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Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical
Department: Phisical Matirial Sience
Group: IMM-01
E-mail: smeshniu4ka@mail.ru
«Influence of various modes of thermal processing on structure and properties of steel 70 depending on parameters of previous deformation»
Supervisor - Dr. Sci(Techn), professor Gorbatenko V.P.
Hi everyone! I'd like to tell you a few words about myself!
  I was born in Hartsyzsk (Donetsk region, Ukraine) on 20-th of November, 1983. I got incomplete secondary education in comprehensive school ¹7 of Hartsyzsk, where I was studied since 1991 tî 1999 years. The certificate about full secondary education I had received after finishing a comprehensive school ¹26 of Hartsyzsk in 2001. The beginning of a new stage in a life - students, coincided with the beginning of a new millennium!
  I passed my entrance exams in Donetsk National Technical University on rating system. On Physical-Metallurgical Faculty I am masting one of basic specialties of an iron and steel industry - "Material Science" (Department Physical Material Science). I took part in the conference, devoted to Day of a Science on Physical-Metallurgical Faculty. In 2005 has received the bachelor's degree. The further education has decided to continue in magistracy. During the study at university, I got skills of work with such programs as Statistic, Image Tool, Corel, Excel, MathCAD and some other.
  And what about my free time (you know, in student's life it really happens), I always gave my preference to the humanities subjects and art. I am fond of history, most of my spare time I spend on reading. Another hobby which remained since the childhood: drawing. However in the century of computer technologies it accepted a little bit other form - Photoshop. Unexpectedly for myself it was involved in studying this program about 2 years ago. Quite often my friends and familiar ask for me to draw a card or to issue a photo to any event. I think, if I had an opportunity to receive the second higher education it would be by all means connected with design or photo business.
  In the rest, as well as the majority of young people, I hope to be realized in a life, to be necessary and useful.