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Donetsk National Technical University Krilevich Helena


Krilevich Helena

Krilevich Helena

Faculty: Mining-and-Geological

Speciality: Geoinformatic system and technologies (GIS)

Theme of master's work:

«The Spatial analysis of displacement distributions and deformations of a terrestrial surface while horizontal coal layers development on the basis of GIS-technologies»

Leader of work: Gavrilenko Y.N.

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Email: krilevich@mail.ru

Short biography:


I was born on January, 6th, 1984, in Kirovsk district in Donetsk. That was my congratulations to my parents with Christmas.
I was the first child in the family so I received all love and carefulness. After that my younger brother and sister were born.

I went to the kindergarten only for a year prior to school and before that I had been brought up by my grandfather and grandmother, and by other relatives whom I have a lot.
I spend most time in childhood in a village and consequently till now I have felt myself «the child of the nature». I think that they were the best years of my life.
Speaking about my talents, at the request of my relatives I used to stand on a stool and recite loudly rhymes like all children. Sometimes even in a microphone. But my main talent, as far as I remember, was having grazes and bruises.


In 1991, at the age of seven, I went to a comprehensive school ¹26, but a year later I changed my school and began to study at school ¹90. It was the school with an aesthetic bias (a lot of time was given to studying of ethics, nature and the fine arts). At school there were a lot of circles and there was a musical school in the same building. I can tell precisely, I tried the talents in everything: singing, dancing, drawing, making clothes, drama lessons, being a model, playing the domra, writing rhymes, basketball and karate.
I can’t say I was too good at studying, but I always took an active part in the social life of school and a class.
But in the senior classes I made successes in the exact sciences (especially in mathematics, chemistry), computer science and physical training.
In the senior classes I took part in regional competitions on computer science (knowledge of algorithmic languages, Basic, Pascal). In one of the competitions I took the second place. I defended the honor of school being a member of KVN team.

I cannot forget my school teachers. I will always remain the feeling of gratitude for their patience and the given knowledge.

There was only one minus in school education the English language teachers changed all the time. So I learned the foreign language independently. In 1998, after one year of study, I finished the European school of correspondent training (ÅSCT) at the rate « English for beginners».


In 2001 I entered Donetsk National Technical University on faculty of mining geology on a speciality «Geoinformation systems and technologies».
The first years of training at university revealed, that the university was absolutely other step of education compared with the school - more independent and complex, with its own rules. But with every year of training, with passed exams studying became more interesting and easier.
After the 4-th year of study, I passed the state examinations perfectly well and received the bachelor's degree on a speciality «Geodesy, cartography and land management».
Now I am doing my master’s degree course.

While studying at the university, I am playing the acoustic guitar in the National orchestra of national instruments of a youth palace “Yunost”.
I like to read science fiction (one of my favorite book is «A Song of Ice and Fire» by George Martin), esoteric (Carlos Castaneda), I also like works by Paulo Êîelio. I prefer listening to rock music of various directions and that the soul requires.

From the third year of study I have been engaged in research activity under the supervision of professor Gavrilenko Jury Nikolayevich. My first work in which I was engaged, was «the Analysis of distribution of certificates on the basis of GIS technologies».
Now the theme of my master’s work is «The Spatial analysis of displacement distributions and deformations of a terrestrial surface while horizontal coal layers development on the basis of GIS-technologies».
Underground mining of coal layers renders huge influence on movement of terrestrial surfaces, and on buildings which are on the undermined territories. The question of influence of geological infringements on deformation of a terrestrial surface is one of the most difficult as the layers have complex structure, and the movement itself of the terrestrial surface depends on many factors.
The decision of the given problem, the analysis of deformations of a terrestrial surface are actual while carrying out monitoring of the ground, an estimation of the real estate, designing building, introduction necessary stocks in calculations of building construction.
In the given work it is necessary to make processing and the analysis of the existing data on mine working with the use of modern information technologies, and also to predict deformations of a terrestrial surface while horizontal coal layers development.

In the near future I am planning to realize my knowledge in practice. It would be desirable to find well paid work which would suit my interests.


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