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Master of DonNTU Kolesnikova Yana

Kolesnikova Yana

Faculty of computers and information science
Speciality: Economical cyberneticses
Group: Ecy-01a
Subject of a master's thesis: «Inventory management system simulation»
Scientific adviser: Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer Dmitrieva Olga Anatolievna.

I have taken bachelor's degree in Donetsk National Technical University. At the moment I'm working as the editor of an automobile site

Part I. The childhood.

I was born on June, 17, 1984. It was remarkable time which became the base of my creative development. In 80th the unsurpassed Norwegian group A-HA was shining on a stage, and one of the best crops of a grape ripened under the bright sun on valleys of Champagne. Magnificent automobiles were created at that time: unsurpassed Mercedes-Benz 124, amazing De Lorean, and many others. Many creative children were born at that time.

But the greatest contribution on my development was made by my parents, Kolesnikov Alexandr and Kolesnikova Lily, certainly, not without the help of my elder sister Kolesnikova Svetlana. I have remarkable parents. They are kind, attentive, clever, educated. Such parents cannot have bad children! Therefore my creative nature was showed already in three years when I began to play a role of Ant in folk choir. I was the youngest, so other roles did not fit to me. Therefore, I have left a career of the performer of folk songs and began to play piano, then have entered Children's Donetsk choreographic school, and, after three years, - in musical school.

Part II. School.

When in the grey rainy morning on September, 2, 1991 I went in the first class, my daddy did not doubt, that I shall end school with a gold medal. But I considered that making homework prevents me to play with a friend. But my mum noticed a plenty of red paste in my writing-book and has taken my study over the control. It was the end of carefree childhood!

The most interesting subjects at school were the Ukrainian language and the Ukrainian literature. I even took the second place in regional Olympiad on the Ukrainian language and the literature.

Studying at school was not always easy and interesting, but I had a good class.

Part III. University.

The Donetsk state technical university has been chosen by several reasons. At first, technical university had a good reputation, second, it was possible to enter this university on rating base even before leaving school.

The first impressions from university were pleasant and completely justified my hopes: the first course has passed very cheerfully, it was the beginning of an "adult", independent life. I have found out, how to use cases from old EC (as partitions in auditoriums), have tried a national student's dish - pies with peas and many other things.

During the studying at university, I wrote various scientific works, took parts in Olympiads on management, psychology, and took prize-winning places. For all this I had received a pile of paper. From interesting and useful, it is necessary to choose participation in working up of methodical instructions for our department. I hope we have helped our teachers and students! At this university I have met my Beloved. Here I have found out the true Teachers which can really interest students. These people have helped to open my abilities, and knowledge which I have received from them will be useful to me in the future.

Part IV. The present and the future.

Now I'm working at writing of master's thesis «Inventory management system simulation». In the future, I plan to work out systems, which automatize an activity of the enterprises. And engineering of storekeeping system is a first step to realization of my plans.

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