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Osipova E.V.
The scientific superviso Nesterenko B.I.

Theme of master's work: "Database creation of graphic mine surveying documentation."

1. Introduction

The problem of automatization of geologic-survey works includes three aspects connected with mathematical modeling of geologic-production objects features, mathematical modeling of graphic documents and modeling of the process of information transformation. This information is acquired with the help of first model and transformed into graphic information. In first case the object of modeling is a natural object - minerals deposit or the part of it, in the second case - graphic document. Geologic-survey graphic documents differ a lot from other kinds of technical drawings by the following peculiarities:
  • mining-and-geological objects and their components ( geological-production and mine engineering objects) have composite form which is unique in nature for each deposit; at that on should stick to the rules required for the accuracy and authenticity of the picture;
  • due to constant development of the mining works and geological conditions alteration, mining-and-geological objects are dynamic, that requires constant graphics actualization
  • mining-and-engineering objects are not physical agents but voids in solid mass of mining works, that determines the necessity of observance of some conventionality at displaying.
  • the methods of orthogonal projection and orthographic projection with number marks are widely used at geological survey graphics fulfillment, that is why the plan is the main view (projection) of the image (picture);
  • in order to achieve the best perception of shape and geologic-production objects position it is necessary to use visual image, the most widely used of them are affine correspondence and vector projection, which are not applied in the other kinds of technical drawings.

2. Topic relevancy and task of investigation

Convectional values are used for graphic description of mining-and-geological objects. Graphic symbol is a conventional codification with graphic means of the inner content of the object, of its structure and other peculiarities within the frames of certain contours. Type, texture, structure and other peculiarities of minerals and enclosing rock and also elements of mining works are shown with the help of Convectional values. The basis of geologic-survey graphic symbols system is classification of mining-and-geological objects and their perimeters. Geologic-survey symbols and signs used in graphical documentation are characterized by their logic, ranked, hierarchy-like structure. Sign structure has subdivisions of different ranks, shows their hierarchy and interrelationship, gives their definition and sometimes quantitative characteristic of taxonomic units, their elements and combinations.
Convectional signs of technical documentation distinguish themselves by the high degree of unification and standardization. They include convectional legend of earth surface situation (relief elements and mining plant borders), survey and mine working for open-cut method and underground mining method, designation of minerals, rocks and mode of their occurrence, and also elements of hydrogeology and engineering geology. One can distinguish such kind of conventional values as hatching, coloured, speckle and also Latin and Greek letters. So, one divides with the help of colour rocks according to the age, minerals according to the material constitution. Letters as conventional signs are used for marking of magmatic rocks according to composition, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks according to age, minerals according to structure, texture and composition. Different varieties of rocks can be shown by hatching and speckle. Convectional graphic signs can be supported by the abbreviated explanations and also numerical characteristics of viewed object. Convectional values" and Convectional signs" are synonyms in literature.
So, it is reasonable to preserve the above mentioned version, but still consider the term convectional signs" as more wide and generalized. Geologic-survey machine graphics are to a certain degree a figured-sign reflection of mining-and-geological objects, created with the help of space composition of convectional values and signs (graphic elements) with all their bonds at mathematically defined surface (the view of picture, system of coordinates, reduction ratio) with determined approximation degree of transmission of positional, metrical, topological and natural-technological parameters. That is why geologic-survey convectional values and signs are integral component of automatized graphics. In order to use existing convectional values and signs in machine graphics it is necessary to create a system of marking, which has common principles of formation and reflects classification of mining-and -geological objects, their structural elements and properties in substantial aspect with extraction of metric and sign information. In order to make more rational organization of information base of automized graphics it is necessary to make thematic structuring of geologic-survey convectional values. Structuring of sign system will give the possibility to separate typical constructive elements, which graphic convectional signs are combined of.
Analysis of geologic-survey convectional values showed that:
  • In the graphic language there are elements of engineering, mathematical, verbal and numeric signs, which fulfill communication functions during the process of usage of graphic documentation.
  • In the geologic-survey convectional signs we can distinguish three main groups of constructive elements enabling to form graphic documentation.
They include: Linear ceaseless signs with subgroups of single and double lines with gradation depending on thickness of their linear sign, Dashed linear signs (dotty, dotted, chain-dotted), which are characterized with regular interchange of points, dashes, and their combinations, discrete signs (scale and non-scale), which have standard shape informative fragments reflecting structure of the sign inside of his contour.

3. Application of technologies on surveyor

In general case the graphic informative system built as the real database must contain not only clip arts but also communications between them. The groupment of clip arts is basis of such construction on their type or other signs (I.e. as it applies to bases is creation of domains) and pointing of interconnections between separate records (by corteges), as a rule, by including in the record of hierarchical elements.
To the basic stages related to organization and the GIS initialization belong: enumeration of all clip arts which can interest users GIS; classification of these elements on types (depending on the concrete appendix the GIS types of clip arts are determined by the decided tasks of users); description of every clip art, containing his characteristic attributes and entered in a database with the purpose of subsequent authentication of type of a next clip art written down in a base; distributing of responsibility between users GIS for creation, maintenance, conduct of informative base and access to every its section; establishment of composition of personnel to which is settled to use one or another elements of base, but it is forbidden to make alterations in them; providing of accordance in classifications of elements and responsibility for their maintenance, and also standardization of the names of elements of informative base (it is the intricate problem laid on service of administrator of database); establishment of rules of safety and fetch protection.
There are two widely used in practice method of indexation of clip arts and images First method is automatic forming and maintenance of catalogue of clip arts. This method befits for a small on volume informative fund, which besides can be separate on the row of the expressly expressed thematic sections. Essence of this method consists that at creation of a next graphic document the COMPUTER program automatically appropriates him a sequence number and puts it in accordance with heading entered by an user in reply to the prompt of COMPUTER. If an user wishes to save a document on of long duration storage, the system places his number and heading in a catalogue and automatically organizes the dispatch from this line of catalogue to information describing a document. At the search of necessary graphic document an user follows the catalogue reproduced on the screen of display, exemplary similarly, as he would search for a necessary paragraph in an ordinary book on its table of contents.
Simplicity of realization is advantage of the considered method; by the basic lack of appropriation to the graphic objects exemplary identical headings, that even at a small informative fund creates inconveniences for authentication of the required documents in the process of work with a catalogue. The second method consists in an example, when three categories of signs are used, on which it is possible to find the sought graphic document after are the formal signs automatically fixed by a computer at creation of image: number and heading of document, date of creation, date of the last adjustment; classification signs, keywords (descriptors) allowing to find a document on maintenance. Give GIS to the user possibility to provide the graphic section of informative fund in which all graphic documents are kept in form and, consequently, can easily and it is simple to be exposed to editing. Finally, it is expedient to keep the enormous archived fund of documents not subject to editing as the images selective only in the moment of maintenance of request for the receipt of concrete documents. Structural element of Gradation Continuous line (single, double) 8 gradations according to the thickness Dashed line, 3 gradations according to size of the dash and distance between dashes and 8 gradations according to thickness. Dotted line 8 gradation according to thickness between dot lines and their thickness.
Equilateral figures quadrate, triangle, rhombus Others point, circle, ellipse, trapeze, scalene triangle
Above mentioned groups of convectional values as per typical constructive elements enable every constructive graphic element of the sign to be described by certain set of parameters, which are necessary for software support development for creating convectional values and signs.

4. Usage of geographic-information technologies in mine survey

In the general case, graphic informational system arranged as real data base has to contain not only graphic elements but also ties between them. The basis of such arrangement is a grouping of graphic elements according to their type or other features (that is applying to relational bases - domains creation) and indication of interrelations between separate records (tuples), as a rule, by way of including hierarchic elements to records.
To the basic stages, connected with organization and initialization of geographical information system (GIS), belong: nominal recitation of all graphic elements which may be of some interest to users of GIS; classification of these elements according to the types (depending upon the specific supplement of GIS, types of graphic elements are defined through the current task of users); description of each graphic element containing its characteristic attributes and inputting to data base for the following identification of the type of the next writable into a base graphic element; sharing the responsibility between users of GIS for creation, support, inputting of information base and access to each of its division; determination of list of the personnel who are allowed to use one or another base element, but prohibited to make changes in them; provision of correspondence in elements classification and responsibility for their maintenance and also standardization of element names of information base (this very difficult task is to be fulfilled by administration of data base service); establishment of the rules of safety and protection from illegal access.
One of the main tasks of GIS creation is development of information-retrieval device, that is means, that give the opportunity to find quickly necessary pictures in information collection likewise documents are being found in information retrieval systems or data in date base.
There are two widely used methods of indexation of graphic elements and pictures. The first method is automatic formation and maintenance of graphic elements catalogue. This method can be applicable for not very large in volume information collection which also can be divided into a range of clearly defined thematic divisions (topics). Essence of the method is that at creation of the next graphic document the program of the computer gives automatically a serial number to the document and puts it in compliance with the heading, input by the user in response to computer prompting. If the user wants to save the document for a long time, the system puts its number and title into the catalogue and arranges automatically the link from this catalogue line to the data which describe the document. At searching of necessary graphic document, user makes use of catalogue shown at the screen as though he looked for necessary paragraph in an ordinary book with the help of its content. Advantage of this method is simplicity of implementation; main disadvantage is possibility of giving to the graphic objects almost the same titles, this fact makes, even if data collection is not big, different inconveniences during identification of required documents in the while working with catalogue.
Second method lies in the example when three categories of features are used, and with the help of these features one can find sought graphic document - formal attributes recorded by the computer at creation of picture: number and title of the document, the date of creation, the date of the last correction; classification features, key words (descriptors) giving the opportunity to find document according to its content. GIS give user the possibility to insure the graphic division of data collection in which all the documents are stored in digitized form and hence they can be easy edited. At last huge archival fund of documents which are not to be edited must be stored as pictures (statistics and dynamic), and undergone digitizing only selectively and in the moment of operation of inquiry for obtaining concrete documents.

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