Sych Oksana
Faculty of ecology and chemical technology
Speciality:ecology and protection of environment
Theme of master's work:
Analysis of influencing genetically modified organisms on an environment
Leader of work: Mnuskina Vyktoryya Vladimirovna
Theme master’s work is «Analysis of influencing genetically modified organisms on an environment»
modified organisms are living organisms, which contain genes artificially created or adopted from other
organisms. GMO carries in itself new,
unnatural combination of the genetic material transported due to technique of the genetic engineering. The purpose moving desired signs with the genes
When food-crops are genetically modified,
one or more genes are incorporated into the crop's genome using a vector
containing several other genes, including as a minimum, viral promoters,
transcription terminators, antibiotic resistance marker genes and reporter
genes. Data on the safety of these are scarce even though they can affect the safety
of the GM crop.
But, as
well as other technologies, the genetic engineering is related to certain risks, such as known
and unknown. It has the special value, if achieving this technology, in
particular, GM plants, are used in the environment and are living organisms
which enter into intercommunications with natural surroundings.
Actuality of my work consists
of genetic achievements and molecular biology is widely used in the field of
production of sorts agricultural plants and breeds of animals, who have new
signs. All undesirable phenomena and events, what happen on at creation and
consumption of GMO, it is possible to unite in three groups: food, ecological
and agrotechnical risks.
However in the conditions of monopolization
and production of GMO, and it’s examination by one or a few large
biotechnological corporations it is difficult to expect the objective
estimations of these risks. So hasty commercialization of modern achievenments
of science for the sake of momentary income goes to harm of safety of people,
circumferential his natural environment and future of civilization. And because
of imperfection of legislation in this sphere, people are deprived the possibility
of free and realized choice in regard to food stuffs containing GM components.>
There are next
problems in-process set:
1.To expose
the informational level of students in the question about GMO and to find out
opinions about the question of introduction GMO in food stuffs.
For the decision of the 1st
task the sociological research was conducted –this is studing instrument of the
social phenomena by quantitative and high-quality methods. Questioning was
chosen by the research method. The type of questioning is the questionnaire.
Questions on the structure were opened.
The students of two faculties
were questioned. Expose the informational level of students in the question
about GMO and to find out opinions about the question of introduction GMO in
food stuffs.
2.To expose the presence and
risk level for health as a result of introduction of GMO
Allergy on food stuffs is the
phenomenon widespread and steadily growing among the population of the
developed countries. It deals, above all things, with an unfavorable ecological
situation, change of traditional ration of feed to which every people adapted themself
for many ages, and modern technologies of food industry. And in this sense to
descriptions of GM albumens possessing insecticide activity, it is necessary to
pay attention, as approximately half of pathogeny of depended albumens of
plants are allergens. Increase of their maintenance in plants steady to the
diseases of sorts has the direct risk of increase of allergenicity the food
stuffs made on the basis of these sorts.
À.Pusztai showed influencing of
GM potato, snowdrop modified by a lectin, at histological level - on the state
of mucous membrane of intestine, partial hepatatrophia, and on physiological -
by relative weight of internalss of the rats contained 9 months on the proper
diet, as compared to controls, feedings on the untransformed potato
For the estimation of food
risks at the creation of sorts steady to the wreckers it is necessary to define
the possible degree of influence of these albumens on organism, using the
traditional sorts of foodcrops - sources of albumens of these classes as the
control. Because the number of the estimated parameters is potential very
great, in such estimations information acts of principle part about the
mechanisms of the possible influencing of these albumens on people and animals.
Sure, the estimation
of such risks will always be relative, there are any food stuffs used by us enable
to carry out the various affecting organism.
3 To define possible
subsequent changes in environment because of GMO introduction.
At the receipt of GMO it is
impossible beforehand to foresee in a laboratory, in which one the area of
genome will be built new gene, and how many it’s copies will appear in an organism-recipient.
Nobody was able to prove that the same copies of the same gene worked identically.
They can make squirrel, can’t make it, can make it less or more actively; from
a failure in metabolism they can synthesize the unforeseeable matters et cetera.
There are already convincing proofs of diminishing of stability genome of plant
at building in him of foreign gene. All of it can serve by reason of change of
chemical composition of GMO and origin at them unexpected, including, toxic
properties. The change of chemical composition to DNA at GMO as compared to an
initial organism takes place due to varying of nukleotyds encoding the
inherited information. It is calculated, thatnitrogen in nukleotyds hesitates
from 72 % at Adenazyn to 31th at Thumine, consequently the change of
maintenance of nitrogen in genetic material at replacement of nitrous grounds
is able to result a toxic effect.
According to the biotethics
side of question, scarcely people in philosophy of the life and the feed is
based exceptionally on scientific information. Relatively GMO exists world
views (ethics, religious) and ecological reasons. Which scarcely can be
considered less weighty.
For a vegetarian certainly unacceptable
there is a tomato the gene of flounder is mounted in which. Complete freedom of
choice he is deprived, when no proper marking is. Many the believers consider
deeply, that the gene engineering is unnatural, as modification with with genes
is an ambitious attempt of people to interfere in the sphere belonging to
exceptionally to God.
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