E-mail: gidravlik.m6@mail.ru
Pneumatic machines more and more frequent by find application in all spheres of life activity. The range of their application is quite wide and extends from light industry to heavy engineering. The demand in such machines is great enough.
One of main places in the list of facilities for moving air is taken by ventilators. Wide their application is conditioned by the constantly growing requirements in terms of labour conditions and protection of environment. It is the ventilators that are able to provide ventilation of such harmful productions, like metallurgical combines, mines, where the state of atmosphere is especially heavy.
In the future with the increase of production volumes, the increase of rates of building and the field of the vent modes broadens increases considerably and is yet more increased the importance of ventilators.
In same its turn permanent increase of cost of power mediums and metal substantially multiplies the initial cost of production of ventilators, and exploitation expenses as well. For the development of a ventilator, its model tests, introduction in production substantial quantity of time is spent, that it is not possible in modern terms. This problem can be solve, if modern computer technologies are used in researche and planning of new machines. The ventilators designed before don’t always meet the requirements of market. Consequently, there is a necessity in creation of machines which would fully correspond to the tasks set. New ventilators must:
- satisfy the forecast field of the vent modes;
- be economical;
- meet sanitary standards;
- be compact, be light durable, portable, reliable in work and simple in service.
Therefore research and improvement of ventilators by means of computer design, is an actual task.
Purpose of the given work is development of a new, improved axial ventilator of the generalindustrial setting.
For achievement of this purpose the following tasks are to be solved:
- to conduct the analysis of domestoc and foreign analogues;
- to carry out aerodynamic analysyses (computation) of a ventilator;
- on the results the computation to build the solid model of machine through the software product SolidWorks;
- to produce the designs of working process of a ventilator in the FlowVision software package;
- to conduct the obtained data analysis;
- on the basis of the obtained results to develop the engineering method of computation of axial ventilators through computer.
Today's industry in many has been using old approaches at planning of ventilators. In most cases the development process of new or improvement of already existing machine is produced by a hand, and verification of the obtained results is carried out by the tests on natural pattern, that considerably increases the initial cost of product.
A new approach to the problem, based on the use of the computer systems of design allows partly, and occasion and fully to give up making of natural pattern.
The value of work is as following:
- a new, improved axial ventilator of the general industrial purpose is developed;
- the method of the automated design of axial ventilator, allowing to lower the time expenditures on planning, is applied;
- the results of the work can be used in the future for designing of ventilators, as well as in an educational process.
It should be noted:
- at planning of axial ventilators the formation of the so-called «cavity» on due to discharge characteristic, that lowers the region of operating condition of ventilator, and also some high level of noise;
- at the designing it is the complication of the task of computation net at which exactness of computation doesn’t depend on if any more.
- the analysis of existent structural decisions of axial ventilators is conducted;
- reference aerodynamic computation of ventilator is produced;
- work on development of solid computer model of the developed general industrial axial ventilator is conducted.
- carrying out of model tests of the developed ventilator is planned.
As it is evident from many works of scientists the basic problem of development of new axial ventilators with necessary parameters is absence of single method of their planning. Also the problem of convergence of theoretical and experimental data, due to by insufficient knowledges of processes of flowing in a machine, is of no less unimportance.
Is possible to accelerate the process of planning of ventilators through modern computer-aided designs and engineering analysis. These systems open new practically boundless possibilities for perfection, therefore it is expedient to use all possibilities and resources of the Internet for the study and practical modern software which without any doubts will be required for the future specialists in their practical activity.