Why Develop on the Windows Mobile Platform?
Microsoft provides developers with a rich, flexible platform, world-class tools and comprehensive resources to build innovative applications for Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs and Smartphones. Windows Mobile developers can benefit from:
Flexible, Powerful Development Platform
The Windows Mobile platform offers:
Reduced Development Time and Cost
Windows Mobile developers can take advantage of a unified software platform, a familiar Window development environment, a consistent programming model and comprehensive technical resources to reduce development time and costs.
Increased Market Opportunities and Reduced Time-to-Market
Mobile2Market, Microsoft's certification and marketing program for Windows Mobile applications, helps independent software vendors (ISV) increase revenue and reduce time-to-market by streamlining application development and logo testing and providing worldwide distribution channels.
Access to Comprehensive Developer Resources and Support
Microsoft provides comprehensive resources to help corporate and ISV developers stay abreast of mobile technologies. These resources include:
Microsoft's world-class premier support offering (fees may vary)