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Donetsk National Technical University Sayenko Anna

Sayenko Anna

Faculty: Mining and geological

Speciality: Land deviser and cadastre

Theme of master's work: Analysis of the system of taxation of the real estate and earth

The supervisor: Mytrofanova H.I., associate professor of department of "Geoinformatics and geodesy"

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Middle mark in the period of studies in university put together 4,8. I know Russian and Ukrainian, also I know English on an average level. I have some professional experience as result of summer practis. Besides, I like to read very much.

Email: shanyta@mail.ru

Short biography:

I live with my parents in Khartsyzsk of Donetsk region. I was an ordinary child, although, parents told me that already at that age I differed from other children. I think, all parents consider their children to be the special and it is, probably, correctly. On the basis of my parents' stories this feature was expressed, for example, in the fact I began to speak very early and already at the age of 15 months I recited nursery rhymes.

I liked to go to school very much. I studied in a class with a physics and mathematics bias and this made me happy, because I had interests in physics and mathematics. In general I prefer technical disciplines more than humanitarian ones. However, not only studies were a basic element in school life. I got busy in a school theater, participated in theatricals, and also in different school activities. Besides, I have always liked to read.

The choice of university was made at the beginning of the last year of studying at school. The choice was not difficult, because I always wanted to study in DonNTU. But the choice of speciality was difficult. I simply gave up the idea to study economics, it seemed to me such a banal thing. So, I wanted such a speciality which would be span-new, such, which I had never heard even about. And I chose such a speciality, it was "Land deviser and cadastre" on the department of "Geoinformatic and geodesy" at the Mining and geological faculty of DonNTU.

It wasn't difficult for me to study during first two years at university, probably, because there was the large supply of knowledge from school. During the first year of study I took part in the III Regional scientific student conference on the questions of becoming and development of the legal and legislative system of Ukraine. I highlighted a question "Right of intellectual ownership in Ukraine", a supervisor was Meleshko P.A.I got a bachelor's degree with an honour, as it is said with a "red" certificate. But the studying at the university was not limited only by the studies, here I found friends, with whom I hope I will be in touch after graduating from university.

Then I decided to do a master's degree course. My task now is to do my best for successful completion of master's degree.I chose the theme of my master's degree work long ago, only there were some changes in formulation. Now it sounds approximately as follows: "Analysis of the system of taxation of the real estate and earth and suggestion of the optimum system for Ukraine on the basis of experience of foreign countries". My supervisor is Mytrofanova H.I., associate professor of department of "Geoinformaticû and geodesy". We have choseò this theme, because the system of taxation is unperfect in Ukraine now and Tax Code has not been even accepted yet. We don't have necessary legislative base for the development and perfection of taxation in Ukraine.

My plans for the future are first of all to get my master's degree successfully and to find a deserving and desirable job and to become a self-realized person.

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