Actuality of work and review of existent researches. Determination of genetic terms and factors of formation of industrial deposits of fire-clays is one of important scientific and practical problems of modern geological researches. A scientific problem consists in construction of model process of formation deposit and reconstructing of paleofacial situation for the receipt of dependence between genetic factors and high-quality descriptions of fire-clays.
     In domestic and foreign geological science there is contradiction in relation to the questions of genesis and mineral composition of fire-clays (refractory-clays), paleofacial and paleochemical circumstances of their accumulation source of terygene material.
     Such variety of decisions of question of genesis of fire-clays testifies to his ambiguousness and needs more detailed analysis.
     The problem of genesis of fire-clays is closely associated with the internalss of fire-clay, and this in the turn by economic efficiency of geological surveys and extractive works and acquires the especially important value in modern terms from a practical side
     Ukraine belongs to the states with the exceptionally rich bowels of the earth and powerful raw mineral-material complex. Now technical potential of country is defined by the level of development of metallurgy, that forms a material base for acceleration of technical progress. The mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine now provides about 27% commodity production, more 40% currency receipts. About 80% rental of black metals, that makes an approximately 3% volume of world trade by this type of products, follows on the export. On the production volume of cast-iron and steel Ukraine takes 7 place in a world. And refractory products in metallurgical process is a very important link, they are needed for the lining-up of high and martins furnaces. Except for basic direction are metallurgies, spectrum of industries of the use of fire-clays very wide : сeramic industry (rough and thin ceramics, рorcelain and glazed pottery ), chemical, electronic, pharmaceutical industry, for revetment of spaceships, in well-drilling.
     Work is directed on establishment of reliable genetic and high-quality conformities to the law of spatial distribution of layer of chasov-yar?s fire-clays. Rich quantitative and theoretical material is accumulated already sufficiently as a result of the conducted geological works consideration of which up-to-date design and computer data processing can decide the put questions.
      The connection of work with the scientific programs, plans, themes. Basic direction of the conducted researches answers the program of scientific and technical development of the Donetsk region on a period to 2020 year, and also substantive provision of the government program of development and reformation of mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine on a period to 2011 year.
     Results of scientific researches which are resulted «Minerals and ecological geology» of the Donetsk national technical university are in-process got in the process of implementation of researches works on departments.
      Purpose and basic tasks of researches. The purpose of this work consists in the theoretical ground and construction of model process of formation fire-clays deposit and reconstructing of paleofacial situation for the receipt of dependence between genetic factors and qualitative descriptions of fire-clays. Practical task – to define possibility of construction on the basis of investigational genetic and qualitative law-governed to the of prognoses technological maps on high-quality fire-clays.
     The decision of such tasks was instrumental in achievement of purpose:
     - it is deep theoretical research of questions of genesis of fire-clays;
     - it is determination of close cross-correlation connection between the indexes of qualitative descriptions of clays;
     -it is ground, approbation of indexes for complex geochemical mapping explored area;
     - it is exposure of connections between the got indexes and prognoses resources;
      Research object is area Pivdenna of the unique Chasov-Yar fire-clays deposit.
      Article of research –genetic features and connection of qualitative descriptions of fire-clays.
      Methods of researches. Such complex of methods was used for the decision of the put tasks: 1) construction of genesis model deposit and reconstructing of paleofacial situation;2) statistical methods of treatment of these brief chemical analyses for determination of сharacter соnnection between qualitative descriptions of fire-clays; 3) cross-correlation and regressive analysis during test of connections and ground of dependence between high-quality indexes.
      Scientific novelty of the got results. 1)defined genetic conditions of formation of fire-clays deposit on the basis of generalization theoretical material in this industry; 2) developed multiplicative index of quality fire-clays.
      Practical value of the got results. Perceptible economic effect from the extractive works, conducted on the basis of prognoses and technological mapping on high-quality fire-clays on the basis of the expected complex index of quality, which removes connection of genetic and qualitative descriptions of fire-clays. Results of this work can define the entities selection of the primary mastering during a booty and used during searching works.
      Personal payment of author. Materials for this work were collected by an author during two productions practics on the Chasov-Yar deposit and own researches at implementation of SRWS. Author built specialized geochemical maps with application of the computer programs with aim interpretation of results researches.
      Approbation of results of dissertation. Results of this work are inculcated on JSC “Chasov-Yar Refractory Works” as the built maps of quality complex index and separate qualitative descriptions. Results of this work are published in the 5 articles,collections of scientific labours materials and theses of conferences, was given a report at international conferences (Donetsk-2004, 2005, Kiev-2006).
      Publications. The substantive provisions of master's degree work are published in the 5 articles оf collections scientific labours materials and theses of conferences.
      Structure of work and conclusions. Dissertation consists of entry, four sections, conclusions, list of the used sources and additions.
     In the first section „Position of genesis questions fire-clays and influencing them on qualitative indexes” the state of decision is given problems of genesis fire-clays and qualitative descriptions related to him.
     Plastic fire-clays are the prime example of mineral raw material which properties are case sensitive genesis. So, finding of genetic features of the explored clays matters very much practical. Especially important faithful decision of genesis problem for organization of searching-reconnaissances and extractive works on fire-clays, plastic variety of which is scarce raw material.
     It is considered that a kaolinite prevails in mineral composition of сhasov-yar's fire-clays. Penecontemporaneous opening in 1932 by the academician Belaynkin D.S. and Kumanin in 1933 a new mineral of monothermit defined in science other point of view. In literature there is a lot of the names of mineral alike after the properties on a monothermit: mellorite (for Brindley), livesit, fire-clay, illite of сhasov-yar's type” „protokaolin”, сhasovrit, X-mineral, glimerton.
     Points of view of many researchers ambiguous also in relation to the paleofacial and paleochemical circumstances of accumulation of clays. One researchers consider that in poltavsk time in place of modern deposit was located continental one fresh shallow pool with thick vegetation on banks, other lead about disconnected whether in some measure reservoirs tied-up between itself.
     In the second section „Geological and genetics types of kaolins and clays” described types of industrial deposits of kaolins and clays their classification chart is given.
     Geological description of the deposit of Chasov-Yar fire-clays and explored area, qualitative indexes of fire-clay, is considered in the third section .
     Analysis of influencing of genetic terms on the qualitaty of сhasov-yar's fire-clays expounded in a fourth section. Statistical research of selection from 273 values of brief technical analyses was executed, expected coefficients of correlation, regressional analysis executed with the aim construction of credible statistical and spatial model of distributing of basic high-quality descriptions (Fe2O3, Al2O3, refractoriness).
     It is certain that a heat-resistance depends on correlation of maintenance Al2O3and Fe2O3 and TiO2 are harmful admixtures which negatively influence on the quality of fire-clays.
     So, basic genetic factors set in geoinformative systems which formed the quality of сhasov-yar's fire-clays as a result of combination of the built of technological sort maps and maps of changeability of different genetic factors (tectonic, morphological, chemical composition and physical properties of rocks, genesis of minerals).
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      4.    Отрышко Е.В., Романова В.Ю. Совершенствование методов экологического образования как фактор оптимизации отношений «человек – окружающая среда»//Сб.науч.трудов."Охрана окружающей среды и рациональное использование природных ресурсов"-Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2003,-с.63-65.
      5.    Буряк Г.О., Отришко О.В.Потенційний екологічний ризик геодинамічних зон//Збірка тез доповідей ІХ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції студентів, аспірантів та молодих вчених "Екологія. Людина. Суспільство"/ Укладач Д.Е. Бенатов. -К.:НТУУ "КПІ", 2006.С.64.
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