Creation of reliable protection for coal-beds dangerous on sudden
emissions and gas by outstripping development of rather thin abrupt coal-beds,
is represented by an actual problem for mines of the Central area of
Donbass and similar to him on mine-geological conditions of other
coal areas.
Taking into account conditions deposition and capacity of developed
coal-beds, excavation assumes application of such technological circuits and
means of extraction which do not demand application of manual skills and
presence of people at mine excavation at excavation coal.
Development of essentially new technology of excavation of coal-beds
without presence of the person in face demands generalization and a rating
of the created means of her realization.
To the researches directed on creation and perfection of technology and
means of deserted dredging, jobs of institutes and experts MakSRI, DonCI,
DonNTU, DonSRI, Dongiprouglemash, IM of name A.A.Skochinskogo,
IPhR NAS Ukraine, DNMU, factories of coal mechanical engineering.
Long-term experience of use of means of deserted excavation shows, that
in spite of the fact that conducting research and design institutes of branch
were engaged in the decision of this problem, machine-building factories
and higher educational institutions, real promotion in this area has not
taken place.
It speaks that, that means of deserted excavation as in our country, and
abroad, were created in a separation from technological studies, and, as a
rule, researches were spent not in a complex.
The concept "deserted excavation" has conditional character. For
example, if at drill a way of excavation of coal of people in clearing face no
and cannot be, at excavation coal with application mechanized props people
in clearing manufacture can periodically be (for survey of the equipment,
its current repair and performance of various auxiliary operations).
The most typical attribute on which this or that way of excavation of coal
should be carried to deserted, performance of the basic technological
processes and operations without presence of people at clearing
manufacture is.
Such way of conducting mining should meet the following basic
- Use of the high technology providing necessary rates moving
clearing face;
- Application of means of complex mechanization, that is
mechanization not only the basic, but also auxiliary productions;
- Application of the advanced organization of the work providing an
effective operating mode of a excavation site.
Taking into account complexity of a problem of creation of perspective
ways of deserted excavation, necessity of various stages on the technological
orientation and in the future it is obvious. On each of these stages will
solve the tasks caused by specificity mine-geological and mine technical
conditions of application of a way, and also design features of used means
of realization of technology. With the purpose of generalization of previous
experience and achievements in the field of deserted excavation,
classification of technologies with use of a deserted way of excavation of
coal is applied.
The following attributes are put in a basis of classification division: a
corner of falling of a layer, the order of carrying out of preparatory, cut and
clearing developments, fastening near face spaces and a way of dredging of
coal in clearing забое. Proceeding from this, classification of systems of
development by the most successful and achieved results in this direction
by professor Trofimov V.P. has been created.
Created by experts DonNTU and DonSRI together with production
workers hydropulse installations for dredging coal in clearing faces and
drilling of rising chinks in many respects solve a problem of development
of rather thin abrupt coal-beds, including dangerous on sudden emissions and
bring down coal.
However, use of these installations restrains a number of the reasons to
which it is possible to attribute:
- Insufficient volume of researches in the field of a choice of the
optimum parameters providing an effective utilization of hydropulse
- Absence of necessary experience of use of hydropulse installations
in various mountain - geological conditions, is especial the machines
intended for hydropulse excavation of coal at passage of rising chinks;
- Low reliability of separate elements excavation the equipment of
hydropulse plants;
- Absence of researches by technological opportunities of hydropulse
- Insufficient volume of researches in the field of a choice of rational
technology of the clearing jobs providing an effective utilization of
hydropulse plants.
In this connection an actual task is the geomechanical substantiation of
the rational technological circuit of excavation of coal in clearing face with
application of hydropulse plants by development of abrupt coal-beds.