There is not a single branch of industry, where ventilators were not used
for sanitary hygienical or technological needs.
Multiplying sizes and power of ventilators is accompanied by multiplying noisiness and vibration of
ventilators options, that frequently hampers exploitation of these options or does its impossible. Removing noise and
vibration of ventilators substantially improves the terms of labour in a number of productions and establishments and is
instrumental in the further increase of labour productivity.
Taking into account general application of ventilators options, it is possible to assert that the fight
against noise and vibration of ventilators is an important scientific and economic problem. Noise of ventilator in many
cases is no less important parameter of the machine, than the productivity, pressure, output-input ratio, reliability of
construction, etc. Acoustic descriptions of ventilators are no less important, than their aerodynamic descriptions.
At many enterprises due to increased vibration there were the cases of premature details and units of
ventilators break down, cracks appeared in ceilings and walls of buildings, wrong the elements of automation went wrong,
maintenance of ventilator became difficult, noise was multiplied, the labour productivity of auxiliary personnel went down.
However in existent literature the questions of struggle against noise and vibration of ventilators
are lighted up not well enough.
The primary purpose of the paper is the improvement of axial ventilator for the
decline of level of noise and vibration on the basis of experimental and theoretical researches .
The tasks of the real work are the followings:
- to explore acoustic description of ventilator;
- to estimate the vibration state of ventilator;
- by the rational choice of parameters of running part, choice
of number of shoulder-blades of driving wheel and straight vehicle to reduce vortical noise of ventilator;
- by the double-plane balancing to reduce the vibrations in
an axial ventilator.
For the decline of level of vibrations of ventilator we will carry out
the double-plane balancing.
At the double-plane balancing we use the method of progressive approximations for the solving the
system of vector equations.
The process of finding of counterbalancing the masses is taken to the successive construction of
vectorial triangles of kind:
where ;
- are coefficients of influencing;
- are primary vectors of vibrations of ventilators supports.