Subject masters of work:
" Features deforme of tunnels of the Donetsk underground on sites of transition of geological infringements and sites, by clearing works. "
The purpose of work:
Development on maintenance of stability of tunnels in a zone of influence of geological infringements and clearing works.
Undergrounds in several cities of Ukraine now are constructed: Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, in the long term - construction in Lvov, Odessa, Lugansk. The underground in these cities will decidea transport problem, as the existing types of transport any more do not correspond available.
Structure of the underground - complex and process of development of underground space having the feature in comparison with realization of mountain developments. By the special complexity the construction of the underground in city Donetsk in territory Donetsk differs. Presence tectonik of infringements, variety of geological features and changes in of small spaces - and all this on by collieries territories. Scale precedent of a structure of the underground in similar conditions the world practice does not give.
The tunnels of undergrounds build in the basic ways, which can be united in two groups - the closed and open ways.
The construction of Donetsk underground is carried out by the closed way, which is applied at a structure of tunnels deep and fine. Thus all works on construction are conducted in underground conditions. To conducting of works and erection of tunnel designs in underground conditions depending on main-geological conditions and sizes of tunnels is applied a way representing with disclosing of complete section and installation with the help.
In practice of domestic underground construction the transport tunnels are considered as capital structures, on long term of operation, not less than 100-150 years. During this period they should meet the requirements of operational reliability, providing non-failure operation, durability, and maintainability of a structure as a whole and his components, i.e. to ensure ability of a structure to execute the given functions. The practice shows, that in first 10 years of operation of tunnels usually of any serious damages of designs and operational equipment does not arise. In 15-25 years some defects are observed. On 50-70 years the damages being a consequence of unsuccessful designing and construction, aging of materials of designs of a tunnel, change in a ground, environmental it are marked.
While in service underground designs of undergrounds on separate sites undergo significant changes. At the expense of presence between blocks, leaky or emptiness . The settlement circuit of reliability for such designs can be accepted as system with casual initial errors, in which there are temporary changes caused by change of loadings from the settlement circuit or aging of materials.
The realization of developments in a mountain file breaks balance of mountain breeds, therefore last are deformed and are moved together. Usually of breeds reaches of a surface and she also undergoes deformations.
The used literature:
1. ЛысиковБ.А., Розенвассер Г.Р., Шаталов В.Ф. "Строительство метрополитена и подземных сооружений на
подработанных территориях"./Севастополь: "Вебер", 2003.-302с.
2. Проф.Стягун А.В. Конспект лекций 2006г. По дисциплине: "Маркшейдерские работы при
3. "Mаркшейдерко -геодезическая техническая инструкция ВСН 160-69"