Українська версія

Master's work

Русская версия

Isaenko (Chepurko) Alexandra Petrovna

Donetsk national technical university
Master's portal
Faculty of computer engineering and computer science
Speciality - System programming
Group SP-01m

Theme of master's work: "Problem of pattern recognition with use of neural networks"
Leader of work: V.Svjatnyj



I was born in Donetsk on November, 25, 1983. My parents are Chepurko Irina Pavlovna - a tutor - methodologist in a kindergarten N149 and Chepurko Peter Jurjevich - a builder. Thanks to my sister I learnt to read early, and that strongly influenced my attitude to the world, to my people. In books all was always good, people were kind, the world beautiful. This led to some unrealistic perception of the world which still remains.

Constantly observing my sister's piano exercises, I got a burning desire to learn to play it myself. Thus, I went simultaneously to the first form of a school N111 providing general education and to the first form of music school N2. In the beginning I liked to study music, because there was a lot of new and interesting, but to learn to play well, it was necessary to repeat musical fragments over and over again, which bored me very quickly. Therefore I did something at the beginning of the academic year, when the desire to work had not yet cooled down, and at the end, when it was necessary to take some exams :).

At the usual school on the contrary I always liked to study, especially when teachers noticing, that the usual program was not enough for me, gave me more difficult tasks, occupying all free time.

In the higher forms I was especially interested in the mathematics and geography . I even had a desire to become a geologist:) from which my parents were dissuaded me for a long time. In their opinion, this profession was not for girls. At one time I used to win prize-winning places in various contests. Participated in the international competition "Kangaroo", but there I couldn't scale any significant heights. Also during my study at school, I constantly participated in various musical competitions and festivals of our city.

A critical stage for my thinking and the future plans came with the advent of computers in my life. When I was in 10 form I went to preparatory school (UPK) with specialization "The Operator of the personal computer". Our training computers were Corvets with BASIC on which we learned to program, and on which I have written my first program. Programming, algorithms, I liked all this so much, that I decided to bind my creative life with computers. This decision defined roughly my choice of place of future study. A technical university is necessary for a technical specialization, and over the choice of specialization I didn't think long. I decided to enter on VT (computer systems and networks) as I liked the brief review of this specialization most of all.

I left school with gold medal. This allowed me to enter in university on interview. In the summer after entrance examinations I worked in the selection committee of DonNTU, and felt myself, how much effort must be put to admit one first-year student into the precincts of the university :).

I liked studying at the university at once - new impressions, friends, interesting teachers and subjects. In short I was full of optimism. After my first year I was admitted to a speciality " System programming " in a German-language group for excellent study. During study I participated in a student conference on ecology where I won the first place, then I was sent to an international conference to Kiev.

In 2005, I obtained the bachelor's degree with honors. I had no reflections about entering a master course - if there is an opportunity to receive knowledge, why I should refuse it. After enrolment in the master course, I took part in an open contest from Ericsson on the best idea of a mobile portal, where I took an honorable incentive place ( in greater detail ...).

There were doubts about a theme of master's. Thanks to Teplinskiy Konstantin Sergeevich, I became interested in subject of neural networks, and their practical application, which defined the direction of my master's work.

Now I work as a programmer for a firm called Constanta, I am engaged in support and introduction of 1C software products. I am a certificated expert of 1С. After graduation I will either stay at this firm to scale the heights :), or I will look for a work, which is more related to system programming, or ho programming for the Internet. There is also a wish to acquire the second profession connected with economics. I want to start my own business, based on the existing knowledge of office-work. In the more distant future there is a wish (perhaps unrealistic) to leave for other country, to work and live there. Not so much because of high salaries, it is possible to earn well in this country, as because of other living standards, the relationships, mentality …

And in general I'd like to live a life so that it were possible to look back at the past years without regrets :)

Українська версія

Master's work

Русская версия