E-mail: slob4ever@mail.ru
I am usual man. My mother language is Russian. Also I know rather good Ukrainian and English languages. I have 3 month experience in ALDEC as C++ developer, where I make my contribution to developing of Riviera simulator. I like to create creative photos. I’m keen on swimming, music and also I like to develop. I know C++, php, MySQL, and I have some experience in graphics (Adobe PhotoShop) and sound (Adobe Audition).
I was born in 26th of September 2006 in Donetsk city, an industrial centre of Donbass. I excel calmness and patience in childhood, it was easy to build an house of cards. I like to crayon. Childhood was happy, I had fun while school has come.
School N135 was my first school. It was usual school. I went to judo section in this period. My parents give me computer “Poisk” in the second class. I tried to make some programs with BASIC, but I like to play much more. In the fifth class I began to swim, and I had to change my school. I participated in swimming contests. Later my parents decided that my knowledge is more important than progress in sport and I changed my sport school for school with advanced study of English. But nevertheless I learn to swim. Also I study English with individual teacher, and in that way I learn English rather good. I took part in mathematic Olympiads and international Olympiad “Kangaroo”. In this period I play tennis, ping-pong and even learn ballroom dances. In the 9th class I go mad on programming and I wrote some small computer games by 11th class, it was strategy and action games. In this way I begin my trip in programming world. I had good relations with classmates and teachers, though small conflicts were occurred. I graduated with silver medal.
I have chose this university( Donetsk National Technical University), because it has such good specialty as System Programming, here a good lecturer teach. Of course I don’t know that all before studying here. After first year I have only excellent marks, and so I move up into German group. I have learned to show my persistence and patience. I have studied digital devices, studied how to develop system software and meatware. In the third year I found that music is interesting for me, and learned to play guitar. In forth year I take part in ALDEC “C++” testing. I win the contest and had internship for 2 month in Gdansk in Poland. In fifth year I was invited again, but on this time I was in Katowice office for 3 month. There I have a big experience in “C++” developing.