Windows Management Instrumentation



Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the Microsoft implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), which is an industry initiative to develop a standard technology for accessing management information in an enterprise environment. WMI uses the Common Information Model (CIM) industry standard to represent systems, applications, networks, devices, and other managed components. You can use WMI to automate administrative tasks in an enterprise environment.


Where Applicable

WMI can be used in all Windows-based applications, and is most useful in enterprise applications.

System administrators can find information about using WMI on TechNet, and in various books about WMI. See Further Information.

Developer Audience

WMI is designed for programmers who use C/C++, the Microsoft Visual Basic® application, or a scripting language that has an engine on Windows and handles Microsoft ActiveX® objects. C++ or C# developers need some familiarity with COM programming.


About WMI

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a component of the Windows operating system that provides management information and control in an enterprise environment. By using industry standards, managers can use WMI to query and set information on desktop systems, applications, networks, and other enterprise components. Developers can use WMI to create event monitoring applications that alert users when important incidents occur.

WMI offers a variety of programming interfaces such as Microsoft Visual Basic© Scripting Edition (VBScript), C++, open database connectivity (ODBC), Visual Basic, or HTML that developers can use to customize management applications. System administrators can use WMI by using scripts to automate administration tasks. WMI can integrate with Windows components, such as the Active Directory directory service to allow for a unified management experience.


Managing with WMI

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is based on the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) initiative. Industry leaders formed the WBEM initiative to produce a framework for standardized, low-cost solutions to enterprise system management needs.

The purpose of WMI is to provide a standardized means for managing your computer system, be it a local computer or all the computers in an enterprise. In its simplest terms, management is little more than the collecting data about the state of a managed object on the computer system and altering the state of the managed object by changing the data stored about the object. A managed object can be a hardware entity, such as a memory array, port, or disk drive. It can also be a software entity, such as a service, user account, or page file.

WMI can manage the many components of a computer system. In managing a hard disk, you can use WMI to monitor the amount of free space remaining on the disk. You could also use WMI to remotely alter the state of the drive by deleting files, changing file security, or partitioning or formatting the drive. Using the WMI framework, you can create a management application that monitors an enterprise, provides event-based alerts, and allows a user to control different aspects of an enterprise.


WMI Architecture

The purpose of WMI is to provide a uniform interface for any local or remote applications or scripts that obtain management data from a computer system, network, or enterprise. The uniform interface WMI layer means that applications and scripts which are clients to WMI do not have to call a wide variety of operating system application programming interfaces (APIs), many of which cannot be called by automation clients like scripts or Visual Basic applications. Many operating system APIs also do not make calls to remote machines.

A management application communicates with WMI through a variety of languages, such as Visual Basic, C++, ODBC, and ActiveX. All scripting languages that can handle ActiveX objects can access WMI data. All WMI interfaces are based on the Component Object Model (COM). After WMI retrieves data, it stores the data using the Common Information Model (CIM), a public standard.

The following diagram shows the WMI components.


"           Managed objects and providers

A managed object is a logical or physical enterprise component, such as a hard drive, network adapter, database system, operating system, process, or service. A managed object communicates with WMI through a WMI provider that calls methods in the COM API for WMI.

A provider is a COM object that monitors one or more managed objects for WMI. Similar to a driver, a provider supplies WMI with data from a managed object. A provider also handles messages from WMI to the managed object.

For example, the Platform SDK ships with the Registry provider, which accesses data in the system registry. WMI passes information from the providers to the WMI infrastructure when client applications and scripts request registry data. The Registry provider has one WMI class, StdRegProv, with many methods but no properties. Other providers, such as the Win32 provider, usually have classes with many properties but few methods, such as Win32_Process or Win32_LogicalDisk.

"           WMI infrastructure

The WMI infrastructure is a Microsoft Windows operating system component. The WMI infrastructure is made of two components: the Windows Management service, including the WMI Core, and the WMI repository. The Windows Management service acts as an intermediary between the providers, management applications, and the WMI repository. Only static data about objects is stored in the repository, such as the classes defined by providers. WMI obtains most data dynamically from the provider when a client requests it.

Most provider classes, such as Win32_LogicalDisk, are defined in Managed Object Format (MOF) files, then compiled into the WMI repository by mofcomp.exe. A provider also has a DLL file which contains the code that implements the classes.

"           WMI management applications and scripts

A management application or script is an application that interacts with the WMI infrastructure. A management application can query or enumerate management data data by calling either the COM API for WMI or the Scripting API for WMI. Management applications can call methods in either API to send instructions or reconfigure a managed object. The only data or actions available for a managed object such as a disk drive or a service are those that a provider supplies.


Managed Objects in WMI

A managed object is an operating system or hardware entity in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) that creates a data representation of an object. For example, the Win32_Service object monitors and controls a service, which is an operating system entity. The Win32_Service object has methods that start, stop, or modify a service. In the WMI repository you can find a Win32_Service object that represents both a service and the class definition of the Win32_Service.

The Win32 Provider keeps track of the Win32_Service objects, and supplies current dynamic and configuration data for the services that Win32_Service objects represent. For example, you can obtain data such as whether a service is running from the State property.


Common Information Model

The Common Information Model (CIM) is an extensible, object-oriented data model that contains information about different parts of an enterprise. Through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), a developer can use the CIM to create classes that represent hard drives, applications, network routers, or even user-defined technologies such as a networked air conditioner. By viewing and making changes to a CIM class, a manager can control different aspects of the enterprise. For example, a manager could query a CIM class instance representing a desktop workstation. The manager could then run a script to modify the CIM workstation instance. WMI would translate any change to the workstation CIM class instance into a change to the actual workstation.

The CIM is a language-independent programming model that uses object-oriented techniques to describe an enterprise. Using three levels of parent/child inheritance, the CIM can describe both general and specific aspects of an enterprise. The CIM also uses a technique called association to link different parts of the enterprise model together, and uses schemas to distinguish different management environments.

The CIM is designed to present a consistent view of logical and physical objects in a management environment. The CIM represents managed objects using an object-oriented construct called a class. Like a C++ or COM class, a CIM class can include properties to describe data and methods to describe behavior. Like a set of COM classes, the CIM is not tied to any platform. However, WMI includes an extension to the CIM that describes the Microsoft® Windows® operating system platforms.

The CIM defines three levels of classes:

"           Core

Core classes represent managed objects that apply to all areas of management. These classes provide a basic vocabulary for analyzing and describing managed systems. The __Parameters and __SystemSecurity classes are examples of core classes.

"           Common

Common classes represent managed objects that apply to specific management areas. However, common classes are independent from a particular implementation or technology. Common classes are an extension of the core classes. The CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem class is an example of a common class.

"           Extended

Extended classes represent managed objects that are technology-specific additions to the common classes. An extended class typically applies to a specific platform such as UNIX or the Microsoft® Win32® environment. The Win32_ComputerSystem class is an example of an extended class.

A developer can derive a class from another class. A derived class represents a special case of the parent class, and inherits all of the properties and methods of the parent. For example, Win32_ComputerSystem inherits from CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem. Inheritance relationships may be determined using the system properties __Derivation, __Dynasty, and __SuperClass. The __Derivation system property is an array of strings listing the entire chain of inheritance up to and including the root class, which is also included in __Dynasty. The __SuperClass system property shows the immediate parent of the current class.

WMI also supports associations. An association is a relationship between two or more different WMI classes. For example, a running workstation usually has a processor. The WMI association class Win32_ComputerSystemProcessor associates the workstation class Win32_ComputerSystem with the processor class Win32_Processor. However, an association class does not have to tie two dependent classes together. In fact, the primary purpose of an association class is to show relationships between classes that are not necessarily dependent on each other. For more information, see Declaring an Association Class.

Finally, WMI supports the concept of schemas. In the context of WMI, a schema is a group of classes that describe a particular management environment. The Platform SDK uses two schemas: the CIM schema and the Win32 schema. The CIM schema class names begin with CIM_, and the Win32 schema class names begin with Win32_. The CIM schema contains the definitions for the core and common classes, while the Win32 schema contains the definitions for the extended classes that are common to the Win32 environment. However, third-party vendors can create their own schemas to describe vendor-specific requirements. Because schemas are designed to be infinitely extensible, a developer can always add new classes to describe new managed objects in an existing environment. For simplicity, however, most vendors choose to create schemas that inherit properties from the CIM or Win32 schemas.


Managed Object Format

Microsoft implements the Common Information Model (CIM) in a variety of ways. For creating and manipulating CIM classes and instances, Microsoft provides methods for each of the supported programming languages and interfaces. However, the most common means of creating a new CIM class is with the Managed Object Format (MOF) language, which is based on the Interface Definition Language (IDL), the language for describing COM interfaces.

The MOF language allows a developer to use a standard text editor or development environment to describe a set of CIM classes that in turn describe a specific technology. A developer can then use these new classes to model and control new technologies on an enterprise. For example, a developer may write a CIM class that describes a manufacturing robot arm or a new word processor application.

After the developer completes the CIM class description, the MOF compiler parses the MOF file into the respective CIM classes and adds the classes to the WMI repository. From there, a provider or management application can access the CIM classes through the standard COM interfaces. The MOF compiler is part of the Windows Management Instrumentation core and is installed by default on Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), and Windows XP.

The MOF language is a format for describing CIM classes that is separate from the traditional C++ or scripting APIs. MOF code provides several advantages over the traditional methods. MOF code is:

"           Efficient.

A class that takes pages to create with a C++ interface requires only paragraphs to create with MOF code, reducing development time.

"           Human-readable.

Compared to Microsoft® Visual C++® or Microsoft® Visual Basic®, MOF code is very easy to read, reducing future maintenance costs.

"           Reusable.

Because a MOF file is not directly part of an application, a developer can create and share a MOF file describing a specific technology, increasing the ease of adapting new technologies to an enterprise.



WMI Infrastructure

In the WMI infrastructure, the Windows Management service is the operating system component that contains the WMI repository. The Windows Management service is a mediator for when a management application wishes to send instructions to a provider, or when a provider wishes to send a notification to a management application. The WMI repository is a storage area for WMI-related static data.

Windows Management service is implemented as a service process within a shared service host process SVCHOST.

Windows 2000:  Windows Management service runs as a separate service process.

Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Me/98/95:  Windows Management service runs as a standard executable file.

In all cases, the Windows Management service starts when the first management application makes a call to connect. Depending on the setup, the Windows Management service may shut down or go into a low memory profile when not being called by a management application.

The Windows Management service interacts with management applications through the COM interface. When an application makes a request through the interface, the Windows Management service determines whether the request involves static or dynamic data. If the request involves static data, such as the name of a managed object, the Windows Management service retrieves the data from the WMI repository. If the request involves dynamic data, such as the amount of memory a managed object is currently using, the Windows Management service always passes the request on to a provider.

The Windows Management service knows where to pass information because providers register their location with the Windows Management service. A provider also registers support for particular operations, such as data retrieval, modification, deletion, enumeration, or query processing. The Windows Management service uses the provider registration information to match application requests with the appropriate provider. The Windows Management service also uses the registration information to load and unload providers, as necessary. When a provider finishes processing a request, the provider returns the result back to the Windows Management service. In turn, the Windows Management service forwards the result on to the application through the COM interface. For more information, see Developing a WMI Provider.

The Windows Management service writes all reported errors to the event log. For example, a provider registration failure is written to the event log so that you know the provider was not registered successfully.