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Dmitrij Kodberg
Faculty: Geotechnology and Management
Cathedra: Layer working of minerals
Speciality: Underground layer working of minerals
Theme of graduating work:
Leader: candidate of technical science, prof., first deputy director of
V. Strelnikov
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Main about me:
Average mark was 4,6 during my study at the university.
I speak fluently Russian and Ukrainian. For reading and correspondence I speak English and slightly German.
I finished the Militarcathedra by DonNTU. My speciality is "Equipment and exploitation anti-aircraft and rocket
complex neighbouring set".
My extra-schoolastic passions are music and sport.
I am a member of ethical association of German "Hoffnung" in Makeyevka.
I, Dmitry Kodberg, was born on the 7th of August 1984, in the town of Makeyevka, Donetsk
region, in the family of a solaried person.
The members of my family are:
My father Sergey Kodberg was born on the 23d of September, 1959. He is a
deputy chief of the labour protection department at JSK "Makeyevkoks".
My mother Svetlana Kodberg was born on the 23d of September, 1961. She is a
deputy director (educational department) of our lokal Palace of Children's and Youthful Art.She has a rank "Excellent teacher of Ukrainian".
I am the only child in my family.
I studied at secondary school № 4 (t. Makeyevka) from 1991 till 2001.
Before I entered this school I had attending English and dance.
At school I took part in different sport and entertainment contests (athletics, KVN).
I was a member of school band, a presenter at our a school-leaving party. I was awarded the title
" Our class's honour and the Conscience". My extra-schoolastic hobbies were music and
sport, that's why I was a pupil of music-school (guitar) and a member of football club.
In 2001 I entered the daily department of the mining-geological faculty, Donetsk National Technical University,
speciality "Mining and Underground Construction" I was especialy interested in this speciality because it gives an opportunity to work at the construction of subway and underground communications of airports. But after the first year I changed the place of my study and became a student of the faculty of the Geotechnology and Management, because I was suggested to study at the Institute of International Cooperation in a special group with some basic special subjects in German. I was studying German at this time, besides my relatives are ethnic Germans. And I think that I should know the language of my ancestors. So my decision was final.
At the university my hobbies were the same: sport and music. I was a member of faculty
combined football team, was a presenter at catholic Christmas holiday party "Weihnachten" held at the university.
Stadying as a "Master" I took part in
KVN held in Kiew with support of
"Goethe-Instituts". I performed in "BigMcCity", a team from Makeyevka. This play was held only in German.
My wish to know the German language brought me to new study. After graduating DonNTU I am going to complete my study to get a spetiality "Interpreter".
The knoeledge received at the University will help me in scientific-research work at
Makeyevka's scientific-research Institute.

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