City is one of small cities of Donetsk region. It is well-known for the largest in Europe coke-chemical factory working on the closed cycle. The structure of the factory includes a power station which uses heat received by manufacture of coke, and also coking gas. I stop on it in detail because the factory is a part of our family and influenced a choice of my future occupation. My parents are father - Revenko Gennady Konstantinovich, works as an assistant to the main thing power of Open Society "Avdeevsky coke-chemical factory "; mother – Revenko Nadejda Matveevna, works as the chief of group of the central factory laboratory of Open Society "Avdeevsky coke-chemical factory". The childhoodMy mum and the grandmother were engaged in my education since I was three. I quickly learnt to read. It is necessary to note, that in the same year when I was born my senior sister went to the first class, therefore at the age of two I excitedly listened as the sister was learning verses and comprehending elements of sciences. The first impressions of the childhood were being similar to the sister and a desire to go to school. At the age of three my parents sent me to the kindergarten "Ivushka" for communication with other children. But in the kindergarten I went without special pleasure. Each person is individuality, and the approach to each person should be individual. I was that child who was not entered in a crowd though I was an obedient child. However and the positive moments were there. In the kindergarten I took a great interest in the floating in the pool and at the age of 6 I entered the ensemble of national dances. SchoolHaving danced for 5 years, I unfortunately was compelled to leave this employment as often trips with ensemble on concerts in other cities prevented me from studying. In my memory of those years there were prizes, letters, and concert costumes, and also the best friends. But studying at school was more pleasantly for me, and every day I opened for myself all new horizons of knowledge. By then I already studied in the 5th form GES ¹5. I was an honor pupil. Most of all I liked such subjects as mathematics, physics, biology. I am very grateful to the teachers who have developed at me interest to science. During studying at school I accepted active participation in school and city competitions each year. I occupied prize-winning places. I was repeatedly awarded with creditable letters for excellent studies. In the 10-th form I became the participant of the program “Gifted children 2000 ". When I ended the 11-th form, it was necessary for me to choose where to continue my studies. My choice changed between a profession of a doctor and an engineer. Despite love and some successes in the field of biology and medicine, on advice of the father I chose Donetsk state technical university about what I don’t regret, and the biology has remained a hobby. UniversitySo, in 2001 I finished school with a gold medal and entered specialty "Power plants" of Electrotechnical faculty. Among set of specialities my choice was not casual. All professions are important, but what will be with transfer and a current consumption without qualitative manufacture of the electric power? The electricity has strongly come in our life. I know my profession will be the future. And I began to study bases of the future occupation with peculiar to me diligence. It is necessary to note, it was lucky to me very much with institute teachers who developed my interest to research work. Among the best teachers it is necessary to note the senior lecturer of faculty "electromechanics" Chashko Mark Vasil'evich, under his manual I wrote the first scientific articles. During studies at university I have written a lot of scientific articles and publications in various magazines, participated in the international scientific and technical conferences. I have occupied the second prize-winning places in the student's conference devoted to day of the science and the third prize-winning places in the competition in discipline "Electric machines". For active participation in research work I was appeared among the best students of faculty in spring 2005, I was awarded by the letter and received monetary encouragement. After perfectly passing graduation examinations I received an honours bachelor's degree. Now I study in the magistracy and I am engaged in research of mathematical model of the asynchronized generator. This theme I think actual because asynchronized generators, having advantages synchronous and asynchronous machines, are capable to solve many problems of power. One of the most difficult problems in modeling is preparation of model of object of research. And created in Matlab Simulink the virtual model of the asynchronized generator allows to research the machine without expenses of energy, work and additional capital investments. My supervisor of studies is the professor managing faculty "Power plants" Sivokobylenko Vitaly Fyodorovich, having huge operational experience in the field of modeling electric machines. In the near future I plan to receive the second higher education in economic specialty. The future after the graduating from university I connect with work in the field of power. I hope that the knowledge, which I have received, will help me to take a worthy place in life. |