Sudilovskaya Elena
Faculty:"Geotechnology and management of production"
Speciality:"Ecology of mining technologies"
Theme of master's work:"Estimation of methane supplies in the mining field of Zasyadko mine"
Leader of work:Professor, d.t.s. Kostenko Viktor Klimentievich
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The object of the study – coal-bearing field of Zasyadko mine.
The purpose of the work – allocation of zones of free methane accumulation and determination of location of surface and underground degassing wells for further degassing of coal-bearing massif and improvement of safety conditions of mining.
1. Preliminary degassing of the deposit
At Zasyadko mine the coal seams with methane-bearance of 20-25 m3/t.s.b.m. are developed, in the roof and floor of which there are thick(up to 30-40m) layers of gas-bearing sand-rocks. The accumulation of methane in sand stone can be 3-4m3 per ton. Besides, methane is presenting other rocks: siltstones, mudstones, limestone’s and even in water, in the dissolved condition, in the enumerated rocks methane is both as free(cavity, pore) and as sorbate, in the so-called diffused organic substance(DOS). The amount of organics in mudstones is from 15-20% to 30-40%. In siltstones and sandstones there is less organics, but because of their big amounts methane is also in big quantities in free and sorbate state.
From the said above it follows that gas is almost everywhere in coal-bearing layer. It is necessary to take into account the fact that geological processes change structural and textural characteristics of the rocks, the conditions of their altitude, which leads to redistribution of gas potential in different layers in the mine field area. Thus, regional tectonic processes pressed the coal-bearing area, creating folds with raised(anticlines) and lowered(synclines) areas. As methane is lighter than air it goes up. That’s why in the mountain rock constant geological processes of mass transfer take place: gas goes up, water - vise versa - down.
In positive structures of gas-bearing sand stones (main gas collectors) substantial methane volumes are accumulated part of which is in free state in the cavities in the structure roof. Objective proof of free gas presence is 24 cases of gas detection in exploratory wells during exploration and final exploration of the mine field(Zasyadko mine). Methane–abundance of blocks in such structures is up to 45 m3/t. Such gas-bearing structures are the sources of spontaneous bursting and methane blowers into mine workings. To prevent these accidents the preliminary degasation at the mine is needed(both with surface and underground wells).
During 2001-2003 3 wells were driven at the section “Severorodinsky-2”, one being exploratory and two – experimental, equipped to carry out hydro caving. The works are fulfilled by the Center of alternative sources of energy.
Three hydro caving were carried out. The 1st hydro caving one took place only in sandstone, there was isolated and one more hydro explosion was conducted at the hydro caving section sandstone-coal-sandstone. At present in 2 wells two objects are prepared hydro caving for testing. Factual parameters of the hydro explosion corresponded to the projected. Currently the works aimed at pumping of water and gas-discharge testing are carried out. The depth hydro caving of the objects is 1300m.
2. Degassing of geological structures
Complex of scientific and research geological works allowed to define in 4 coal bearing sandstones of the mine field more 10 local structures with methane (from several min to several hundreds min of gas m3). While mining near these structures in the process of the rock weakening after roof caving part of this gas will leak info mine workings, influencing the safety of mining. To prevent accidents and decrease methane-abundance of the mine-workings the preliminary degassing with wells drilled from the surface is planned.
The aim of preliminary degassing of geological structures is to reveal maximum volume of methane from the sandstone structure before driving mine workings.
As the depth of the coal seam t3 at the section Kalmiussky rudnik is 1500m, and other developed seams are deeper (l4, k8) the depth of the surface wells is within 2500m, final diameter not less then 100mm. These wells are projected 2-3 years earlier than production work in degassed zone. The wells are cemented and in gas-bearing sections they are equipped with filters or perforated pipes.
To increase penetrability of sandstone it is necessary to for see the usage of the working methods of hydro caving electro-hydro-impulse influence cavitation attack, use of chemical reagents. As the radius of action of such wells is 150-200m, their number and location is determined together with geological department of the mine and influenced by the conditions (it is necessary to take info account the buit-up of the mine field).
At the section Kalmiussky rudnik local positive structure has been discovered (in two sandstones above the coal seam t3). With a high probability it is possible to anticipate such structures higher and lower the cut. That’s why the mentioned wells should be used to preliminary degassing of several objects, first of all the nearest to the coal seams.
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