The metallurgical industry consumes a broad gamma of mineral resources. The efficiency of using of these resources determines level of the cost price of metallurgical production and degree of influence on environment.
Production of ferrous metals is attended by generation of much quantity of dispersion waste products with high content of iron. These are dust and sludge, which are caught in gas cleaning systems. The iron bearing sludge of gas cleaning systems of steel-smelting furnaces is the least utilized group of solid waste. It is mostly stored in catching basins and pollutes the natural systems. The problem of steel-smelting dust and sludge utilization is connected to increasing the contents of zinc and other non-ferrous metals, owing to a decreasing cast iron part and increasing zinc-coated scrap in a steel-making. Annually 7 thousand tons of zinc pass up to dust and sludge at full development of powers of steel-making furnaces. On metallurgical mills of Ukraine the zinc bearing steel-smelting sludge is dumped in catching basins or, if there is agglomerative factory, particulate is utilized by addition to sintering charge after some preparation.
At processing of sludge with the high contents of zinc at usual sintering technology zinc practically does not delete. Charge of such agglomerate will be accumulating zinc in the blast furnace. The circulation of zinc in blast furnace conducts to serious breaches of smelting technology: skull formation and even a gap of a cover.
The purpose of work is the research of behavior of non-ferrous metals, in particular of zinc and lead, for analysis of a capability of utilization of steel-making dust and sludge by recycling in the steel-making vessel (open-hearth furnace, converter, arc electric furnace), and also working out the technology of utilization of steel-making dust and sludge.
For achievement of the purpose it is necessary to solve the following problems:
1) analysis of existing processes of processing of steel-making zinc bearing dust and sludge on foreign and domestic enterprises
2) research of physico-chemical properties of steel-making dust and sludge
3) research of behavior of zinc and lead at an agglomeration, in the blast furnace, in a steel-making vessels
4) explore the possibilities of preparation of steel-making dust and sludge for recycling in steel-making vessel
Working out of economically effective technology of utilization of zinc bearing steel-making dust and sludge with full usage of all valuable components.
At utilization such sludge in the building industry, in cement production conducts irretrievable losses of valuable components keeping in its. A perspective direction is the making from sludge, which has dehydrated on the traditional scheme, pellets, which will metallize, unburned pellets or briquettes. At processing of metallizated pellets from iron bearing sludge and dust is deleted 75-99 % of zinc and lead, 40-77 % of sodium oxide and 60-85 % of potassium oxide. The combinations of these metals, which are caught from waste gas, could be the charge for non-ferrous metallurgy.
Some industrial processes of metallization of pellets are invented. General for these processes is usage for the metallization aggregate of a rotated tube-type furnace. These processes differ one from other by technology of preparation of charge, and also availability or absence of a fire grate for a heating and hardening of pellets. These processes are very material-consuming and power-consuming.
The scheme of circulation of non-ferrous metals in steel-making processes was studied. Any loop system results in accumulation of a circulating component and to stabilization of a bearing flow on more high level. We calculate the accumulation of zinc and lead in dust at recycling in steel-making vessel at different contents of zinc and lead. The results of this calculation are shown in figure.
Through some number of cycles there is a saturation of dust by non-ferrous metals and it is necessary take out it from a cycle for further processing and extraction of non-ferrous metals. For processing of enriched dust or sludge at plants of non-ferrous metallurgy it is enough to have the contents 12 - 15 % of zinc. However the problem of usage of iron bearing part is not decided. Therefore it is offered to realize the recycling of dust or sludge to content of zinc 12-15 %, further to make processing of sludge with humidity 6-8 % by fluid steel-smelting slag. Thus we will receive the products of zinc sublimation, which are charge for non-ferrous metallurgy and slag enriched by iron and it can be used in charge for blast furnace. At usage of such lumpy product in the blast furnace will economize agglomerate, limestone, the manganese ore, and coke. Thus at usage of one ton of such product will be economize more than 60$.
In further we plane to state the value of investments for realization of offered technology on concrete enterprise (in this case OJSC "Ilich Iron and Steel Works of Mariupol") and to calculate indexes of an economic efficiency of realization of this project.
6 Conclusions
Thus for a solution of a problem of utilization of zinc bearing dust and sludge there is a potential in steel-making production. Offered technology will permit to utilize all valuable components keeping in dust and sludge of steel-smelting furnaces.
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