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Donetsk National Technical University  Ageyenko Bogdan

Ageyenko Bogdan

Faculty: Energomechanical and Automation

Speciality: Hydraulic and pneumatic machines

Theme of master's work:

" Studying and proposing mathemetics model of air-water flow in airlift pump "

Leader of work: Candidate of Technical science, Assistant Professor Kononenko Anatoliy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search


Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4.8.



  Name:                Ageyenko Bogdan
Date of a Birth: 31 May 1984
Nationality: Ukrainian

2001 to present: Donetsk National Technical University
2005: Degree of a Bachelor of Engineering Mechanics.
1991-2001: Secondary school

Winter of 2005-2006: Two-month training period in mine "A.F.Zasaydko."

Sports: football, athletic,kickboxing

Fluent Russian, Ukrainian,a little knowledge of English.
I have an operational experience with a computer (Autocad,Kompas).

DonNTU> Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search