This master's degree work is devoted to processing of polymeric wastes in wares in the conditions of Ukraine
Solid consumer wastes are inhomogeneous and unstable (with respect to composition) mixtures of wastes from residential buildings, shops, small-scale industries, public utilities and others, which are accumulated and discharged for decontamination or storage.
According to the data of sanitary services, the-daily quantity of consumer wastes per capita in a city may reach 2 kg and the daily amount ot municipal wastes, say in Donetsk and Makeevka, is 3500 tons; with each year the quantity of wastes increases by about 5-7% due mainly to organic components.
With respect to composition the municipal wastes consist of combustible materials (50%) and the uncombustible ballast: metals, glass, ceramics. The moisture content varies within wide limits: from 15 to 50%. Experimental investigations and laboratory analyses have shown that the heat of combustion of solid consumer wastes may amount, on the average, to 7 MJ/kg with a moisture of 25% and a content of combustible components of up to 50%; with respect to calorific value they are better than combustible shales and worse than the coals of the Kansk-Achinsk basin. The average composition of municipal wastes is as follows (in percent):
Organics (fineness > 40 mm).....25-30
Ditto (fineness <40 mm).........30-48
Glass and ceramics..............6-8
Other mineral wastes............12-19
The total volumes of the above-mentioned solid industrial and consumer wastes amount to hundreds of millions of metric tons per year. Today a considerable part of these wastes are stored on dumping sites and in slurry sumps and discharged into the sewer system. This results in the contamination of surface and underground waters, air and soil. Below an estimate is given of the generation of wastes in the Donetsk region in various branches of industry in accordance with the data on penalties for the discharge of solid wastes:
Coal mining...............................29.6
Ferrous metallurgy........................27.6
Coke production...........................94
Coal beneficiation........................8.1
Power generation..........................7.5
Public services...........................4.0
Structural materials......................3.3
Machine building..........................3.2
Chemical and petrochemical industry ......1.5
Manufacture of refractories and fluxes....1.2
Nonferrous metallurgy.....................1.2
Civil engineering.........................0.9
Various branches of light industry........0.8
Food industry.............................0.4
As can be seen from these data and the data given in the table, > 50% of the secondary resources left unused by the industry contain organic substances which contaminate the environment and which may serve as the feedstock base for processing.
Thus, in the Donetsk region there are good possibilities for the construction of large-scale industrial thermolysis installations for the processing of millions of tons of solid carbonaceous secondary raw matelials wiht view to producing power and chemical products. The solution of this problem will substantially reduce the technogenic impact of the industry and public utilities on the environment and will contribute to the improvement of the socioeconomic situation in the region.
1.Bench, O.I., "Prediction of the socio-ecological consequences of the utilization of industrial wastes in Ukraine",Ugol Ukrainy, no. 2-3, pp. 56-58, 1997.
2."World energy resources", Ugol, no. 2, pp. 21-23, 1995.
3.Beskrovny, A.P., "Treatment of high-ash slurry products", Ugol Ukrainy, no. 12, p. 39-40, 1996.
4.Nikitin, I.N., "Preparation of coal slurry for coking", Ugol Ukrainy, no. 2-3, pp. 31-34, 1997.
5.Nikitin, I.N. and N.I. Nikitin, "Treatment of slurries for coal beneficiation", Ugol Ukminy, no. 12, pp. 47-50,1996.
6.Zolotko, A.A., "Resources of secondary fuel in coal beneficiation wastes and the possibility of its extraction",Ugol Ukrainy, no. 12, pp. 36-39, 1996.
7.Secondary Resources of the Donetsk Region : A Reference Book, DPI, Donetsk, 1990.
8.Parfenyuk, A.S. and M.P. Zborshchik, "An ecologically pure technology for the coking of coals in inclinedchamber ovens". Abstracts of the scientific-technological workshop "Fundamental Foundations of EcologicallyPure Technologies", Donetsk, 1991.