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Zhidkih Alina

Zhidkih Alina Dmitryevna

Faculty: Computer facilities and computer science

Speciality: Computer science and software of automated systems

Theme of master's thesis: "Research of ways of filtering of the information in text documents"

Scientific adviser: Senior teacher Kostin Valery Ivanovich



    The main about me

On September, 1, 2005 became the student of a magistracy of Donetsk National technical university. I want to become the web-programmer and the web-designer as I like to program and draw. On character the person cheerful. My hobbies of steel: play the violin and the guitar, draw and dance.

    More in detail

     I was born on September, 12, 1984 in Donetsk, in family of the future engineers. My mother Zhidkih Tatyana Iosifovna - the engineer - programmer, and father Zhidkih Dmitriy Urievich - the metallurgist who has found the calling and works in the Ministry for extreme situations. Hardly it was necessary to my parents, but, anything, and to study had time also me brought up. Grandmother Yeliseyeva Victoria Stepanovna (programmer - economist) and grandfather Bershtejn Joseph Avramovich (k.t.s The metallurgist) helped me. When me was 2 years in my life were nurses, and even later a kindergarten ¹ 7 (from which, not time, has been accomplished scion though there it was pleasant to me).

     On September, 1, 1991 I was not on first a bell and I do not remember this happy day (at the end of August it was not fated to me to leave Russia - trains simpl did not go. Repose has smoothly passed for September). Having arrived, I have gone in 1 class in school ¹ 33 class (now it is a humanitarian grammar school). Initial classes were is simpl paradise as I am already skilful to read, count and write. Then us have disbanded on 5, and In classes. With 5 on 9 class I have nothing to tell about myself, except for hobbies which I shall describe further. After the ending of 8-th ïåðåäî class by me there was a problem of a maintenance from school as to decorate school (flowers, money and cleaning class) is well, and knowledge to gain too it is necessary.

     And … me have translated in phisyco-mathematics school ¹ 17 in 9-th class. It were the whole half-year of physical and mathematical tortures (my knowledge did not match due), but then progress raised, and already by the end of year I have caught up our class. Thank the big my class Chichasova Svetlana Grigorjevna - she perfectly knew mathematics and is so simplis to us of her explained, and still went with us in a wood and by the sea, arranged holidays. The physics for us was carried on the Braga Anatoly Viktorovich - severe and exacting (four are the holiday was), but kind. Two literatures (Russian and Ukrainian) were carried on very interestingly. Bolovina Olga Nikolaevna grafted to us vital principles of love and humanity, and Grigorjeva Irina Jurjevna carried on the lessons with soul (all class loved Ukrainian). What are exact for me propensity and to what sciences clear up could nobody, though I precisely knew, that in kindergarden I wanted to be the teacher, in 1-3 class - the fashion designer, in 5-8 - the archeologist … and in 9 - the doctor. Participated in Olympiads in biology and Russian, but is farther urban did not pass. A result of leaving school the certificate and final, and for today - regular meetings of graduates was.

     About my hobbies: ballet from 4 years, then somewhere with 10-th - national dances with a classical choreography first was. The violin became my musical instrument which I idolize and today. Any time tried to be engaged in chess club, but has found this employment tiresome (me fans of the given sports let will forgive). After a chess I have found more interesting employment - drawing (now this one of hobbies at leisure). Somewhere in 10-th class my mother has brought to me some books, having explained, that it is interesting (it there were listings on Pascal the unknown author, but very clear). shall return to study, even during school examinations - I have written interview and have arrived on « the Software of the automated systems », thus having prolonged family tradition. On the first rate I not especially understood, that from me want, stuffing with physics and mathematics though there has then come understanding of process of training. Especially would like to note rates of lectures of Ladyzhensky Yuriy Valentinovich (very clearly and in essence), Fedjaev Oleg Ivanovich (interestingly and is thought over), Anoprienko Alexander Jakovlevich (it is interesting also one lecture is not similar to another).

     I like the certain direction in programming - computer the graphic arts and design, I read a lot of literature, I do sketches and I think, that it will take the place in the future.

     Since September, 2005 I am the student of a magistracy of Donetsk national technical university. The knowledge I use in researches of «algorithms of search» on a theme «Research of ways of filtering of the information in text documents» under the direction of Kostin Valeriy Ivanovich. Are considered, as «primitive», and «algorithms of an artificial intelligence», by consideration and which overlapping turn out «clever and fast» algorithms of search.

     Further, it would be desirable to give will to the creative beginning and to develop the software connected with computer graphics.


Biography Autor's abstract References Electronic library Report on search Individual task