Distance Education is not a new concept. In the late 1800s, at the
University of Chicago, the first major correspondence program in the United
States was established in which the teacher and learner were at different
locations. Before that time, particularly in pre-industrial Europe, education
had been available primarily to males in higher levels of society. The most
effective form of instruction in those days was to bring students together in
one place and one time to learn from one of the masters. That form of
traditional educational remains the model today . The early efforts of educators
like William Rainey Harper in 1890 to establish alternatives were laughed at.
Correspondence study, which was designed to provide educational opportunities
for those who were not among the elite and who could not afford full time
residence at an educational institution, was looked down on as inferior
education . Many educators regarded correspondence courses as simply business
operations. Correspondence education offended the elitist, and extremely
undemocratic educational system which characterized the early years in this
country (Pittman, 1991). Indeed, many correspondence courses were viewed as
simply poor excuses for the real thing. However, the need to provide equal
access to educational opportunities has always been part of our democratic
ideals, so correspondence study took a new turn.
As radio developed during the First World War and television in the 1950s,
instruction outside of the traditional classroom had suddenly found new delivery
systems. There are many examples of how early radio and television were used in
schools to deliver instruction at a distance. Wisconsin's School of the Air was
an early effort, in the 1920's, to affirm that the boundaries of the school were
the boundaries of the state. More recently, audio and computer teleconferencing
have influenced the delivery of instruction in public schools, higher education,
the military, business and industry. Following the establishment of the Open
University in Britain in 1970, and Charles Wedemeyer's innovative uses of media
in 1986 at the University of Wisconsin, correspondence study began to use
developing technologies to provide more effective distance education.
Correspondence Study to Distance Education
In 1982, the International Council for Correspondence Education changed its
name to the International Council for Distance Education to reflect the
developments in the field. With the rapid growth of new technologies and the
evolution of systems for delivering information, distance education with its
ideals of providing equality of access to education, became a reality. Today
there are distance education courses offered by dozens of public and private
organizations and institutions to school districts, universities, the military
and large corporations. Direct satellite broadcasts are produced by more than 20
of the country's major universities to provide over 500 courses in engineering
delivered live by satellite as part of the National Technological University
(NTU). In the corporate sector, more than 40 billion dollars a year are spent by
IBM, Kodak, and the Fortune 500 companies in distance education programs. What,
exactly, are the prospects and promises of distance education? Desmond Keegan
(Keegan, 1980) identified six key elements of distance education:
separation of teacher and learner
influence of an educational organization
use of media to link teacher and learner
two way exchange of communication
learners as individuals rather than grouped
educators as an industrialized form
Distance Education has traditionally been defined as instruction through
print or electronic communications media to persons engaged in planned learning
in a place or time different from that of the instructor or instructors. The
traditional definition of distance education is slowly being eroded as new
technological developments challenge educators to reconceptualize the idea of
schooling and lifelong learning. At the same time, interest in the unlimited
possibilities of individualized distance learning is growing with the
development of each new communication technology. Although educational
technologists agree that it is the systematic design of instruction which should
drive the development of distance learning, the rapid development of computer
related technologies has captured the interest of the public and has been
responsible for much of the limelight in which distance educators currently find
themselves. Although the United States has seen rapid growth in the use of
technology for distance education, much of the pioneering work has been done
Open Learning in the U. K.
The establishment of the British Open University in the United Kingdom in
1969 marked the beginning of the use of technology to supplement print based
instruction through well designed courses. Learning materials were delivered on
a large scale to students in three programs; undergraduates, postgraduates and
associate students. Although course materials were primarily print based, they
were supported by a variety of technologies. No formal educational
qualifications have been required to be admitted to the British Open University.
Courses are closely monitored and have been successfully delivered to over
100,000 students. As a direct result of its success, the Open University model
has been adopted by many countries in both the developed and developing world
(Keegan, 1986). Researchers in the United Kingdom continue to be leaders in
identifying problems and proposing solutions for practitioners in the field
(Harry, Keegan, & Magnus, 1993). The International Centre for Distance
Learning, at the British Open University, maintains the most complete holdings
of literature in both research and practice of international distance learning.
Research studies, evaluation reports, course modules, books, journal articles
and ephemeral material concerning distance education around the world are all
available through quarterly accessions lists or online.
The United States
The United States was slow to enter the distance education marketplace, and
when it did, a form of distance education unique to its needs evolved. Not
having the economic problems of some countries nor the massive illiteracy
problems of developing nations, the United States nevertheless had problems of
economy of delivery. Teacher shortages in areas of science, math, and foreign
language combined with state mandates to rural schools produced a climate, in
the late '80s, conducive to the rapid growth of commercial courses such as those
offered via satellite by the TI-IN network in Texas, and Oklahoma State
University. In the United States, fewer than 10 states were promoting distance
education in 1987. A year later that number had grown to two-thirds of the
states and by 1989 virtually all states were involved in distance learning
programs. Perhaps the most important political document describing the state of
distance education has been the report done for Congress by the Office of
Technology Assessment in 1989 called Linking for Learning (Office of Technology
Assessment, 1989). The report gives an overview of distance learning, the role
of teachers, and reports of local, state and federal projects. It describes the
state of distance education programs throughout the United States in 1989, and
highlights how technology was being used in the schools. Model state networks
and telecommunication delivery systems are outlined with recommendations given
for setting up local and wide area networks to link schools. Some projects, such
as the Panhandle Shared Video Network and the Iowa Educational
Telecommunications Network, serve as examples of operating video networks which
are both efficient and cost effective.
A Global Movement
In Europe and other Western countries, a global concern was beginning to
emerge. In a recent report, the 12 members of the European Association of
Distance Teaching Universities proposed a European Open University to begin in
1992. This is in direct response to the European Parliament, the Council of
Europe, and the European Community (Bates, 1990). In this report, articles from
authors in nine European countries describe the use of media and technology in
higher education in Europe and reflect upon the need for providing unified
educational access in the form of a European Open University to a culturally
diverse population.
Telecommunication networks now circle the globe, linking people from many
nations together in novel and exciting ways. As the borders of our global
community continue to shrink, we search for new ways to improve communication by
providing greater access to information on an international scale. Emerging
communication technologies, and telecommunications in particular, provide highly
cost effective solutions to the problems of sharing information and promoting
global understanding between people. In today's electronic age, it is predicted
that the amount of information produced will increase exponentially every year.
Since economic and political power is directly related to access to information,
many educators like Takeshi Utsumi, President of GLOSAS (Global Systems Analysis
and Simulation) have worked to develop models of the "Global University" and
the"Global Lecture Hall" which provide resources allowing less affluent
countries to keep up with advances in global research and education (Utsumi,
Rossman, & Rosen, 1990).
In the developing world, since the 1950's, the population has doubled to
over 5 billion people, most of whom want to be literate and want greater
educational opportunities for themselves and their children. The majority of
this expanding population is in Asia where there are massive problems of
poverty, illiteracy and disease. In most developing countries, such as
Bangladesh, distance education offers the promise of a system of information
distribution through which new ideas, attitudes and understanding might begin to
ooze through the layers of the disadvantaged environments (Shah, 1989). Drawing
upon the well known model of the British Open University, countries such as
Pakistan, India and China have combined modern methods of teaching with emerging
technologies in order to provide low-cost instruction for basic literacy and job
training. Turkey has recently joined those nations involved in large scale
distance learning. Only twelve years old, their distance education program has
enrolled almost one million students and is the 6th largest distance education
program in the world (Demiray & McIsaac, 1993).
Because of the economies of size and distribution, both industrialized, and
developing countries have embarked upon distance education programs. In the
early 1980's, record numbers of students in developing countries have gained
access to higher education through distance education programs (Rumble &
Harry, 1982). In many cases, local experts are not available to develop original
programs in the language and culture of the people. for this reason, the
majority of educational programs are either used intact from the host country or
are superficially translated with very few adaptations to the local culture.
When this is done, the results are often unsuccessful. The cultural values of
the program designer become dominant, desirable, and used as the standard. there
are many examples of programs from North America, Australia, Great Britain, and
Europe that were purchased but never used in Africa and Asia because the
material was not relevant in those countries. Because the appropriate design of
instructional material is a critical element in its effectiveness, the issue of
"who designs what and for whom" is central to any discussion of the economic,
political, and cultural dangers that face distance educators using information
technologies (McIsaac, 1993). There have been a variety of efforts to identify
theoretical foundations for the study of distance education. Thus far, there has
been little agreement about which theoretical principles are common to the field
and even less agreement on how to proceed in conducting programmatic research.