Pete's Potpourri
Numerical Weather Prediction inFAQ
Weather forecast computer modeling is known in the trade as
numerical weather prediction (NWP). As an amateur, I find it interesting
because it's at the intersection of three areas that are themselves
individually interesting -- first, weather forecasting and the prediction
of events that appear unpredictable; second, computer modeling and
parallel computing; and third, non-linear systems and chaos theory.
The first two parts of this inFAQ are loosely adapted from The
Handy Weather Answer Book, by Walter A. Lyons, Ph.D.
(Visible Ink Press, 1997); the part on deterministic chaos is cobbled
together from multiple sources; and the fourth part is largely cribbed
from USA Today at
Who formulated the ideas of fronts and air masses?
During World War I, Norwegian meteorologists were largely cut off
from weather information outside of their neutral country due to
restrictions imposed by the warring nations of Europe. In response Norway
established a dense network of weather stations within their own country.
Led by the father and son team of Vilhem and Jacob Bjerknes,
a dedicated group of scientists now known as the the Bergen School went to work
analyzing the resulting data.
From this work they developed
the concept of air masses and the weather fronts between air masses. They
studied instabilities on the polar front (the demarcation between polar
and tropical air) and from this developed the basic theory of mid-latitude
storms. This theory has become a cornerstone of modern meteorology.
So what is numerical weather prediction?
Because of their academic backgrounds in the study of fluid
dynamics, the Bergen School scientists understood that air as a fluid
obeys the fundamental physical laws for fluids, called the hydrodynamic
equations. These include the equations of motion, the thermodynamic
energy equation, the hydrostatic equation, the equation of mass
conservation, and the Boyle-Charles equation of state.
In theory,
then, one can use these equations to create a mathematical model of the
atmosphere, plug in data on the past and current state of the atmosphere,
and solve the equations to predict a future state -- numerical weather
prediction. But of course it's not that easy.
Like any other
mathematical modeling of a complex dynamic system (and the earth's
atmosphere is a very complex system) NWP requires the solving of the above
mentioned nonlinear partial differential equations -- not possible by
precise analytical methods, but rather done by numerical approximation --
classically by iterating to an acceptably close approximation, but now by
matrix methods. To do this for any practical purpose requires a huge
amount of computation. Further, it might be noted here that because of the
nature of these equations, tiny differences in the data that are "plugged
in" to the equations -- that is, defining the initial state -- will yield
huge differences in the results. This "sensitive dependence on initial
conditions" is the hallmark of a chaotic
Some real-world problems NWP must overcome
This latter problem is significant. In spite of all the world-wide
weather stations, weather buoys, observations from ships and aircraft, the
use of weather balloons and radiosondes, doppler radar, and satellite
information, some of the actual data needed or available for initializing
any given computer run of a model either is missing or does not fit the
model grid either in time or space. The methods developed to deal with
this are referred to as data
Further, atmospheric processes that happen on
scales smaller than that of the model's grid scale but that signicantly
affect the atmosphere (such as the large amount of convection that can
occur in thunderstorms, cloud formation and the release of latent heat,
etc.) must be accounted for. The procedure to do this that is incorporated
into the models is called parameterization.
As the Canadian
Meteorlogical office states, "Parameterizations can be (and
usually are) complex models in their own right."
How does
resolution affect the model?
Now obviously the finer the
resolution of the model grid the more accurately the model reflects the
actual atmosphere, so all else being equal, the more accurate the
prediction is that uses that model. But equally obviously the finer the
resolution, the more numbers that have to be crunched on the same
So, in practice, models that cover large areas (like
the whole Northern hemisphere) tend to have coarser resolution than those
that cover smaller areas (like just the USA) and so are not going to be as
accurate in the small scale. Further, it's worth noting that models that
work with smaller areas can predict only for shorter time periods, since
as time passes it's inevitable that weather from outside the model area
(and therefore not accounted for in the model) will have influenced the
weather inside the model area.
One way to overcome this limitation
is by nesting a finer grid for a limited area of interest inside a larger,
coarser grid. This method is widely used, but adds is own complications
which must be accounted for.
Okay. So how's NWP work?
The process goes approximately like this (assuming you've already
developed a mathematical model):
- First settle on the area to be looked at and define a grid with an
appropriate resolution.
- Then gather weather readings for each grid point (temperature,
humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, precipitation,
etc.) at a number of different altitudes;
- run your assimilation scheme to initialize the data so it fits your
- now run your model by stepping it forward in time -- but not too
- and go back to Step 2 again.
- When you've finally stepped forward as far as the forecast outlook,
publish your prediction to the world.
- And finally, analyze and verify how accurately your model predicted
the actual weather and revise it accordingly.
All that produces
a numerical prediction. An actual forecast takes much more work -- more
about that later.
Who first tried NWP?
the fundamental notions of numerical weather prediction were first stated
by Vilhelm Bjerknes in 1904, it was in 1922 that Lewis F.
Richardson -- "a great scientist whose originality mixed with
eccentricity," to quote Mandelbrot -- formally proposed that weather could
be predicted by solving the "equations of atmospheric motion." He soon realized that the amount of
calculation would be formidable, so he proposed a weather prediction
center in which a giant circular amphitheater would contain some 26,000
accountants equipped with calculators who would make their additions and
subtractions as commanded by a sort of conductor.
first attempts failed because the method predicted pressure changes far
larger than any that had ever been observed. This was later found to
result from the way he approximated the solutions to the equations. His
idea -- which, it should be emphasized, was basically sound -- was thus
dismissed and forgotten for over 20 years.
NWP would have to wait
for the proper tool.
When were the first practical attempts at NWP?
The electronic computer was conceived in the 1940's, when
mathematician John
von Neumann developed the prototype of the stored program electronic
machine, the forerunner of today's modern computers. He turned his
interests to NWP and formed a meteorology project in 1946 at Princeton's
Institute for Advanced Study. There meteorologist Jule Charney
began working on the problem of numerical weather prediction.
After figuring out why Richardson's
first attempts 25 years earlier had failed, Charney was able to formulate
equations that could be solved on a modern digital computer. The first
successful numerical prediction of weather was made in April 1950, using
computer at Maryland's Aberdeen Proving Ground. Within several years
research groups worldwide were experimenting with "weather by the
numbers." The first operational weather predictions, using an IBM 701
computer, were begun in May 1955 in a joint Air Force, Navy, and Weather
Bureau project.
What role do computers play now?
Because of the extent of the computation required, meteorologists
have invariably required the biggest and fastest computers to do their
numerical modeling. NWP has advanced greatly in six decades, in large part
due to the spectacular growth in speed and capacity of digital computers.
To give you a feel for it, one of the first commercial computers used for
atmospheric research was the IBM
1620 -- it could perform about 1,000 (10^3) additions per second -- while today's massively
parallel supercomputers
can clip along in the low teraflops -- trillions (10^12) of floating point
operations per second -- a billion (10^9) times faster.
With the
high speed number crunching of NWP, atmospheric scientists use and
generate huge amounts of data. The National Center for
Atmospheric Research estimated that in 1997 they maintained computer
files totaling 30 terabytes -- 30 trillion (10^12) bytes -- of data. In
late 2000 that number had grown to over 200 terabytes. And by early 2003,
total data at their Mass Storage Section had continued growing
exponentially to over a petabyte -- that's 1024 terabytes, or a
mega-gigabyte, if you will.
But there are inherent
limits that even the fastest computers can't overcome.
Is the weather even predictable or is the atmosphere
That's a loaded question. We all know that weather
forecasters are right only part of the time, and that they often give
their predictions as percentages of possibilities. So can forecasters
actually predict the weather or are they not doing much more than just
playing the odds?
Part of the answer appears trivially easy -- if
the sun is shining and the only clouds in the sky are nice little puffy
ones, then even we can predict that the weather for the afternoon will
stay nice -- probably. So of course the weathermen are actually doing
their jobs (tho' they do play the odds).
But in spite of the
predictability of the weather -- at least in the short-term -- the
atmosphere is in fact chaotic, not in the usual sense of "random,
disordered, and unpredictable," but rather, with the technical meaning of
a deterministic
chaotic system, that is, a system that is ordered and predictable, but in
such a complex way that its patterns of order are revealed only with new
mathematical tools.
Who first studied deterministic
Well, not so new. The French mathematical genius Poincare
studied the problem of determined but apparently unsolvable dynamic
systems a hundred years ago working with the three-body problem.
And the American Birkhoff
and many others also studied chaotic systems in various contexts.
But its principles were serendipitously rediscovered in the early
1960s by the meteorologist Edward Lorenz of MIT.
While working with a simplified model in fluid dynamics, he solved the
same equations twice with seemingly identical data, but the second run
through, trying to save a little computer time, he truncated his data from
six to three decimal places, thinking it would make no difference to the
outcome. He was surprised to get totally different solutions. He had
rediscovered "sensitive dependence on initial conditions."
Lorenz went on to elaborate the
principles of chaotic systems, and is now considered to be the father of
this area of study. He is usually credited with having coined the term
"butterfly effect" -- can the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil spawn
a tornado in Texas? (But see the note.)
(James Yorke of the University
of Maryland is credited with having spawned this -- somewhat misleading --
new use of the word "chaos.")
What are the characteristics
of a chaotic system?
Deterministic chaotic behavior is
found throughout the natural world -- from the way faucets drip to how
bodies in space orbit each other; from how chemicals react to the way the
heart beats; from the spread of epidemics of disease to the ecology of
predator-prey relationships; and, of course, in the dynamics of the
earth's atmosphere.
But all these seemingly unrelated phenomena
share certain characteristics in common:
- Sensitive dependence on initial conditions -- starting from
extremely similar but slightly different initial conditions they will
rapidly move to different states. From this principle follow these two:
- exponential amplification of errors -- any mistakes in describing
the initial state of a system will therefore guarantee completely
erroneous results; and
- unpredictability of long-term behavior -- even extremely accurate
starting data will not allow you to get long-term results: instead,
you have to stop after a bit, measure your resulting data, plug them
back into your model, and continue on.
- Local instability, but global stability -- in the smallest scale the
behavior is completely unpredictable, while in the large scale the
behavior of the system "falls back into itself," that is, restabilizes.
- Aperiodic -- the phenomenon never repeats itself exactly (tho' it
may come close).
- Non-random -- although the phenomenon may at some level contain
random elements, it is not essentially random, just chaotic. (Sorry if
that seems circular.)
Reading through this list you can see some
of the inherent difficulties that NWP has to deal with, and why there are
necessary limits on what numerical modeling can do.
How many models are there?
Today, worldwide, there
are at least a couple of dozen computer forecast models in use. They can
be categorized by their
- resolution;
- outlook or time-frame -- short-range, meaning one to two days out,
and medium-range going out from three to seven days; and
- forecast area or scale -- global (which usually means the Northern
hemisphere), national, and relocatable.
What models are in
common use?
Models that are in common use in the United
States, with their resolution, outlook, and scale:
- The NGM (Nested Grid Model with 80Km resolution), ETA (29Km with the
ETA-22 on the way), and AVN (Aviation Model, 100Km resolution) are
short-range national models:
- The NGM uses the common approach of a smaller grid "nested" inside
a larger one for the area of interest, in this case the U.S. It is a
short range model that predicts for 2 days ahead, producing forecasts
every 6 hours, predicting variables such as temperature at various
altitudes, amount of precipitation, position of upper level toughs and
ridges, and the position of surface high and low pressure areas.
- The ETA is named after the Eta coordinate system, a mathematical
system that takes into account topographical features such as
mountains. The ETA is similar to the NGM in that it forecasts the same
atmospheric variables; however, because of the ETA's better resolution
(29 Km to the NGM's 80 Km), and its coordinate system, the ETA has a
much more accurate picture of the terrain across the USA. It's still
too soon to tell if the ETA gives a more accurate forecast than the
NGM for all forecast variables; but according to the National Center
for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), the ETA has outperformed
all the others in forecasting amounts of precipitation. The ETA is
forecast to completely replace the NGM by the end of 1999.
- One of the oldest operational models used today, the AVN gives
short range forecasts like the NGM and ETA, but it also forecasts into
the medium range -- up to 72 hours ahead. Although its 100Km
resolution isn't as good as the NGM or ETA, it still provides valuable
insight -- the AVN tends to perform better than the others in certain
situations, such as strong low pressure near the East Coast.
- The MRF (Medium Range Forecast) is a 150Km resolution medium-range
global model. Here's a non-mathematical but jargon-filled technical
introduction, [but link broken 6-2004] which, if studied, will give
some idea of the complexity of the modeling process.
- The ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting) and
UKMET (United Kingdom Meteorological Office) refer to European 75Km
resolution medium-range global models whose output is widely used here
in the States.
- The Global Ocean Model forecasts seasonal changes in oceanic
variables, such as sea surface temperature and ocean currents. The ocean
model is coupled with an atmospheric model to help determine how
forecasted changes in oceanic variables will affect the atmosphere. This
model tandem is used to forecast long range seasonal or yearly
variations of the ocean and the atmosphere -- including events such as
an El Nino
warming event in the Pacific Ocean. For more information, see this short
from the Advanced Computing Lab at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- The MM5 (Mesoscale Model version 5) is an experimental model
developed at Penn State and being used at various universities. See
or this overview, for
To turn a numerical prediction into a forecast more
work is involved. Not strictly speaking a numerical model, Model Output
Statistics (MOS) are generated by forecast model postprocessors.
They are used to help overcome the weaknesses of numerical models by
developing statistical relations between model predictions and observed
weather. These relations are then used to translate the model predictions
directly to specific surface weather forecasts. For example, two types of
plots are forecast surface conditions from the NGM model, and 7-day
maximum temperature predictions from the MRF.
How good are
these models and the predictions based on them?
The short
answer is, Not too bad, and a lot better than forecasting without them.
The longer answer is in three parts:
- Some of the models are much better at particular things than others;
for example, as the USA Today article points
out, the AVN "tends to perform better than the others in certain
situations, such as strong low pressure near the East Coast," and "the
ETA has outperformed all the others in forecasting amounts of
precipitation." For more on this subject, here's a slide
show from NCEP.
- The models are getting better and better as they are validated,
updated, and replaced -- the "new" MRF has replaced the old (1995), and
the ETA is replacing the NGM.
- That's why they'll always need the weather man -- to interpret and
collate the various computer predictions, add local knowledge, look out
the window, and come up with a real forecast.
The Web makes some fine resources available. Here are a few mostly
about numerical weather prediction:
- There's a great little online tutorial
at Texas A&M that takes you through a simplified example of the
- UCAR's Meteorology Education and Training website makes quite a few
somewhat technical training resources available either online or for
download, including those for NWP.
- The ECMWF provides a short primer on Forecasting
by computer.
- The British Meteorological
Office provides a comprehensive discussion of NWP. (I've linked to a
few of their good pages above.)
- As for the models themselves,
- And one decent chaos link.