R. Cotcher, F.Chance
Capacity Planning in the Face of Product-Mix Uncertainty
This paper describes a straightforward method of
quantifying the sensitivity of production capacity to product
mix. In capacity planning over horizons with unpredictable
product mix, this methodology quantifies the risk of underinvestment
in capacity. Actions that can be taken to prevent
mix-driven capacity shortfalls are described. The
implementation of this methodology at Headway
Technologies is also presented.
In capacity planning for wafer fabrication facilities,
the need for additional production equipment must be identified
and the equipment ordered far in advance of its actual use.
If product mix is highly predictable, or if all products use
each piece of production equipment equally, an overall
production forecast is all that is needed to determine
equipment requirements. But when a wafer of one product
loads a tool to a greater degree than does a wafer of another
product, any deviation from the expected product mix could
leave the facility with insufficient capacity, even if total
production volume is right on forecast.
To demonstrate, let's look at a simple case of a single-tool
factory, with no downtime or rework. Product A requires 1 hour
per wafer on the tool; Product B requires 2 hours per
wafer. With a 50/50 mix and a total of 16 wafers per day,
total required production time is (8)(1) + (8)(2) = 24
hours-so we have just enough capacity. But if product mix
shifts to 25% Product A and 75% Product B, total required
production time is (4)(1) + (12)(2) = 28 hours, and we have
insufficient capacity, even though total production volume
has remained unchanged. Expand this example to include a
dozen or more constantly changing products and hundreds
of tools, and we have the real world…and a threat to
capacity that is immensely complicated to answer.
This is a concern for Headway Technologies, a
manufacturer of leading-edge read-write heads. A read-write
head is a tiny integrated circuit, about the size of a
grain of pepper, that magnetically reads and writes data
onto and off of a disk in a disk drive. Heads are
manufactured in the form of wafers, each consisting of
15,000-20,000 identical heads, each containing many layers
of microscopic circuitry. Each wafer makes 300 to 400
visits to different process equipment during its manufacture.
At any time, Headway has ten to twenty products in
production, each with its own unique process flow. Each
product is typically produced for only a few months before
being replaced by a new, advanced version. New products
typically start out as low-volume R&D projects but
sometimes ramp quickly into mass production when they
are qualified and approved by a customer. In this
environment, although total production volume can be
forecast with some degree of accuracy, the mix of
individual products is difficult to predict, along with its
effect on the company's capital-equipment needs.
Headway's longest-lead-time capital equipment must be
ordered approximately one year in advance of need. The
company therefore uses a one-year planning horizon for
capital-equipment purchases. The key tool employed in
purchase decisions is a fab capacity and simulation model
created using Wright Williams & Kelly's
Factory Explorer® software.
It should be noted that the following technique works only
in situations in which the tools do not have setups (a setup
is a routine reconfiguration required to enable a tool to
perform different classes of operations) or unit-based
downtimes. This paper's methodology remains valid in
either situation, but setups and unit-based downtimes cause
the relationship between wafers processed and tool capacity
loading to become non-linear. In such situations, multiple
model runs could be used to zero in on the answers. That
more complicated technique we leave to another paper,
though the groundwork is laid here.
Step 1. Determining Tool Sensitivity to Product Mix
Headway starts its product-mix sensitivity analysis by
putting into its model all the production equipment that it
plans to have in place one year in the future. This
equipment is optimum for the company's forecast product
mix, but Headway needs to see what tools it would require
to accommodate other possible product mixes.
Headway runs the capacity model with all products that
might be in production one year from now. Since few if any
of today's products can be expected to be in production at
that time in their present forms, accommodation is made, as
follows: (1) today's products that are expected to be the
most enduring are put in the model as-is as a best
representation of what each product will be like one year in
the future; (2) variants of today's products are put in the
model, each containing experimental design features that
may become standard in the future; (3) today's R&D
products are put in the model verbatim, as a best guess as to
what the production wafer of the future will be like.
Headway runs the model at the forecast total production
volume for the period in question, consisting of all the
above products in equal amounts, for reasons explained
below. For example, if the forecast production volume one
year from now is 1000 WGR ("weekly going rate"; = good
wafers out per week), and the model consists of ten
products, then the model is run at 1000 WGR, with a
product mix of 100 WGR for each product.
After the run, the capacity software is used to generate a
worksheet showing the percentage of each tool group's
utilized production capacity required for each product (a
tool group is a set of interchangeable tools). Since the
model is run with equal numbers of all products, tool
groups that are loaded equally per product will see identical
loading (10% per product in the above example). Figure A
shows a portion of this worksheet for a simplified sample
case involving three products at 300 WGR total volume.
Any tool group that is loaded greater or less than average
(Allocation Percent of 33.3% in the above example) by any
product is mix sensitive. In Figure A, all three tool groups
shown are mix sensitive. For example, for Tool Group Y,
100 wafers per week of Product A requires less of the tool
group's production capacity than does 100 wafers per week
of Product B (27.2% versus 40.8%). Tool Group Z is used
by only one product.
Step 2. Identifying Mix-Sensitive Tool Groups that May
Become Capacity Constraints
The capacity model is then run once for each product, with
each run's production volume consisting 100% of a
different product in the model. For each run, the capacity
software generates a capacity loading estimate for each tool
group. Capacity loading is defined as the actual throughput
of the tool group divided by the maximum possible
throughput of the tool group (after subtracting downtime).
Any tool group loaded more than 85% in any run is noted
as a potential capacity constraint. Though a tool loaded less
than 100% is technically not a constraint, companies
typically plan to buy an additional tool if any tool is
projected to be loaded beyond 85%. This is because there is
a correlation between capacity loading and cycle time, and
loading a tool too close to 100% usually incurs a big cycle-time
penalty. Buying sufficient tools to keep capacity
loading below 85% is thus an indirect way of limiting cycle
time. Defining "capacity" as a plant's output at some fixed
loading below 100% is sometimes referred to as "cycle-time-
constrained capacity" [1]. Though 85% is a commonly
used level for this, Grewal et. al. [3] have developed a
method for modifying the 85% rule on a tool-by-tool basis
based on cycle time analyses of individual tools. For
simplicity, however, 85% is used across the board in this paper.
That said, all tool groups that the capacity software shows
are never loaded beyond 85% can be ignored for the
remainder of this analysis-they have proven themselves
not to be capacity constraints even when the fab is
dedicated to the product that loads them most heavily. The
remaining tool groups are mix-driven capacity constraints-
tool groups that could become capacity constraints if
product mix shifts certain ways. The question is, to what
extent do these tool groups pose a risk of constraining
capacity? With multiple products loading each tool group at
varying rates, the range of possible product mixes that
could overload a tool is overwhelming. This is what makes
difficult the question: "How can additional tool purchases
be used to reduce the risk of mix-driven capacity shortfall?"
This question is answered below.
Step 3. Quantifying the Sensitivity of Production Capacity
to Product Mix
For each tool group that survived the above screening and
remains as a mix-driven capacity constraint, capacity
loading per wafer is calculated for the tool group's
heaviest- and lightest-loading products. This is
accomplished as follows:
For each mix-driven capacity-constraining tool group,
identify the single product that most heavily loads that
tool group. Then identify the single product that most
lightly loads that tool group. In Figure A, for Tool
Group X, these products are Product C and Product A, respectively.
For that tool group, calculate capacity loading per
wafer for each of the two products. Do this by first
looking at the product that most lightly loads the tool
group. See what its capacity loading was on the tool in
its dedicated run (i.e., the run consisting 100% of this
product). Divide this capacity loading by the WGR of
that run to get capacity loading per wafer. Do the same
for the heaviest loading product. For example, for Tool
Group X, for Product C, this is 103.2% / 300 WGR = .344
capacity-loading percentage points per wafer; for
Product A this is 64.2% / 300 WGR = .214 capacity- loading
percentage points per wafer. Note that 103.2% is the
capacity loading for Tool Group X calculated by
the capacity software for the model run with 100% of
volume dedicated to Product C; while 64.2% is the
capacity loading for the model run with 100% of
volume dedicated to Product A.
Calculate the change in capacity-loading of that tool
group if one wafer is shifted from the lightest-loading
product to the heaviest-loading. In the example above,
this is .344 - .214 = .130 percentage points. This is the
change in capacity loading per wafer shifted-the net
percentage points of Tool Group X capacity that are
used up when one wafer is shifted from Product A to
Product C. (Note: if the model has setups and/or unit-based
tool downtimes, the calculations of paragraphs 2
and 3 are not constant for different volumes so they
must be replaced by multiple model runs.)
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for all mix-driven
tool groups.
Step 4. Identifying Tool-Purchase Points
The above analysis tells us the rate at which a shift in
product mix increases a tool group's capacity loading. But
at what point will a shift in mix load the tool group to the
point at which it will become a fab capacity constraint,
necessitating the purchase of another tool? This question is
answered using the following procedure:
Run the forecast product-mix scenario through the model.
For a tool group that is a mix-driven capacity
constraint, find its capacity loading under the forecast
scenario. Then calculate how far this is from 85%.
Let's say that Tool Group X turns out under the
forecast scenario to have a capacity loading of 80.0%.
Therefore this tool group's capacity loading could be
increased five percentage points before it would reach
85%, necessitating purchase of an additional tool.
Calculate the number of wafers that would have to be
shifted from the lightest- to the heaviest-loading
product to bring this tool group to 85% loading. In this
example, it's (85-80)/.130 = 38 wafers.
In the forecast product mix, shift the 38 wafers from
the lightest- to the heaviest-loading product and
recalculate the product-mix percentages (note: if you
"run out of" the most lightly loading product, run the
calculations for the next-most lightly loading product
and remove any "overkill" wafers from that product).
In our case, let's say that the forecast called for 300
WGR divided among Products A/B/C 60/10/30%, or
180/30/90 WGR. Transferring 38 wafers from Product
A to Product C changes wafer quantities to 142/30/128
WGR, or 47/10/43%. This is the tool purchase point- the
product mix at which a tool would just have to be
purchased to keep capacity loading from exceeding 85%.
Repeat steps 2 through 4 for all tool groups that are
mix-driven capacity constraints.
Step 5. Quantifying and Prioritizing Mix-Driven Capacity Constraints
In order to quantify the risk of under-investment in
capacity, Headway puts the results of all of the calculations
made thus far into a table as shown in Figure B. This table
shows each tool group that is a mix-driven capacity
constraint and the shift in volume that must occur between
two products before that tool group actually constrains
capacity. These volume shifts can be expressed in wafers,
% of total production volume, or percent of either of the
two products' volumes. Rows in the table can then be
sorted by any of these attributes, with the lowest values at
the top. The uppermost tool groups, then, are those that,
with the smallest shift in product mix, will become capacity constraints.
Although Figure B shows product mixes that will cause
capacity shortfalls, this list is by no means all-inclusive.
This is because, given the number of products in the model,
with each product loading each tool group to a different
degree per wafer, the combination of product mixes that can
cause a capacity shortfall is overwhelming. By making the
assumption that, for each tool group, unfavorable product-mix
changes only occur through the transfer of wafers from
the lightest-loading product to the heaviest loading product,
we have simplified this issue to the point where it can be
quantified so that risks can be compared.
Estimating Probabilities
Now that we have identified tool-purchase points-those
mixes that prompt the purchase of additional tools-we
could divide all possible product mixes into constant-tool-set
regions; i.e., regions over which a given tool set would
be adequate (no tool loaded more than 85%). If one could
then estimate the probability of the product mix ending up
in each particular region, one could estimate the probability
of having adequate capacity. Then one could trade off risk vs. tool
purchase cost. This calculation is not difficult in a
two-product case, but when many products are in the mix,
the task becomes quite challenging. This paper's technique,
with its simplifying assumptions, provides a straightforward
method for assisting the largely intuitive decision of how to
accommodate product-mix uncertainty. If a similarly simple
method could be developed of dividing the universe of
possible product mixes into constant-tool-set regions and
assigning probabilities to these regions, this method's
power would be augmented significantly.
A major benefit of this method is that it tells one what tools
not to worry about in regard to mix-driven capacity
constraints. Headway has found that this method weeds out
about 95% of its tool groups, leaving a manageable 5% as
mix-driven capacity constraints. These tool groups then are
the only ones that need be kept in mind when looking at
signs of product-mix change and how they will affect fab capacity.
Large fabs can expect a larger percentage of their tool
groups to qualify as mix-driven capacity constraints. This is
because large fabs have more of each type of tool and can
therefore purchase capacity in smaller increments and have
more tool groups close to 85% loading at any one time [4].
In such cases, analysis can be simplified by limiting
consideration to those tool groups nearest the top of the
Distance from Forecast Mix to First Tool-Purchase Point table (Figure B).
However one comes to a list of possible mix-driven
capacity constraints, the final question is, what specifically
should be done with this information? Here are some possible courses of action:
Purchase one additional tool of any tool group that
becomes a constraint if product-mix shifts by, say, 15%
or less (defined as number of wafers shifted from
forecast mix as a percentage of total forecast volume).
Build an awareness in the company of what product
types and technologies most heavily load those tool
groups that are mix-driven capacity constraints. This
awareness is especially important in groups that are
closest to the customer (Sales and Marketing) or can
best gauge the promise of potential new technologies
(R&D). Have everyone keep alert to signs that market
demand is poised to increase for products and
technologies that disproportionately load tools that are
mix-driven capacity constraints.
In ways such as these, this method allows Headway to take
the first step beyond traditional capacity planning. Where
capacity planning answers the question "What capital
equipment should Headway purchase to meet forecast?,"
this method answers the question "What capital equipment
is likely to constrain the factory if actual product mix varies
from forecast?" In the high-technology world of read-write
heads, this method helps Headway to maximize, relative to
cost, the probability of having adequate capacity for future demand.
[1] J.W. Fowler and
J.K. Robinson, 1995, “Measurement and Improvement of
Manufacturing Capacity (MIMAC) Designed Experiment
Report,” SEMATECH Technology Transfer #95062860A-TR.
[2] F. Chance.
Factory Explorer® Version 2.6 User Manual.
[3] N. S. Grewal,
A. C. Bruska, T. M. Wulf, and J. K. Robinson, 1998.
“Integrating Targeted Cycle-Time Reduction Into the
Capital Planning Process,” In
Proceedings of the
1998 Winter Simulation Conference,ed.
D. J. Medeiros, E. F. Watson, J. S. Carson, and M. S.
Manivannan, 1005-1010.
[4] E. Neacy, S.Brown, M. McDavid, J. Robinson, S. Srodes, T. Stanley,
1993, “Cost Analysis for a Multiple
Product/Multiple Process Factory: Application of
SEMATECH’s Future Factory Design Methodology,”
Proceedings of the
Advanced Semiconductor
Manufacturing Conference, Boston, MA.
Robert C. Kotcher received his B.S. degree in Industrial & Systems
Engineering from San Jose State University, San Jose,
California, in 1983, and his MBA degree
from Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, in 1999.
He is currently an industrial engineer for Headway
Technologies, specializing in capacity planning and fab simulation.
Dr. Frank Chance is a recognized expert in the modeling
and simulation of complex manufacturing facilities. He is
the author of
Factory Explorer®, an integrated capacity,
cost, and simulation analysis tool. He is a co-founder and
principal of FabTime Inc. His clients in the semiconductor
industry have included Seagate, Siemens, Headway, and
IBM. Dr. Chance holds MS and Ph.D. degrees in
Operations Research from Cornell University. He has
taught at Cornell University and was a visiting assistant
professor at the
University of California, Berkeley, prior to founding Chance & Robinson.
The authors would like
to thank Jennifer Robinson of
FabTime Inc. and Steven Brown of Infineon for their contributions.
© 1999 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission,
from Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on
Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference, Santa Clara, CA,
October 11-13, 1999, 73-76.