THEME: "Structural and mineralogical-geochemical features of the Grabovskiy place of the Ol'khovatsko-Volyntcevskaya anticline in connection with estimation of auriferous"
Speciality "Geological survey,search and prospecting"
Master: Osetorv V.V.
Scientific leader: Associate professor Alochin Victor Ivanovich
Actuality of theme. Today one of main problems of industrial complex of Ukraine is providing by his non-ferrous metals. History was sad, that on territory of Ukraine was concentrated powerful complexes of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, heavy machine-building. If the supplies of ferrous metals in Ukraine are rather significant, situation with the non-ferrous metals today's moment is simple catastrophic. On territory of Ukraine are small ore of leads known, zinc, coppers, but they can not now fully provide the necessity of industry of Ukraine. Along with the further searches shows ore of these metals large attention is spared similarly to the searches of gold – one of strategically important and valuable metals.
Gold in Ukraine was known to our era yet. At general insufficient studied of auriferous, 240 deposits and shows of ore are exposed in Ukraine, and 3 auriferous regions are selected: Ukrainian shield, Carpathians and Donbass. The Muzhyevskoe deposit (Carpathians) is found out and prepared to exploitation. On a scales and level of industrial maintenance gold and silver, Donbass behaves to the perspective auriferous regions of Ukraine. The prognosis gold resources of Donbass are about 10% all prognosis resources of Ukraine. High-perspective areas with metallization of noble metals are occupied on area several hundred square kilometers. One of such areas, where at present are searches of gold, there Mykhaylovskiy and adjoining to him Grabovskiy areas, they are located on the axis of the Olkhovatsko – Volyntsevskaya anticline (Donetsk region, Miner's district). Searching works on the Mykhaylovskiy area were completed in 1998, on the basis they was make geochemical maps with industrial maintenances of gold and reserve was calculated. In connection with positive results the perspective of further searches on territory of the Grabovskiy area was grounde.
Communication of work with the scientific programs, plans, themes. The results of scientific researches, which are resulted in work, are got in the process of implementation of research works on a department «Minerals and ecological geology» of the Donetsk national technical university.
Purpose and basic tasks of researches. Purpose of masters work: make analysis of connections on mineralogical composition of tectonic structure and auriferous from Mykhaylovskiy area.
In a basis of experimental researches data by results of the spectral analysis of accompanying elements, and as spectral analyses of the tests selected from a core of chinks, drilled on Mykhaylovskiy area a site (Olkhovatsko – Volyntsevskaya anticline) have laid down.
Achievement of such tasks was favour the answer some problems:
• development of methodology of the use of new computer technologies for the prognosis of auriferous on areas, taking into account their tectonic structure, mineral composition of ore-bearing areas and other geological factors;
• Exposure of geological factors influencing on distributing of maintenance of gold in crevices;
• Study of conformity to the law between concentration of gold and geological factors and prognosis of their distribution on the areas of Mykhaylovskiy and Grabovskiy;
• Establishment of type of communication and receipt of law of distributing of gold mineralization;
• Development of indexes for complex geochemical mapping of the estimated areas;
• Development of prognosis mapping for similar show of ores of the Olkhovatsko – Volyntsevskaya anticline.
A research object is an area «Mykhaylovskiy» of gold show of ore of the Ol'khovatsko – Volyntsevskaya anticline.
The article of research is the study of distributing of gold in sedimentary rock in Carboniferous period of the Ol'khovatsko – Volyntsevskaya anticline.
Methods of researches. For the decision the set problems was used such complex of methods:
1) Statistical methods of the data processing of brief laboratory analyses for the exposure and determination of character of communications between geological factors and maintenance of gold;
2) Construction of prognostic map representing distributing of auriferous in a profile horizon;
3) Structural and tectonophysical analysis of mountain mass;
Practical value of the got results.
1) Development and ground of complex criteria, selection of perspective areas;
2) Introduction of method of computer treatment of geological information, with the use of indexes of distributing of gold metallization, for construction of prognostic map of auriferous on show of ore of the Olkhovatsko – Volyntsevskaya anticline;
Personal deposit of author. The materials collected by an author during the second production practice on Grabovskiy and Mykhaylovskiy areas are fixed in basis of work. An author conducts the statistical analysis, correlation communications between maintenance of gold and concentration of elements – satellites are exposed, the maps of show of ore with the use of the computer programs for interpretation of results of researches are built .
Publications. An author has one publication on the theme of research (see the list of references).
Structure of work. Masters work consists of introduction, three sections, literature and additions.
Conclusions. Within the limits of Mykhaylovskiy area is obvious the lithological control of metallization. Basic concentrations of gold are related to the packs of the sandstones selected in a cut by the promoted power to polyfacies genesises. This Mykhaylovskiy show of ore approaches myneralization of Central Kyzylkum, where maintenance of gold increases from slates to sandstones. The control of metallization from the side of separate break violations is not observed.
Sulfide gold metallization is closely interlaces with metasomatosis, which developed on a background the general local warming up of ore-bearing layer at the successive decline of temperature. Under a containing salts area is assumed an intrusive body as reason of origin of the temperature field.
Predominance of tectonic violations of fault type testifies to dominant role terms of tension in a process forming of crack-break structures that is a favorable factor for formation of auriferous mine.