Master of DonNTU Sergienko Yulia

Sergienko Yulia Sergeevna

Faculty: Computer engineering and information science
Speciality: Economical cybernetics
Group: ECY-01b
Subject of a master's thesis:

Regression model
for production volumes optimization

Scientific adviser senior lecturer Smirnov Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Avarage grade at university during the whole period of studies is 4,95.
I can easily communicate Russian and Ukrainan.
In 2005 I got bachelor's degree diploma with honour.
I take a great interest in literature, music, swimming.

Creative biography

Childhood is charming time...

          I, Sergienko Yulia Sergeevna, was born in Donetsk on July 26th, 1984. Mum, Sergienko Svetlana Vasilievna, was born in Donetsk too, and the daddy, Sergienko Sergei Petrovich, was born in the Sumskoi area in Romnu. He had moved to Donetsk after acquaintance with mum in Leningrade.

          Childhood… How a lot of warm in this word. It seemed that all attention of relatives belongs only to me. I madly wanted the sister. She was not yet, and I already knew as I will name her. And after three years Yana has appeared.

          Kindergarden. This years the grandmother was engaged in my education, for what many thanks to her. Thanks to her, already in three years I knew great number of verses.

School years
The first bell, the first lesson...

          Madly it would be desirable in school. And 1990. The first bell, the first lesson, the teacher. As I have gone to school ¹ 136 since 6 years the first year of training reminded a kindergarden where during the lunchtime it was necessary to sleep. First it was rather boring, because, as against many other children I already was able to read, write and count. It was pleasant to participate in morning performances and various holidays. Interest to mathematics was showed. It would be desirable to be the best everywhere and in all. Since the first class I always did lessons myself, there was nobody to help, parents have been occupied on work during the day. I do not know, but it seems to me, that such state of affairs has brought itself corrections. I did not hope on anybody, accustomed to work heartily.

          In 1994 parents have transferred me in comprehensive school ¹ 8 where I have studied up to 9 classes. It was completely not difficult to study at this school, it is possible to say even easily. Parents had decided to occupied me with something, and I was engaged with the tutor on the English language. I liked the exact sciences. Favourite subjects were mathematics and the English language to which I devoted the most part of time. Did not love history, biology, geography. Loved literature, especially was pleasant to learn verses, which soon began to write myself. I had only five, behind exception of " favourite subjects " biology and geography. Lessons of work very liked. Frequently my embroidered and crocheted works won in school demonstration displays.

Failures clear place for manoeuvre...

          In the eighth class began to be engaged in programming on Pascal in a palace of young technician. There I had seen the first computer. In parallel in this palace I was engaged the English language. After these circles have remained not only knowledge, but also the sea of pleasant impressions, starting from an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendly dialogue before various actions and competitions. As now I remember the participation in representation in English. I liked such intensive schedule very much, simply pleasant to communicate with children of my age.

          In the ninth class mum, seeing my successes and abilities to the exact sciences, had transferred me in physical and mathematical school ¹ 35, I bless her for this now , though then it was a sea of tears. It was much more complicated to study here, than at the previous school. I have passed the interview and have gone to a strong class. Many children went here on lessons from the other end of the city, therefore from the beginning it was necessary to work much to catch up the program and to receive excellent marks. It turned out, that mum was right. Break in an educational level of schools was significant. But after couple of months, it was not a problem for me to study here, and I began to take part in various Olympiads.

          In 2001 I graduated from the school perfectly well.


          In the beginning of 11-th form I began to reflect on the further career. In Donetsk I was interested only in 3 high schools: medical, university, and technical. Where to enter, if I am keen on mathematics and computer science? At that time I was engaged in mathematics in a palace young technician, where the circle was conducted by the remarkable teacher from DonNTU. After conversation with him, the choice has been made unambiguously. First, DonNTU is considered one of prestigious universities, and second, I am inclined to engineering science. I realized, it is necessary to enter on modern, wide-profile speciality, which has trends of application. I came across a new speciality " Economic cybernetics " which combined mathematics, economic sciences, programming, and also attracted with a word "cybernetics", moreover faculty of computer engineering and information science. Passed successfully examinations, in 2001 I became the student of the budgetary form of training speciality "Economic cybernetics".

University, impressions, session...

          Student's years appeared interesting. Student's evenings, days of faculty. Now I understand, that it is the most important years in a life, they especial and are not similar to others. On this period person develop various qualities such, as the responsibility, assiduity, purposefulness, skill to find common language with various people.

          The first year has passed in aura of acquaintance with students. We much walked together and went on libraries in search of information. As now I remember my first session. The sea of experiences . As a result all tests and examinations have been handed over by the automatic device. Study proceeded cheerfully and though all sessions passed on "excellent", all the same, each time as for the first time, experience behind experience, in summary - pride of the handed over session.

          On the second course I have been proceeding with studying English language in the profound group which after the first year has ceased to be an obligatory subject. The knowledge of the English language is necessary now. It is useful at development of new software products, reading of the English documentation and a various sort of the literature.

Plans for the future
Only ahead and not a step to back...

          In 2005 I got bachelor's degree diploma with honour in the field of economics and business undertakings and have entered in magistracy. To enter whether or not did not reflect at all. Certainly yes. I like to study.

          Master's thesis theme: "Regression model for production volumes optimization". In the work I examine forecasting volumes of production of the modern industrial enterprise. In my opinion, it is very important problem, which have practical application.

          Ahead protection of the dissertation, work … the whole life. It is very difficult to say, that will be tomorrow. Never you know where the destiny will throw you. Certainly, it would be desirable to put the received knowledge into practice, to raise qualification and to realize myself as the valuable expert. Âïåðåäè çàùèòà äèññåðòàöèè, ðàáîòà… öåëàÿ æèçíü.

          I want to be engaged in research, analytical, creative activity. To be engaged in such work which demands dialogue with interesting people, allows to receive not only material satisfaction, but and moral, to find out a lot of new, comprehensively to develop. I plan consecutive career growth. Probably, it will be bank sphere. I like to work persistently and self-denyingly. It would be desirable to get in good collective, as an atmosphere in collective - a pledge of successful activity.

          And I precisely know that it is possible to achieve very much , in fact the star in a sky shines for all equally. The main thing to have the purpose and go to it.