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[DonNTU]      [Master's portal]

Donetsk National Technical University Tankikh Dmitriy

Tankikh Dmitriy

Geo-technologies and Manufacturing Management

Mining Geo-mechanics

"Mining of mineral deposits"

Theme of master's work:

Geomechanic ground of parameters of excavation of steep coal-beds by hydroimpulses plants

Leader of work: professor Grebenkin S.S.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract ~ ~ Links ~ ~ Report about the search



     I was born on October, 23 1983.
     My mother, Tankikh Tatiyana, 1961, worked at machine-building plant of Gorlovka as on engineer- technologist.
     My father, Tankikh Valeriy, 1961, worked as a miner at the mine "Kochegarka".
     I, as the majority of children, went to kindergarten. Participated in amateur performances, but I was not a very talented person.
     In 1990 I went to school ¹ 2 of Gorlovka.I studied fairly well. But, because I was not a well-behaved boy, my whole diary was always "red" because of my teachers' notes.
     In 1997 I changed my school to school ¹ 17. At first it was a bit difficult, because I was a "stranger". But soon I made a lot of friend, as I am quite sociable and friendly.
     In 2001 I finished school. I decided to enter the institute long ago, I chose DonNTU, the faculty of geotechnology and management.
     The years of studies at university are the most remarkable and fascinating in life. I started studying for a master's degree in 2006. I want to finish the University and further - we'll see.