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![]() Kseniya MoskelnkoFaculty: Computers and Information SystemsSpeciality: Economical cyberneticsTheme of master's work: Risk managementLeader of work: O.A. DmitrievaAbstractCV |
SummaryAvarage grade at university during the whole period of studies is 5.0. I'm a full mamber of the International student assosiation called AIESEC. I can easily communicate Russian, Ukrainan and English. Main passion - long term travelling. Joined Work&Travel program twice and took part in exchange program in a capacity of a trainee in Ankara, Turkey. Striving for excelence and selfdevelopment.Email: Short biography:I was born on 31 March. But even now being 21 year old not absolutely sure about this date. Once my mom told me a sad story about a guy who was born on 1 April – All fools day. That day she mentioned that would give any bribe to a hospital staff so they write 31st or 2nd. Anyways let’s say that I was born on 31 March. My first years I spent in small miners settlement than moved to my grandparents where also spent lots of time. Remember like in kinder garden I was the one starting all fights and coursing problems, in short – troublemaker! School yearsAt about 7 years I moved to Donetsk and started my first school. Since my mom is a teacher I’ve been always a brilliant pupil and student as well. But it was quite hard in public school. Not because of some studies but it just wasn’t popular so to say. I clearly remember one bright day in school, the day when I was so proud of myself! I had an argument with a headmaster and some of her deputies and I was absolutely sure in my case and could prove it. Director was going crazy and started to scream and shout, I stayed calm and was responding to her in a polite and confident manner, I was on over her. After 7 grade I moved to Donetsk technical lyceum and studied there for a year. It absolutely converted my idea of studying – and I started to enjoy programming and English. (I really hated it before) But I didn’t spend much time there and entered Lyceum “Intellect”. Great times, best friends, lots of learning – these are the words that I associate with it. It gave me an excellent start and I’m really grateful for this. UniversityIt’s a common practice for pupils from lyceum “Intellect” to enter university with the same name. I used to be one of them. There are just few good specialties and the one I liked was “Economical cybernetics”. I was preparing to enter this university and study this course but all of a sudden my mom decided that it’d much better for my future to enter DonNTU. What can I say – she was right! I guess I will remember one of my first classes for a long-long time. There was a teacher who appeared to notice that I’m a perfectionist in my studies. Seemed that she had something against it and gave me 4 instead of 5. It didn’t help – I’m still perfectionist. Four and a half years passed. During this time I showed myself as an active student – have several publications, took part in management competition, joined conferences. Right now I’m working on my diploma thesis. I picked a Risk management topic and quite interested in it. More articles will be published soon. From my point of view right now just few or none companies in Ukraine are using risk management tools and techniques. But it can change a lot and that’s why one of my goals is to study how to deal with risk. International consulting companies that are working on Ukrainian market affectively implement their knowledge and tools. That is one of the reason why I’d like to work in such a company. Studying was always simple for me even when I was spending nights doing something it wasn’t too tough. If talking about knowledge I got in university – it’s probably about half of the knowledge and skills I have right now. Second half plus self confidence gave me AIESEC. Beyond universityAIESEC is an international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential, that is the organization which grows global leaders of tomorrow, that is my life. With a help of AIESEC I learned how to sell myself as professional, how to be a part of international project, face and solve problems, be creative and innovative, be a team member and a leader. After my second year in university I joined an ICCP program which is quite similar to Work&Travel USA. There in California I made tons of friends, boyfriend and of course a passion for traveling. It would take too much time and space to write at least 10% of my impressions. It sounds so silly but lots of times while being there all of a sudden I was shouting “Oh my Goodness I’m in United States!” It was unforgettable experience and now unbelievable pictures for memories. But I liked it too much and did it again next summer which was even better. I could kept on doing it but had to pass state exams. Because of bureaucracy of our rulers I couldn’t manage to visit US once again. But of course there is a positive side. I joined AIESEC and went abroad anyways. After state exams I started my traineeship in Ankara, Turkey. Now I have a concept of a “stupid tourist” which means a person who went abroad as a tourist for 1 or 2 weeks. When people do this they can be cheated by locals and anyway they don’t feel the country spirit in full. When u go for a long period – you get your own ideas about country and its citizens. And now next summer is coming. So far I have a plan for the nearest year and a half of my life. But bad experience demonstrates that it’s better not to tell about your plans unless you need a help. So sorry but don’t worry – I clearly know what I want. Next steps so far – getting my diploma done and graduation! |