Donetsk National Technical University - Master Chernov Ivan

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Magister Chernov Ivan

Chernov Ivan

Faculty:Computer science

Speciality: The software of the automated systems

Theme of master's work:

Automatic Data Mining form data bases.

Academic adviser: Fedyaev O.I. candidate of engineering sciences, dean assistant



I am study at DonNTU to get master's degree. During teaching in an university I showed good progress, that is confirms grade point average at 4,97. know Russian and Ukrainian as native languages and I can speak read English fluently. Since second course, I’m working by programmer in «Koksokhymproekt».My experience of work is comes to 3 years in this business. I am going for sport. I visit the section of kyokushynkay karate.

Short biography:


I was borned on 16 July 1984 in Donetsk city at family of office workers.


I want to express gratitude to the parents for liberal education and for the given freedom of actions and right to choice of own way in life.

Preschool age is little notable and poor on events. Flashbacks links with journeys to two grandmothers and the first duty - daily attendance of a garden. When I was 6 years old, first computer was appeared in a house, more precisely prefix to the television set OREL. The impressions from work of this device from little up defined the circle of interests and further profession.


In general school 8 went when I was six years old, it is conditioned by the experiment of Department of education. At primary school I defined the lack at itself of graphic capacities, and, as result, I received very bad, illegible handwriting. However much interest showed up to scientific activity (as far as this it was possible in this age) and to literature. Work with a computer in this period was taken to the load of game from an audio cassette.

At secondary school in 11 years went in children’s study group on programming in the “Young technician”. For 2 years of teaching in this section learned the languages of BASIC and Pascal. Very quickly became an advanced pupil participant, in 2 years I remained unique from a set of my year. It was tied attention of leader to the junior groups and without due guidance a section left off to interest me. That is why I began independent studies of programming on books. In the same period by turns visited practically all mugs of the «Young technician». In a seventh class on own initiative passed to 35th physico-mathematical secondary school. High level of education, plenty of lessons for mathematicians, informatics and to physics did not compel to feel sorry about the done choice. And because a class was recently formed that there were no problems of new man in a collective.

Senior school was conducted in the conditions of various olympiads on mathematics, physics and informatics. Studies were given easily and interestingly. Absence of predisposition to the languages did not allow to finish to school with a medal. However much the great number of deeds for prizes places at different levels of olympiads gives a right proudly to remember this segment of life.

Not looking on obvious predisposition to computers sciences, speciality and place of the further teaching were not certain to the middle of a 11 class. However after the choice of profession programmer, INSTITUTE of higher and faculty were certain practically at once.


On results examinations, in 2001 acted in DonNTU on the faculty of the computing engineering and informatics. The spirit of this educational establishment pleased from the first pair. Due to understanding of teachers of department of PMI and human relation to the students these five years became most considerable and pleasant in life. Well carefully thought out program of preparation(which, certainly, not without knowledge) interesting teaching helped easily to overcome all difficulties in an educational process. Vneuchebnaya activity of Institute of higher shown in the well organized evenings of department and days of faculty, every study did not give to miss in time spare from studies, joined students between itself and helped to find the mutual understanding with many teachers.

Due to the pair of physical education at Zur V. I opened on your own karate. I am never earnest by sport until I was 18 years old, I understood truth of saying: «In a healthy body healthy spirit». Because there was no possibility to be engaged in karate in full on pair, I was written down in an evening section. Now at me 6 kyu in karate of kyokushynkay, the employments I am going to continue as possible longer.

In times of teaching I was interested by the problems of artificial intelligence. During the choice of theme for master's degree work there were no other variants interesting me. A considerable role was played by perspective themes and personal qualities of leader.

After the issue I am going will settle down on a firm on software development or in a research institute engaged in IT-problems. Basic by the purpose I see moving forward humanity, by creations of new scientific knowledge’s or software of more comfortable instruments for human labor.

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