Samoylova Tatyana
Grounds of a theme
The purpose of work
Scientific novelty
Review of existing researches and developments
Masters work is devoted to a problem of simulation basic cognitive computational models grounded on the monocode (Phaistos disk, Malta plate, Sarmizegethusa, Stonehenge , northern solar and lunar maze), that obtain name "arheosimulation". And also scientifically-educational portal "arheosimulation" and its local version was developed.
Grounds of a theme
In work [1] and [2] the classification of monocode models and description of capabilities of main standard artefacts are given. Therefore, a following step to a raising cognitive efficiency should become visual demonstrating of principles of usage of modelled objects. That is the computer renovation of monocode computational models and simulation of processes, which is possible with their help to watch.
But it is impossible to refuse from customary character description absolutely, without deterioration of perception easiness of an offered material.
To combine in a unit the description and visual introduction and also to inform the material up to the greatest amount of people, it is necessary to create local integrated model and Internet - site "Arheosimulation".
The purposes of work:
- structure research of monocode artifacts capabilities ;
- existing developments research;
- research and selection tools for simulation;
- creation of an application and Internet-site "Arheosimulation".
Scientific novelty
The direction "Arheosimulation" was created absolutely recently as a component of a concept of simulation. It includes problems of simulation not only monocode artefacts, but also other historical subjects.
Review of existing researches and developments
The attempts of simulation of Phaistos disk and Malta plate were earlier undertaken. However these models considerably yield on functionality, speeds of work and cognitive level to the considered project.
One of the first attempts was a system of simulation of Phaistos disk implemented with the help of the HTML and Java Script languages.
This project has following deficiencies:
- Not so convenient control of simulation: three windows by default open at once: a solar calendar, star-shaped hours and main window for data entry, selection of process and information output. Certainly, there is a capability of selection of simulation of different number of ways of usage of an artefact, however in this case on the desktop as minimum two windows are present. In a corollary it arise discomfort from necessity permanently to switch from one window to another;
- Absence of automatic inspection of entered data: in case of incorrect date, system instead of placing correct defaults and to continue work, leaves entered data and terminates work.
Two systems simulating work of Malta plate further designed. First of them is implemented on JavaScript. Perhaps, it is one of most qualitative for that time system of arheosimulation. But also it has some essential deficiency: slow loading and operation.
And at last simulating work of Malta plate with Flash tools was performed. A basic deficiencies of this system are inconvenient controls by simulation and interface.
It was the first version of a simulating system, which in further have finished and on its basis have created complex model of arheosimulation.
All described above systems have one very essential disadvantage - absence of the help and description of simulating processes. This practically deprives possibilities of using system by the users who are not acquainted with these artefacts. This problem would be possible to decide by giving a link on Internet-resource that combines information about all antiquity simulated subjects. However researches have shown, that in russian web-space such resource is not present. (see report about searching) There are only separate materials, descriptions, attempts of artefacts decryption.
Also it is necessary to mark, that on the moment of writing abstract it was not revealed of developments similar to a considered theme.
To results it is possible to refer:
- site "Arheosimulation" (, that is a part of site, devoted to simulation of different processes, phenomena, subjects (, triggered in 2005 in DonNTU
The local version of site, representing flash-application containing models of following monocode artefacts: Phaistos disk, Malta plate, Sarmizegethusa, Stonehenge , northern solar and lunar maze [5].
Main directions of a further development site "Archeosimulation" can serve following:
- Increase of an amount of simulated subjects (adding Stonehenge and Northern mazes, since in the given moment they are implemented only in Flash a module);
- Improvement of an information part of site by its increasing;
- Improvement of quality of simulation. Since in the given version the approximated simulation, without the registration of all delicacies and capabilities archeomodels is submitted;
- Development of multi-language versions (adding the Ukrainian and German version)
Main directions of a further development unified Flash-module "Archeosimulation" can serve following:
- Adding the help on how work with an application;
- Adding brief description of simulated objects;
- Implementation of "skins"-support (the Given problem is fractionally solved by creation several applications in a different range of colors).
During researches and developments on a theme masters work the problems of simulation cognitive computational models grounded on the monocode were observed and fractionally solved. For the basis the following artefacts were adopted: Phaistos disk, Malta plate, Sarmizegethusa, Stonehenge , northern solar and lunar maze.
The algorithms, structure, capability of monocode artefacts were in details investigated. Research of existing developments and tools for simulation also is carried out. The local application and Internet site "Archeosimulation" is created
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- Аноприенко А.Я., Башков Е.А., Самойлова Т.А. Портал компьютерного моделирования: цели, задачи и особенности организации // Первая международная научно-техническая конференция "Моделирование и компьютерная графика" 04-07 октября 2005 года
- Самойлова Т.А., Аноприенко А.Я. Оптимизация flash-модулей портала археомоделирования // Международная студенческая научно-техническая конференция “Информатика и компьютерные технологии 2005”. Донецк: ДонНТУ. 15 декабря 2005 года.
- Т. А. Самойлова, А. Я. Аноприенко Разработка единого программного комплекса для моделирования исторических монокодовых артефактов // Региональная студенческая научно-техническая конференция «Компьютерный мониторинг и информационные технологии» 15-17 мая 2006 года;
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