Simonova Tatiana Nikolaevna Master group TP-01 of Industrial Heat power Engineering Department Physic-and-Metallurgical Faculty of Donetsk National Technical University. Thesis for master's degree:- "The estimation of pethrogeothermal heat rise opportunity and development of offers upon its use" The supervisor of studies: docent Ph. D. Pyatushkin George Georgievich |
I was born on March, 26th, 1984 in Makeevka, Donetsk regio. Till 3 years parents drove me in a day nursery. I almost don’t remember this time. And after this I have started to go in children's garden, not without the help of parents, certainly. In the garden I had many friends and a time passed sweepingly and interestingly. In 1991 when I was 7 years old, I have entered 1-B form of secondary school ¹ 4 I-III grades in Makeyevka. I was sweepingly infused in new collective. In my studies I had not any difficulties and seized all hurriedly. But I always did not suffice up to a fashionable rank "honors pupil" due to my restlessness and carelessness. I was very curious child, I wanted to know everything, therefore I attend a plenty of different hobby groups. From the eighth form we was divided into some profile classes. I have entered the physical-and-mathematical class and consequently my favorite subjects are exact sciences in which it is possible to get knowledge, having fathomed an essence of a subject, and not learning a subject by heart. My favorite subjects are mathematics, physics, information science, chemistry and physical culture. |
By results of ratings, which were spent in 2001, I entered to Industrial heat power engineering Department, Physical-and-Metallurgical Faculty of DonNTU. During my studies at University I took part in the Olympiad on Electrical engineering, and I was in top ten. Also I participated in the "Days of the Science ", various special conferences, I was awarded with certificates of honor. In 2005 I have gained the bachelor's degree with distinction and have wanted to gain the Master’s diploma, as I consider, that the person should not be shut down on reached. As the Master’s diploma has the certain privileges before the bachelor's degree. My specific area of scientific interests is the effective utilization of alternative sources of heat, economy of thermal energy and fuel, protection of an environment, and currently I’m working in this field under supervision of Associated Professor G.G. Pyatushkin. As to a strategic prospect, it is very desirable to realize myself as the specialist in the field of heat power engineering because this profession is rather necessary to people, and to develop new energy saving methods, to replace existing ones with more economic and ecologically pure. |
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